5 Effective Tips to Treat Dry Scalp

5 Effective Tips to Treat Dry Scalp

If you are suffering from dry and dull hair, and often see white dandruff flakes on your shoulder, then a dry scalp could be the reason behind it. Many people feel embarrassed due to the white flakes and the itching that dry scalp can cause. The irritation that dry scalp causes can sometimes be unbearable; therefore, it is important to choose effective treatment methods to treat it as soon as possible. If you ignore the problem of dry scalp, it can then turn into a chronic problem, which could be very hard to treat in the future. You can choose from the plethora of dry scalp treatments available in order to avoid this problem. What causes dry scalp? Dry scalp is caused when the oil-producing glands on the scalp are not active or underactive and are not producing enough amounts of natural oil. This natural oil helps keeps the scalp moist all the time. The following are some other causes of a dry scalp: If you are using harsh, chemical-filled shampoos, it can cause dry scalp When you are using hard water to wash your hair Fungal infections Extreme weather conditions like extreme heat or cold climates Improper diet Harsh styling products Not oiling your hair often or not using conditioners after shampooing To combat dry scalp, the following list provides some effective dry scalp treatments:
How to Deal with Ulcerative Colitis Flares
Diseases & Conditions

How to Deal with Ulcerative Colitis Flares

Ulcerative colitis, commonly known as UC, is a chronic disease that affects almost 1 million citizens of the country. It is a disease of the colon (large intestine) that inflames the colon lining and the rectum. According to an epidemiological research report, people following a diet consisting of high-fat foods are at a higher risk of suffering from this disease. Also, the Ashkenazi Jews and the Caucasians have the most number of sufferers. Although the exact reason behind ulcerative colitis flares is still unknown, according to many healthcare professionals, this is a result of environmental, genetic and lifestyle factors. Treatments for ulcerative colitis flares Fortunately, a wide range of ulcerative colitis treatment options is available that can help to control UC. Achieving remission and getting UC under control are the main goals of these treatment processes. Immune system suppressors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, inflammation and other UC symptoms controlling steroids etc. are some commonly used medications to deal with ulcerative colitis flares. Removing the rectum and the colon by undergoing surgery is also another process of treatment for UC. However, it is advisable to undergo a surgery only if your doctor suggests and when the medications are not being effective. Other than the medications, many medical research reports have reflected the fact that plenty of natural treatments are available to deal with UC.
Tips to Save Costs and Get Affordable Dental Implants

Tips to Save Costs and Get Affordable Dental Implants

Dental implants are the artificial tooth roots that provide support to the replacement teeth. This is considered as one of the best and natural ways for replacing any missed teeth. This is a long lasting process as well, and hence many people opt for dental implants. But unfortunately, even a single dental implant cost can be too high, costing you somewhere around a few thousand dollars. This is one of the major reasons why people think twice before getting a dental implant done. However, there are ways to get dental implants at an affordable price. Check out the following tips in which you can get affordable dental implants: Compare first If you are looking for affordable dental implants, then one of the best ways to save is to get quotes from different dental clinics or doctors. You should compare them in details and then proceed with your plan of action. Gathering relevant information and comparing them against each other is one of the most crucial steps of any decision making. In this case, it will help you to save a lot of money without compromising on the quality of the implant and related medication. Dental camps Another good option to save on your dental implant is to check out the dental camps organized by the dental schools.
A Quick Guide to Preventing and Treating Gas in Babies
Diagnosis & Prevention

A Quick Guide to Preventing and Treating Gas in Babies

It can be painful for new parents when their baby keeps crying for a long time, especially when they are unable to understand why their baby is crying. One of the main reasons why babies cry is due to gas as it creates pain. Babies tend to pass gas at least 13 to 21 times in a day. Many babies will not have any problem in passing gas, but there are a few kids who get stuck. Such babies feel pain and an uneasy sensation. So, before you see tips to relieve your baby from gas, you should know about its causes and symptoms. Why do babies pass so much gas? It is very common for babies to pass so much gas because they take in a lot of air when they are eating, being breastfed, sucking a pacifier or crying. All this air gets stuck in the tummy, and comes out in the form of gas. When the baby is unable to release the gas, they feel uneasy and get fussy. With no words to express their uneasiness and pain, wails are the only way that babies can communicate how they are feeling. At such times, it is essential to take appropriate measures to comfort the baby by easing their pain.
How to Effectively Deal with Prostate Cancer and Impotence

