5 natural remedies to treat hair loss in children

5 natural remedies to treat hair loss in children

5 natural remedies to treat hair loss in children We often associate hair loss only with adulthood. However, even young children can suffer from hair loss. The reasons for this can be many including alopecia areata, Tinea capitis or scalp ringworm, Trichotillomania, and vitamin deficiency, among others. Getting medical help is the best recourse. However, there are also supplementary hair care methods you can try at home to care for your kid’s mane. Here are some easy and natural remedies to treat hair loss in kids. Coconut oil massage Your child might complain about the messy feel of having coconut oil on their scalp. This might have stopped you from trying out this natural remedy. However, coconut oil works to fight hair loss in children. It is natural and free from side effects. It gently replenishes the lost hydration in the scalp and stimulates the growth of new hair strands. Onion juice pack Although the thought of having onion juice on the scalp might sound unappealing, studies have proven that it is highly effective in fighting hair loss and promoting the growth of new hair. In fact, a study on onion juice showed that people suffering from alopecia areata benefitted greatly from daily application of this juice to their scalp.
Dietary changes to naturally treat amyloidosis

Dietary changes to naturally treat amyloidosis

Dietary changes to naturally treat amyloidosis Amyloidosis is a condition in which the protein amyloid is excessively produced and gathers in the organs. Till date, there is no known cure for this condition; there are, however, many ways to successfully manage this condition naturally. Here are some dietary changes you can make to successfully treat amyloidosis the natural way. Limit salt intake The heart and the kidneys are two organs that suffer major damage from amyloidosis. With this condition, the heart loses its ability to move and circulate blood efficiently. The kidneys lose their ability to retain sufficient protein. These problems can lead to swelling in the body. This swelling becomes most prominent in the hands and feet. A diet that is heavy in salt can worsen the patient’s health. It is always recommended to follow a diet that is low in salt to minimize the damage from swelling. Apart from adding less salt to your food, you would need to minimize your intake of processed snacks and pickles that are high in salt. Limit bowel irritants For those who have bowel problems as part of amyloidosis, doctors recommend limiting the intake of caffeinated beverages like coffee. On the other hand, certain research indicates that tea may have beneficial properties for the digestive tract in people suffering from this condition.
Treatment options for dyskinesia
Diseases & Conditions

Treatment options for dyskinesia

Treatment options for dyskinesia Seeking treatment for dyskinesia may get complicated depending on the severity of the disease. Some people try going off the medication levodopa altogether as most doctors agree that this medication is the primary cause for the condition. However, if you are off levodopa, you face a new set of challenges. The tremors, stiffness, and rigidity start surfacing again — this may result in the doctor prescribing additional doses of levodopa. Most doctors think that it is important to find the right balance. Some people may have to go off levodopa for a longer period of time, but the aftereffects can be tough to handle. Other people may choose to stay on the drug for long to avoid the severe consequences of Parkinson’s disease and dyskinesia. Let’s examine some of the treatment options for dyskinesia. Medication Opt for a controlled release form of levodopa. This prevents you from experiencing peak levels of the medicine, giving you relief from dyskinesia. Another alternative is breaking down the daily dose of levodopa into smaller more frequent doses throughout the day so as to prolong the effects. Some people also use other drugs that slow down the breakdown of levodopa so that its effects are felt for a longer time.
5 easy natural remedies for hair loss in women

5 easy natural remedies for hair loss in women

5 easy natural remedies for hair loss in women Hair loss has become increasingly rampant among women of all ages. This could be due to several reasons such as heavy exposure to pollution, stress, chemicals in hair care products, or simply the result of genes. Natural remedies are often preferred to avoid the side effects of medicated treatments. So, here are some easy and natural remedies to treat hair loss in women. A green tea hair wash You might have heard of the myriad health benefits that green tea offers, but did you know that it also works wonders for your hair? All you need to do is take one large mug of warm water. Keep two green tea bags to brew in it for a few minutes. Let the water cool down. Now, after washing your hair, run this water through your hair as a final rinse. You can leave it in or rinse your hair one last time with cold water to seal and tighten the hair follicles. This remedy is quite simple and extremely effective. Aloe vera hair mask Aloe vera has many nutritional properties that make it perfect for hair care. The aloe vera gel is full of proteolytic enzymes and amino acids that help prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.
4 natural remedies to treat hair loss in men

