Managing psoriasis flare-ups – Treatment and medications
Diseases & Conditions

Managing psoriasis flare-ups – Treatment and medications

How to manage skin flare-ups for psoriasis: treatment and medications Psoriasis is a skin condition that is known to be a recurring autoimmune disorder. This condition is characterized by red, flaky patches on the skin, and there is a rapid buildup of skin cells, which causes scaling on the skin’s surface. Though some treatments help ease the symptoms of psoriasis, there is no cure for this condition. These treatments are a combination of home remedies and prescribed medications to control specific triggers. Different treatment approaches There are two types of approaches to treating this condition. The first is topical and involves direct application of creams and ointments on the skin to relieve mild to moderate psoriasis. The other is the systemic approach, which involves taking medication orally or injecting it directly to treat moderate to severe psoriasis. Since these medications can have severe side-effects, they are just short-term prescriptions. Light therapy is another approach to treatment that uses ultraviolet or natural light to kill the overactive white blood cells that attack healthy skin cells and cause rapid cell growth, leading to the buildup. Patients are advised to use both UVA and UVB light to help reduce the symptoms of this condition.
Treatment options and medications for managing rheumatoid arthritis
Diseases & Conditions

Treatment options and medications for managing rheumatoid arthritis

Treatment options and medications for managing rheumatoid arthritis A long-term, progressive and, disabling autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis causes inflammation, swelling, and pain in and around the joints and other body organs. It occurs when a person’s immune system mistakenly assumes the body’s healthy tissues as foreign invaders and, as a response, inflammation occurs in the target tissue or the organ. While this condition can occur in any joints, it usually affects the hands and feet in the initial stage. Treatment approaches for rheumatoid arthritis patients Unfortunately, currently there is no cure to treat rheumatoid arthritis, but there are treatment options that can help reduce inflammation in the joints, relieve the pain, and slow down the damage caused to the joints. Physical therapy The goal is to keep you moving, this therapy uses exercise and other methods that stimulate muscles, bones, and joints. Instead of planning your own personal exercise chart, it’s advisable to consult a professional therapist who is aware of the challenges occurring with rheumatoid arthritis patients and how to work around it to keep the patients fit. Occupational therapy Since rheumatoid arthritis can make daily tasks difficult to accomplish due to pain and swelling, this therapy comes as a rescue.
6 prescription medicines used for treating migraines
Diseases & Conditions

6 prescription medicines used for treating migraines

6 prescription medicines used for treating migraines A migraine is a form of severely painful, recurring headaches that are typically accompanied by a range of sensory symptoms such as temporary vision loss, pins and needles in the arms or legs, difficulty speaking, hearing noises, seeing bright lights, and uncontrollable jerking or other movements. Depending on the severity, this condition can last for hours or even days. According to the American Migraine Foundation, over 36 million people are suffering from this condition. In addition, women are 3 times more likely to get migraines than men. While its exact cause still remains unknown, episodes can be triggered by hormonal fluctuations, emotional distress, fatigue, alcohol, caffeine, dehydration, certain types of medications, and environmental factors. Treatment The following medications are commonly used to treat migraine symptoms. Some of these help mitigate the existing headache, while some prevent the onset of a migraine, reducing the frequency of attacks. Ergomar® Ergomar® belongs to a group of compounds known as ergot alkaloids. These are specially designed for migraine-type headaches, so they shouldn’t be taken to treat common tension headaches or other headaches different from migraine. This medication alleviates migraine headaches by narrowing the widened blood vessels in the head.
Popular medications for neutropenia

Popular medications for neutropenia

Popular medications for neutropenia Neutropenia is a condition where the body does not have enough neutrophils. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cells that are vital to helping the body fight infection. They fight the infection off by destroying harmful bacteria and fungi like yeast that invade the body. Importance of neutrophils It is essential to have a sufficient number of neutrophils in the body; otherwise, the person is prone to several infections. The risk of infection is so high that the person has to be extra cautious about sanitation and hygiene. While washing hands, in general, is good practice, they must wash their hands regularly or they are at the risk of getting serious infections. Symptoms While neutropenia itself does not cause any symptom, it triggers infections which show symptoms like: Sore throat Sores in the mouth or a toothache Pain or burning when urinating Abdominal pain Pain near the anus Unusual vaginal discharge Redness, swelling or pain around cuts or wounds Diarrhea or sores around the anus Shortness of breath or a cough Causes Neutrophils are produced in the bone marrow of larger bones and anything that disrupts this process of production in the bone marrow can lead to this condition.
Effective treatment and preventive options for dry eyes

