10 Common Causes of Leg Cramps at Night
Causes & Risk Factors

10 Common Causes of Leg Cramps at Night

Does your sleep often get disturbed by painful leg cramps at night? These cramps are a common problem experienced by many adults in the country. These ill-timed cramps usually affect the foot and the calf, although they can also cause pain in the hamstring. Although this is a widespread condition, its causes and remedies are far from certain. As you do your research, you will come across many different opinions and theories, but not all of them are true. This article will outline some common causes of leg cramps at night time. Failing to stretch certain muscles Our modern lifestyle is to blame for this. Although our ancestors spent most of their time squatting and walking, our contemporary lives have removed the need for such physical movements. We hardly do any activities that stretch the leg muscles and tendons. Moreover, our sedentary lifestyle decreases tendon and muscle length and reduces flexibility, which could lead to cramping. Sleeping in awkward positions Experts have also noticed that when you lie in bed with your face down, your foot is usually in a “plantar flexion” position. Your toe points are away from you, and this shortens calf muscles. If the foot stays in this position for a long time, even small movements of the feet could trigger a cramp.
Tips to Manage Chronic Endometriosis Pain

Tips to Manage Chronic Endometriosis Pain

Are you or someone you know suffering from chronic endometriosis pain? When the tissues of the lining of the uterus start to grow outside of the uterus, nodules or lesions appear on the nearby organs and tissues causing a severe pain. Well, even though this painful condition affects women both emotionally and physically, there are several ways to deal with severe pain. One of the main symptoms of this aching condition is chronic pelvic pain during, before or after the menstrual period. In our country, it affects around 1 in 10 girls and women between the ages of 12 years to 60 years. Most of the women experience cramping during their period, however, the endometriosis pain is worse than normal cramping. Till date, there is no proper cure for this chronic ache but there are some ways to cope with or to manage the chronic endometriosis pain. Read on to know more about the ways in which you can cope with the severe endometriosis pain. Regular work out If you engage yourself in regular work out, dealing with this severe pain becomes a bit easier. Regular exercise can help in: Maintaining oxygen and nutrient flow to all the body systems Encouraging the blood circulation to all the organs Reducing stress Decreasing the production of estrogen Releasing endorphins, the pain-relieving chemicals Swimming, running, cycling, biking etc., are high-intensity physical activities.
Tips to Treat Fire Ant Bites

Tips to Treat Fire Ant Bites

A fiery sting is the best term that describes the bite of a fire ant. Living up to their name, these ants are the color of fire. When you are caught in an army of fire ants, they swarm onto your skin and pack a powerful, fiery sting that can be quite an ordeal! Symptoms of fire ant bites range from mild rashes to allergic reactions like breathing difficulty. Treatment for fire ants’ bite depends on the severity of the sting. You’d be surprised to know that a tiny fire ant can pack a sting that delivers a venom that contains 46 proteins at least! Fire Ants These ants come in different colors, like red-brown or black, and usually grow up to lengths of a quarter of an inch. They live in sand mounds that are built on lawns and pastures. Fire ants can get very aggressive when their nest is disturbed. If you accidentally disturb their nest, you will probably end up in a burning stream of painful stings. The sting causes pain and itching long after you are bitten by fire ants. Fire ants sting by clamping their mandibles on your skin; hence, it is difficult to remove ants that have actually latched onto you.
Tips to Treat Cold Sores Effectually

Tips to Treat Cold Sores Effectually

A cold sore appears as a blister that is filled with fluid beneath the skin surface on the lips or around the mouth. This source can break open and ooze. Sometimes it can last up to ten days, and during these days feeling uncomfortable and excess pain is common. How to get rid of cold sores? Cold sores are a symptom of the herpes simplex virus, even though HSV-2 also causes cold sores. When you first contract the virus, you will experience a break out in a few days, and sometimes the breakout is accompanied by a sore throat, headache, fever, as well as aches and pains. If the virus doesn’t leave your body after that initial breakout, it remains dormant in the nerve cells. Due to this, flare-ups occur at any time, and they can be triggered by surgery, hormonal fluctuation illness, fever, sun exposure, and stress. Although cold sores are unavoidable, you still have some things you can do to shorten the cold sore breakout duration. Listed below are some of the best cold sore remedies you can consider to help you get rid of cold sores. Tea tree oil One of the best cold sore treatments is tea tree oil because it contains strong antiviral properties capable of killing the HSV-1 and can fasten the healing process.
Several Treatment Options for Allergies