4 natural remedies to treat hair loss in men

4 natural remedies to treat hair loss in men Hair loss is an extremely common problem faced by people as they age. While it is normal to lose around 100 strands of hair a day, anything more than that signals a problem. It is difficult to know exactly how many strands are being shed, so noticing clumps of hair on your pillow or in your sink drain are warning signals. And waiting till you see a receding hairline is definitely not recommended. If you are facing hair loss, you need to seek urgent treatment in the preliminary stages to prevent baldness. Along with proper medical care, here are some easy natural remedies that have proven effective to treat hair loss in men. Take vitamin supplements Hair loss is often linked to some nutritional deficiency. If you suffer from hair loss, then get yourself checked for any kind of deficiency. For most people, a deficiency of vitamins A, B7, and E lead to hair loss. The best way to add vitamins to your diet is through food. But for added nutrition, you can ask your doctor for suggesting vitamin supplements. Vitamin B7 is also known as biotin and helps in hair growth.
5 effective home remedies for amyloidosis
Diseases & Conditions

5 effective home remedies for amyloidosis

5 effective home remedies for amyloidosis Amyloidosis is a condition in which the body is unable to process the protein amyloid correctly. Excess amyloid gets distributed through the body and can often impair organ health and functioning. Amyloidosis affects people in different ways depending on which organ is impacted. The different types of amyloidosis are renal, cardiac, and gastrointestinal amyloidosis. There is no known cure for this condition, but it can be managed with a balance of home remedies and medicines. Here are five effective home remedies to help control the symptoms of amyloidosis. Heart-healthy foods The heart is one of the main organs that gets impacted by improper protein processes in the body. Thus, it is essential to follow a low-fat and low-cholesterol diet for heart health. Foods that are good for your heart include green leafy vegetables, avocados, walnuts, tomatoes, beans, nuts and seeds, garlic, onions, and dark chocolate. Also, make sure to get sufficient potassium in your diet through bananas, oranges, prunes, and dried fruit. Omega-3 diet Including these healthy fatty acids in your diet prevent complications from amyloidosis from reaching the heart and affecting the circulatory system. Omega-3 can be found in walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, and linseed oil.
Natural Remedies and Alternative Medication to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Natural Remedies and Alternative Medication to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Natural herbs and remedies have long been associated with sexual health and increasing sexual competency. However, it would be wise for potential takers to exercise caution as they may come with side effects. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is characterized by the lack of an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. This can lead to embarrassment or insecurities that can potentially make the problem worse. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available. Some natural remedies have been used in many cultures for years and are derived from special plants and herbs. Some of the natural remedies for ED include L-arginine There is evidence to indicate that large doses of L-arginine can be helpful in restoring potency and improving erections. This is because L-arginine opens up the blood vessels and this helps in restoring blood flow to the penis. There could also be some potential side effects and these include cramps, diarrhea, and nausea. It is to be noted that L-arginine is not to be taken with Viagra. Propionyl-L-carnitine Propionyl-L-carnitine should be taken under the strict guidance and after consultations with a doctor. It is believed that it works well with Viagra and increases its effect to provide the desired erection. It works better with Viagra compared to taking it alone.
7 lifestyle changes that can help improve psoriatic arthritis
Diets & Meal Plans

7 lifestyle changes that can help improve psoriatic arthritis

Psoriasis arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects the skin causing red patches, development of flakes and inflammation. Two to three percent of the world’s population has psoriasis, with about 8 million affected people from the US alone. Patients with psoriasis tend to develop an inflammatory form of arthritis called psoriatic arthritis. It affects about 1% of the population and can result in a poor quality of life. With that being said, here are seven lifestyle changes that can help improve psoriatic arthritis. Eat healthily Following a healthy diet is a lifestyle change that has to be incorporated into everyone’s life, be it someone suffering from psoriatic arthritis or not. Its importance cannot be reinstated enough with obesity being one of the rising concerns in today’s world. Eating healthy. Psoriatic arthritis patients should take care to consume food that is low in salt, sugar, and fat. Since psoriatic arthritis causes pain in the joints, being overweight does not help this at all. Drink lots of water and consume enough fruits and vegetables. Stay active An active lifestyle, similar to healthy eating is not specific to psoriatic arthritis patients but everyone in general. Daily exercise helps to reduce stiffness in the joints, which is one of its many symptoms.