How to Effectively Deal with Prostate Cancer and Impotence

Sexual arousal results in erections and these are triggered by the brain sending nerve signals to the penis. There are many reasons which can explain the causes of men experiencing erectile dysfunction, following prostate cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment. It should be remembered that prostate cancer in itself is not a cause of erectile dysfunction, but the cancer treatment can affect the nerve and blood supply to the penis. Along with this, the associated emotional strain or a reduced sexual appetite can also result in impotence. So, read on to know more about the causes and prostate impotence treatment options. What does the severity depend on? The severity of the erectile dysfunction depends on the stage of cancer, the skill of the surgeon and the type of surgery undertaken. So, if a nerve-sparing technique is used then recovery is expected to occur within a couple of years of the procedure. But on the other hand, if a non-nerve-sparing surgery was done then the recovery can be difficult. What can cause impotence? Radiation therapy The onset of erectile dysfunction following this procedure is gradual and is the most common long-term complication of radiation therapy. It could happen around 6 months into treatment.
Exercises that Can Help Relieve Neck Nerve Pain

Exercises that Can Help Relieve Neck Nerve Pain

Neck pain is a condition most people experience all around the world. Research has shown that between 22% and 70% of people in the country experience neck pain during their lifetime. Herein, we provide a brief overview of neck nerve pain, its causes, symptoms, and essential exercises you should try for a pinched neck nerve. What is Pinched Neck Nerve? This is a damaged or injured nerve in your neck. The damage can occur due to different reasons including constriction, compression, and the overstretching of your nerve. Pinched nerves occur in the neck due to the following reasons: Narrowing Spinal Space Also known as spinal stenosis, this condition involves the narrowing of the space within the bones that encase the spinal cord (vertebrae) which in turn squeezes the nerves in the neck. Herniated Disks Whenever a cervical disk slips out of place, the pressure is placed on your neck nerves. Degeneration of Disks Factors like age can cause the spinal disks to degenerate. When this occurs, the vertebra becomes compressed, leading to a nerve pinch. Bony Growths Bony growths that occur in the neck due to degenerative disk diseases normally place pressure on the surrounding nerves. Other than these cases, a pinched nerve may occur mainly due to poor posture (rounded shoulders and a forward head posture).
Tips to Effectively Treat Constipation in Adults

Tips to Effectively Treat Constipation in Adults

Constipation is a disorder related to the digestive and excretory systems of the body. Constipation affects a lot of people in the country and many suffer from chronic constipation, for which they often seek a doctor’s help. The constipation treatment is a complicated process because it could very well be caused by the foods one consumes or avoids, or how the patient lives their life, or the medication they are under and so on. For chronic constipation treatment, many go for over-the-counter (OTC) medicines or laxatives these days. However, improving your lifestyle and what you consume can relieve you of constipation very easily. As a disease, constipation is often characterized by the most common symptom of it, which means less than three bowel movements per week. Enlisted below are some tips to treat constipation that can be tried by adults at home conveniently. Increasing one’s daily consumption of water Being dehydrated, that is, devoid of the proper amount of water required by the body on a regular basis can make anyone become constipated to a large extent. To stop this from occurring, it is important to drink enough water and stay hydrated all through the day, under all circumstances. When a patient is constipated, then the first treatment for constipation suggests that they should try finding relief by drinking some carbonated or sparkling water, which would help them to rehydrate and get things moving again.
5 Best Sleep Aids You May Consider Trying

5 Best Sleep Aids You May Consider Trying

Getting sound sleep is absolutely necessary for good health. It is considered that an average adult needs six hours of sleep to function properly and at full capacity, while children need eight hours of sleep for the same. At times, it is difficult to get sleep due to several reasons. You may be stressed out because of some assignment from your office. Sometimes there is too much noise or you just cannot sleep because of the ongoing thoughts. Being an insomniac, it is not healthy at all. What is the solution? There are several sleep-aid supplements available in the market today which can help you get the sleep you deserve and long for. While these sleep aids serve their purpose, make sure to not make a habit of them or overdose. They can be harmful to you if consumed on a regular basis. Think of them as a headstart to your journey to achieving the peace of mind you need. You can try a few of the following best sleep aids available in the market for that much desired and peaceful sleep at night. Melatonin Melatonin sleep aid is a great option, which is found naturally in the body. When used in the medicinal form, it is synthesized in a laboratory and is available in the pill form.