Effective treatment and preventive options for dry eyes

If your eyes feel gritty like they have sand stuck inside them, appear red, burn, and/or sting, then you could have dry eyes. Dry eyes occur when the tiny glands within and around the eyelids don’t produce enough tears to keep the eyes healthy and your vision clear. Healthy tears, which are produced by eyes, keep the surface of the eye hydrated, comfortable, and smooth, washing away debris and dust and protecting them from infection. However, factors such as age, medications, and certain diseases tend to result in the eyes producing fewer tears. A person can experience dry eyes when the eyes do not produce the right kind of tears for clearing out dust/debris particles or keeping the surface well-lubricated. While there are cases wherein the doctor might have to treat underlying diseases or issues for helping your eyes produce tears, there are also some natural home remedies for dry eyes that one can follow to find relief. Warm compresses Tears are made of mucus, water, and oil, all of which the eyes require for staying healthy and moist. Flaky, inflamed eyelids could end up clogging the oil-producing glands along the eyelid’s edge, resulting in dry eyes. To help loosen the clogged oils and ease the irritation, take a clean washcloth, wet it with warm water and wring it before placing it over your closed eyes for a minute.
7 best foods and drinks for a healthy liver
Diets & Meal Plans

7 best foods and drinks for a healthy liver

Liver functioning is an essential process of the human body. The liver is required to help detox your body, break down carbohydrates, make glucose, store all the nutrients and produce bile. Bile liquid is required to absorb all the nutrients and digest them by giving a proper metabolism to the body. Taking care of your liver is part of a holistic nutrition hence you should be aware of what destroys your liver and what helps its healthy functioning. For your overall health functioning the ability of the liver to do all the above is a necessity. Any kind of liver dysfunction can lead to bodily disorders like type 2 diabetes, metabolism issues, and other liver diseases which could also lead to death. It is possible to manage the risk factors once the liver dysfunction starts by making sure you have a healthy intake of food and drinks that are good for the liver. Plant foods A large number of plant foods like avocado, bananas, barley, broccoli, beetroots, carrots, figs, lemons, papayas, chard, kale, celery, and watermelons are foods that are good for the liver. Grapefruit Naringenin and naringin are the two main antioxidants present in grapefruit which is one of the foods that are good for the liver.
6 nutrients that affect the growth of hair
Diets & Meal Plans

6 nutrients that affect the growth of hair

By following a healthy balanced diet, your hair can become stronger and shinier. Consumption of the right kind of food can also prevent the loss of hair. If a person does not get certain nutrients through their diet, they may see the consequences result in hair loss and hair thinning. Omega-3 fatty acids Omega-3 fatty acids assure nourishment to the entire head, including the hair shaft as well as the membranes of the cell in one’s scalp. Nourishment of the follicles promotes healthy growth of the hair. It also adds elasticity to the person’s hair which prevents the hair from breaking. Some of the sources of omega-3 fatty acids are grapeseed oil, Brussels sprouts, kale, tuna, salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds. Zinc Zinc helps in keeping one’s hair and scalp healthy by boosting the tissue repair and growth. It also helps in the regulation of hormones that include testosterone in the men’s body, and enabling the production of glands that secrete oil on the scalp helping the hair to grow. Higher levels of testosterone are associated with the loss of hair. So, one requires only 11 milligrams of zinc per day. The best sources of obtaining zinc are roast beef, veal liver, beef, oysters, wheat germ, and chickpeas.
Follow these guidelines to maintain prostate health

Follow these guidelines to maintain prostate health

Good food and proper nutrition are beneficial in reducing the risk of developing diabetes, heart diseases, cancer, obesity, and prostate cancer. One third of adults die of cancer in the country. A healthy diet enhances the immune system and increases the energy levels, which facilitates in recovery from diseases. It is important to maintain a healthy diet if you want to lower the risk of developing prostate cancer. Here are some guidelines you can follow to maintain the health of your prostate. Your diet should contain plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are rich in fiber but low in fat, and the intake of sugar should be largely reduced. For prostate health Fruits and vegetables contain lots of vitamins, inflammation-reducing substances, natural fiber, minerals, polyphones, and antioxidants. Many people do not consume enough fruits and vegetables and a change in the way you eat is required by including a variety of vegetables and fruits. These should include cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli, which contain phytochemicals that help reduce oxidative stress. Carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, pomegranate, grapes, grapefruit are citrus fruits and can be included in one’s diet to manage prostate health. A research group has linked prostate cancer with lycopene, which is an antioxidant, and its consumption reduces the risk of prostate cancer.