Causes and Treatment Options for Swollen Ankles
Causes & Risk Factors

Causes and Treatment Options for Swollen Ankles

Swollen ankles are very common and not a cause for too much worry. They are painful at times but do not pose any serious threat. The main reason for swollen ankles or feet would be pressure on the legs. So, walking or standing for a long time may typically lead to swelling of the ankles. In most of the cases, swollen feet and ankles get better on their own. They go away in a short time with enough rest to the legs. But sometimes the swelling may remain for a long time. It may cause severe symptoms and lead to serious complications. Here we discuss the various causes and the treatment options for swollen ankles. Causes There are many causes of swollen ankles. It may occur due to an injury or any underlying medical conditions. Doctors tend to place importance on understanding the cause of swollen ankles before delving into different swollen ankles treatment options. So, understanding some of the causes is important. Some of the common causes of swollen ankles are: Pregnancy – Swollen ankles are very common during pregnancy. It may occur due to the increased weight or increased pressure on the legs. But sometimes, it may be a sign of preeclampsia.
Remedies for an Overactive Bladder
Signs & Symptoms

Remedies for an Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder can make one feel the urge to urinate about eight or more times every day. It can also lead to incontinence and leakage. Moreover, an overactive bladder could be a warning sign of an underlying medical condition. It is not just a medical condition, but it can also affect one’s professional and social life. However, there are some traditional remedies and ways to train the bladder and get it back under control. What causes overactive bladder? Medical conditions: Sometimes, diseases like diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, kidney failure, among others can cause OAB. Age: As you age, your muscles start to weaken. Older people, especially those above the age of 60, are more likely to have OAB. Menopause: Women going through menopause experience several changes in their body. Sometimes, they also face the problem of incontinence. The drop in estrogen levels is believed to be one of the causes of this condition. Pelvic muscle weakness: When your pelvic floor muscles are damaged or weakened, it can distort the bladder and can result in OAB. UTI: Urinary tract infections can also cause OAB. Sometimes, OAB can occur without any identifiable causes. Symptoms Urge to urinate several times a day, both during the day and night Incontinence Urine leakage OAB and your lifestyle Those who suffer from an overactive bladder and incontinence may feel its effects in many aspects of their lives.
Effective Treatment Options for Cellulite

Effective Treatment Options for Cellulite

There is a network of connective-tissue strands present beneath the skin that holds the fat in place. These are known as septae. In case the septae become loose, which often happens due to genetics, the fat begins to bulge out, creating unsightly ripples on the skin’s surface. This is known as cellulite. Cellulite can affect various areas of the body such as the thighs, booty or stomach. It doesn’t matter whether you are size zero or close to becoming obese, cellulite can occur in anyone. Also, it is more common in women than in men. The wide occurrence of this has led to the advent of many cellulite treatments. All these treatments can help in making the unpleasant skin dimpling less noticeable. Here, we have listed some of the best and most effective cellulite treatments. Some effective cellulite treatments Cellfina ® This is the first and perhaps the only FDA-approved minimally invasive cellulite treatment that is shown to reduce the appearance of cellulite for a minimum period of 2 years. The treatment can be easily performed at one’s dermatologist’s office. In this, the specialist uses a distinctive needle-sized device to cut out a section of septae that holds the body’s fat together to smooth out dimpling.
All You Need to Know about the Benefits of Turmeric
Natural Remedies

All You Need to Know about the Benefits of Turmeric

Today, people all over the world are beginning to recognize the benefits of turmeric. This humble root is an essential part of Indian and Southeast Asian cuisines and medical systems. Turmeric’s active constituent is an organic chemical called curcumin. What is turmeric? Turmeric is a rhizome plant from the ginger family. The plant has its origins in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. In its present form, it’s a cultivar and doesn’t grow in the wild. People in these countries use the rhizome root-stems as a spice for color and flavor in a variety of dishes. It is also used as a dye and cosmetic. It is also used for religious purposes in some countries. The benefits of turmeric have been known for a long time in the traditional medicine systems of these countries. Turmeric’s active ingredient curcumin provides a wide range of health benefits. Some parts of the harvest are used fresh, while the rest of it is boiled and dried in ovens. The dried roots are then ground into a fine powder. This powder consists of nearly 70% carbohydrates, almost 13% water, various proteins, fats, minerals, essential oils, and natural phenols or curcuminoids that give this ingredient a bright yellow-orange color.
Top New Balance Shoes for People with Plantar Fasciitis

