List of foods to be avoided by colitis
Diets & Meal Plans

List of foods to be avoided by colitis

Colitis is a chronic disorder that exists as inflammation and sores in the inner lining of the large intestine or the colon and inflammation of the rectum. Certain foods tend to aggravate the conditions associated with colitis, such as fatigue, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and increased urge to go for bowel movement. It is essential to eat foods that help to reduce flares and get essential nutrients also. Again, there are foods that should be avoided as they can act as a trigger. Here’s a comprehensive list of foods to avoid for colitis patients: Alcohol: Some people are intolerant to alcohol. It can trigger diarrhea as it can stimulate the intestines. Alcohol is a top food to avoid for colitis patients. Caffeine: Caffeine consumption often leads to frequent visits to the bathroom. Found in beverages such as coffee, tea, some carbonated drinks, and even chocolates, it is known to worsen the symptoms of colitis. Caffeine should be avoided by colitis patients. Carbonated drinks: Drinks such as beer and soda can irritate and trigger the digestive tract. They also contain sugar and caffeine. Dairy products: Dairy products should be avoided especially if you’re lactose intolerant. They tend to trigger colitis symptoms in some people but not everyone.
5 foods to relieve constipation
Diets & Meal Plans

5 foods to relieve constipation

Constipation commonly refers to infrequent or hard to pass bowel movements. When the food moves slowly through the digestive tract, the colon absorbs more water through the food, making the feces dry and hard. In such cases, it becomes difficult to expel them from the body. In such conditions, using laxatives should be a last resort. Constipation can be treated by consuming certain food items and following a balanced diet. There are many choices of food to relieve constipation like those that contain high fiber. Everyone responds differently to foods, but some are known to be effective regardless. Here’s a brief on the foods to relieve constipation: Prunes Prunes or dried plums are one of the most widely used foods to relieve constipation. Readily available in the market, they are high in fiber, containing as much as 2 grams of fiber for every 28 grams of serving. They also contain phenolic compounds and sorbitol that can help relieve bowel movements. A study found that consuming 100 grams of prunes per day has been known to aid digestion significantly. Prunes can be enjoyed in the natural form, or in smoothies, baked foods, salads, and cereals. Apples Apples contain pectin, which increases the beneficial bacteria in the gut, and they provide for about 17% of the daily recommended intake of fiber.
5 energy-boosting foods for COPD
Diets & Meal Plans

5 energy-boosting foods for COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) refers to a problem that restricts the flow of air, leading to breathing problems. COPD is caused mainly due to smoking. The other causes of COPD include inhalation of gases, passive smoking, or exposure to pollution. COPD can be classified into three types. The common signs shown by people suffering from COPD are frequent lung infections, cough, and shortness of breath. Although COPD is not curable, it is preventable. Quitting the habit of smoking is the best way one can get relief of COPD. Other options include maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating some energy-boosting foods that help lower the symptoms of COPD. Some energy-boosting foods which should be included for people suffering from COPD include: Whole grains Whole grains like millet, quinoa, and barley are a great source of energy-boosting foods for people with COPD. These grains are rich in vitamins, fiber, protein, and carbohydrates. Moreover, they do not have a high-calorie count. The carbohydrates present in whole grains help boost energy as they do not contain refined carbohydrates; these also provide a filling meal . Consuming whole grain foods help improve the digestion process and maintain a healthy weight. Fresh fruits and vegetables A healthy diet should include a good combination of fresh fruits and vegetables as it provides a lot of nutritional value.
Foods to ease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease
Diets & Meal Plans

Foods to ease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease

Since Crohn’s disease directly affects the digestive tract and causes irritation and discomfort in the alimentary canal, people suffering from this disease should take primary care of their regular diet. The amount of food consumed, the calorie intake, and many other factors should be taken into consideration when suffering from this condition. In certain cases, the symptoms could get worse if one fails to maintain a healthy diet. What is Crohn’s disease? Crohn’s disease is both rare and life-threatening. It is a chronic disease which requires long-term medical attention and is mostly incurable. It results in inflammation of the intestines and might be accompanied by scarring of the inner intestinal lining. It can occur in any part of the intestine; however, the colon of the large intestine and ileum of the small intestine are prone to get affected more easily. The condition often lasts for years but can be lifelong for some people. Crohn’s disease may also result in ulcers in the inner lining as well as fistulae, which is extremely painful. Laboratory testing, as well as abdominal imaging, helps detect the disease. Foods to ease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease Since Crohn’s disease is not easy to cure, people suffering from it are advised to take thorough care of their diet.
Top nutrition tips to manage epilepsy
Diets & Meal Plans