Several Treatment Options for Allergies

An allergic reaction is often a result of detection of a foreign substance that is harmful to the immune system. As a reaction to these allergens, the immune system reacts with symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, and inflammation. If the allergy is mild then it can be treated with the help of over-the-counter medications and home remedies. However, if the allergy is chronic, then it requires medical intervention. In case the allergy is severe then it might need emergency medical care. The following allergy treatment options can help in reducing allergies or managing them. Nasal decongestants Sinuses, sore throats or coughing can be treated with nasal decongestants. There are pills, sprays, and liquids that are used to help with swollen and stuffy sinuses. However, these nasal decongestants should not be taken for more than 72 hours continuously. They are one of the most popular allergy treatment options. Often times, due to allergy, you might not be able to breathe and these nasal decongestants will clear the nasal track and ensure normal breathing. Saline sinus rinse The sinuses can be rinsed with saline in order to clear the way and remove the allergens. Here is a method recommended by the AAAAI for preparing the saline rinse.
A Complete Guide to Diabetic Feet Care
Diseases & Conditions

A Complete Guide to Diabetic Feet Care

Diabetes, which is also referred to as diabetes mellitus, is a health disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels. This is caused due to fluctuating insulin levels in the body. It is a long-term condition that affects various parts of the body like heart, kidneys, and limbs in the long run. But what is the relation between diabetes and foot related issues? Diabetics are prone to foot issues because the disease damages the nerves and affects the blood flow to your feet. Diabetic feet problems require periodic checkups almost as often as you check your blood sugar levels. Regular and consistent foot care is vital for a diabetic patient. Even the slightest neglect or postponement of foot checkups may lead to serious complications like loss of limbs. Taking good care of diabetic feet goes a long way in the prevention of infections and other complications. Foot Complications Due to Diabetes Diabetes affects vital organs in the long run. Maintaining sugar levels through medication and active lifestyle can prevent health complications due to diabetes to a large extent. Uncontrolled and unmonitored diabetes leads to several life-threatening complications. Unregulated diabetes can lead to eye, foot, skin, hearing, cardio, and renal complications. Common diabetic feet complications are neuropathy, foot ulcers or sores, and gangrene, which lead to amputation of the limb.
Best Treatment Methods for External Hemorrhoids

Best Treatment Methods for External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids also known as piles affect the veins present outside the anus, resulting in bleeding, itching and cracking. These cause the veins to swell and get inflamed due to an increase in pressure in the lower rectum. There are a variety of reasons which can cause hemorrhoids like sitting on the toilet for long periods of time, being obese, anal intercourse, low fiber diet, straining to have bowel movements, pregnancy, poor posture and more. Here’s how to treat hemorrhoids with some home remedies: Eating high fiber food Fruits, whole grains and vegetables soften the stool and increase its bulk, which aids in avoiding the straining that can worsen existing symptoms of hemorrhoids. Apart from this, adding fiber to the diet will also aid you in avoiding problems with gas. Also, make sure to drink lots of water and avoid caffeine. This is one of the best hemorrhoid treatments. Witch hazel This hemorrhoids treatment with its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce pain, swelling, and itching which are the two big problems of hemorrhoids. It can be found in liquid form as well as wipes too. Aloe Vera Used historically as a treatment of hemorrhoids, Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties which may help in reducing irritation.
Effective Treatments for Neuropathic Pain Relief

Effective Treatments for Neuropathic Pain Relief

Neuropathic pain is a chronic condition resulting from a disease, injury or infection. In most cases, it is not caused by one single factor. Generally, the pain manifests after some illness or injury. For instance, if you drop something heavy on your foot, your nervous system will immediately send signals of pain to the brain. However, with neuropathic pain, no specific injury or event causes the pain. Instead, the body sends unprompted pain signals to the brain. Neuropathic pain is often categorized by a burning or shooting sensation, and this pain can be intermittent or persistent. Medications for neuropathic pain can give you some relief. Symptoms of Neuropathic Pain While each person may experience different indications, there are a few symptoms that are usually common for all. The ones seen on a general note are as follows: Shooting, stabbing, or burning pain Sharp tingling and numbness Unprompted pain that triggers on its own Evoked pain caused by events that are generally not at all painful such as clapping your hands, being in cold temperatures, etc. Unpleasant or nauseous feeling Difficulty in sleeping Loss of sensation Treatment for Neuropathic Pain Neuropathic pain is often a debilitating and serious condition. People suffering from it regularly need to consult expert medical practitioners and take prescribed neuropathy medications on the basis of their specific symptoms.