Top New Balance Shoes for People with Plantar Fasciitis

New Balance shoes are perfect for people with plantar fasciitis whose lifestyle has been compromised due to this problem. The primary objective of these shoes is to aid in the development of your foot strength. Yardsticks for choosing New Balance shoes for plantar fasciitis Support level This level ranges from 10 to 1, with 10 representing shoes for severe pain and 1 for minimum pain. Support type or pronation Heel support depends on the pronation of your feet. New Balance running shoes for men with plantar fasciitis New Balance 1260V5 With excellent support for overpronation as well as incredible shock absorption, the New Balance 1260V5 is created for people with a flat foot. This pair of New Balance shoes is a great choice for people with plantar fasciitis as it provides excellent stability. Due to the width of the toe box, there is a lot of room for your toes, and this also relieves your heels of any pressure. It also ensures that when the training and strengthening process of your feet starts, you can avoid future problems related to plantar fasciitis. The sole’s design, as well as the cushioning provided, ensures that the heel does not bear the brunt of the shock, thus enabling you to walk with the least amount of pain.
Effective Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Effective Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Hyperglycemia or high blood sugar is one of the most common lifestyle-associated disorders. It is characterized by a high level of blood sugar level called hyperglycemia. In a healthy person, the normal range of blood sugar is 70-130 mg/dL between meals which can spike to 180 mg/dL 1–2 hours post meals. A chronic hyperglycemia can be detrimental to the blood vessels, nerve tissues, and several other body organs. According to a new study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the country alone, more than 100 million adults are suffering from high blood sugar. There are several ways in which the question of how to control blood sugar can be answered. However, before looking into that, let us know about the complications that high blood sugar can lead to. Complications caused due to high blood sugar Uncontrolled high sugar levels can lead to nerve and kidney damage, cardiovascular disorders, damage to eye lens, damage to retina which may cause complete blindness, higher chances of skin infections, infections in teeth and gums, and slow healing of an injury. Smart ways to control blood sugar The following tips can help one on how to control their blood sugar.
Kegel Exercises and Their Significance for Both Men and Women

Kegel Exercises and Their Significance for Both Men and Women

We all lay focus on hitting the gym and indulging in heavy workouts to keep the body in shape, but did you know that there are several other exercises that are equally important to keep some parts of the body, which are not visible otherwise, healthy and strong? One such area of the body is the pelvic floor, and Kegel exercises and the best Kegel exercisers are recommended for this. Kegel exercises involve exercises that make the pelvic area of the body stronger. Pelvic area is the one between the hips and has the reproductive organs of an individual. Strengthening of this area is usually done by stretching the muscles and then clenching the same to put pressure on the pelvic floor. So, why should we resort to the best Kegel exerciser to strengthen the pelvic area? Well, the answer is simple; a stronger pelvic area leads to a better ability to control the bladder or bowel. Kegel exercises are quite easy to undertake and carry out, and once you start these exercises, you will be able to perform them anywhere, anytime. Kegel exercises can be done by both men and women; however, it is recommended that before jumping into any particular exercise, you must consult with the doctor if you have any health issues.
A Guide to the Most Effective Cholesterol-lowering Supplements

A Guide to the Most Effective Cholesterol-lowering Supplements

High cholesterol can lead to numerous cardiovascular conditions including heart attack and stroke. It is vital to lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Along with a healthy diet and exercise, cholesterol-lowering supplements are a great way to keep high cholesterol in check. In turn, this will lead to a healthy heart. Many cholesterol-lowering supplements are available, and this guide will help you choose the right mix of supplements to lead a healthy life. The best cholesterol-lowering supplements Fish oil These cholesterol-lowering supplements are useful in reducing triglycerides in the body by 30% due to a high content of omega-3 fatty acids. Consumption of this supplement has the potential to reduce the risk of cardiovascular heart disease and sudden cardiac arrest. However, the increased mercury content in fil oil supplements has made people wary. These supplements also have side effects such as bad breath, feeling of nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. They may also interfere with blood-thinning medication, and it is best to consult a doctor about the right dosage. Artichoke extracts These supplements may help reduce the total cholesterol levels, especially bad cholesterol, in the body. However, it may cause gas and trigger some allergic reactions. More studies are required to determine its long-term effectiveness.