Top nutrition tips to manage epilepsy

Living with epilepsy can be challenging and it is essential to know how to manage it better. People suffering from this condition are constantly looking for ways to stay seizure-free. It is believed that a balanced diet that has the right amount of nutrients from various food groups can ensure that the brain and body function normally. So, a diet can help one control seizures and live with epilepsy efficiently. How diet affects epilepsy While no food can trigger an epileptic seizure, a well-planned diet can reduce the risks of seizures by maintaining good health. A balanced diet will give one the energy and important nutrients and better sleep and stamina for engaging in activities. These factors can help one live better; one becomes more positive and develops stronger focus and control to manage the condition. Top nutrition tips for living well with epilepsy When the body metabolizes fats, it produces ketones. So, following a Ketogenic diet forces the body to utilize more fats for energy production instead of glucose or sugar through a diet that increases fat intake and lowers carbohydrate intake. This diet plan can work in reducing seizures amongst kids and grownups suffering from epilepsy. But for this diet to work its magic, one will have to follow it without any breaks.
Pros and cons of a ketogenic diet
Diets & Meal Plans

Pros and cons of a ketogenic diet

Ketosis is a metabolic reaction that takes place when the body does lacks carbohydrates and looks to burn fat instead to give the body the energy it requires. Ketogenic diets have recently become very popular, but few realize that it comes with a variety of both pros and cons. The benefits of this diet have been well established and the results are very appealing. That being said, results are guaranteed only if it’s done right and the pros and cons of a keto diet are fully understood before jumping into it. Pros Following a keto diet rewards you with a variety of benefits, such as Lose body fat Ketogenic diets have proven to lose weight and especially lower the body fat percentage even though the intake of fat is higher than usual diets. This is primarily because the fat being consumed are healthy fats and is being burned by the body owing to the absence of carbs. Once the body goes into ketosis, it will start burning fat. Resets insulin sensitivity Insulin insensitivity refers to the body’s inability to break down glucose and making use of it. A keto diet can help reset this and bring it back into optimal functioning where the glucose will be metabolized as per requirement.
Top healthy snacks for kids
Diets & Meal Plans

Top healthy snacks for kids

Would it not be great if you could add nutrients to your kid’s diet through foods they love to eat? There are some excellent snack ideas that actually make it possible for you to make snacking both fun and nutritionally-satisfying for your kid. And you can prepare these at home without applying too much of an effort. Here are some snacks for your child that are healthy and nutritious: Popcorn: Popcorn is a huge favorite with children. The best part is that it is made from whole grains that are rich in fiber and essential nutrients. Cookies : Cookies can be healthy, unlike what most people think. You simply have to use the correct ingredients. For instance, you should opt for whole wheat flour instead of refined white flour; you can even add rolled oats to make them fiber-rich, and can replace butter with applesauce to lower the amount of saturated fats. When you give your child healthy cookies with low-fat milk, the snack becomes both well-balanced and nutritious. Pizza : This is similar to the sandwich as a snack idea but it is possible to make it healthy by using toppings like sliced peppers, olives, and ham. The pizza should be made from premade whole wheat dough, which is easy to buy.
Top 6 Foods that may help fight lung cancer
Diets & Meal Plans

Top 6 Foods that may help fight lung cancer

Lung cancer is a life-threatening disease that affects millions of men and women all over the world. Depending on the type and severity of lung cancer, overall health condition, and age of the person, the healthcare providers may recommend a series of treatment procedures like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, and immunotherapy. During and after treatment, it is essential to eat a healthy diet that contains foods that may help you battle lung cancer. Green tea Green tea contains polyphenols that demonstrate high antioxidant properties. Research has found that green tea consumption may inhibit tumor growth and help fight lung cancer. It was also found that consuming green tea regularly may reverse some of the damages caused by smoking. In addition to that, studies have proven the effectiveness of green tea in lowering the risk of developing lung cancer. Pears Pears are rich sources of phloretin, which a compound that possesses anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties. The powerful effects of phloretin help enhance the anticancer effects of chemotherapy medications like cisplatin. These medicines are often used for the treatment of lung cancer, specifically non-small cell lung cancer. The anticancer properties of pears make it one of the most potent fruits that may help in your battle with lung cancer.