Everything You Need to Know about Fever
Diseases & Conditions

Everything You Need to Know about Fever

A short-term increase in the body temperature is referred in medical terms as pyrexia. Commonly known as fever, it is a common occurrence in both adults and children. As the temperature of your body becomes higher than the normal temperature, it becomes indicative of an underlying illness which may be an infection in some part of the body such as the throat or stomach. Having high fever is an important sign that some changes are occurring in the body. The temperature of our body is regulated by the hypothalamus which is present at the base of the brain. The state of fever is experienced by almost every human being at some point of time irrespective of sex or age. Many medical experts are of the opinion that fever is a natural defense of the body against infection. Relevant treatment for fever is recommended by medical experts after assessing the symptoms carefully and conducting certain diagnostic tests. Causes of high fever in adults Diseases such as malaria, upper and lower respiratory tract infections or flu, cold, bacterial infections, gastrointestinal infections, urinary tract infections or skin infections etc Excessive heat exposure Abnormalities in the brain or malignant tumors Disease of the endocrine which is associated with a hormonal or glandular system of the body Inflammation caused by tissue injury Inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis which is the inflammation of the lining of joints Side effects of certain medicines Common symptoms High fever comes with a lot of physical discomforts.
Tips to Manage and Treat Seizures

Tips to Manage and Treat Seizures

Epilepsy is a kind of disorder, in which a nerve cell in the brain is disturbed. Due to the disturbance in the nerve cell, a patient faces seizures. There are various treatment options for seizures, but one should remember that there is no cure for this condition. Even though this issue is self-diagnosable, doctors will often ask a patient to go for imaging or lab tests. This article will provide information about the various ways in which people can manage or treat seizures. Things to remember while trying to manage epilepsy and seizures Epilepsy can get into the way of life of a patient as well as the caregiver, especially when seizures happen from time to time. Experiencing seizures can be a big problem as it affects one’s daily life. Be it work, school, or household chores, it changes everything that a person does. If one does not control seizures successfully, then it may lead to severe consequences like: Injury to the patient and others Depression Anxiety Sometimes, it may also result in the death of the patient One should remember that sometimes, epilepsy treatment can tire a patient out as well. Methods for treating epilepsy When it comes to treatment, one can best manage their seizures by taking care of themselves.
Contact Lenses Suitable for Dry Eyes

Contact Lenses Suitable for Dry Eyes

Not all contact lenses are meant for dry eyes as its vital characteristic. Most of us may feel itching, stinging, or may get a burning sensation as the most common eye problems. All those suffering from these problems try to adapt themselves to a normal daily routine as everyone else does. However, because they have dry eyes, the issue should be looked into with the best possible care as there are unique contact lenses available to choose from for those who have dry eyes. If your eyes sting and itch, along with you facing other eyesight problems, you must follow some simple and easy ways to keep your eyes cool. If that is taken care of, voila! You would not face any complaints regarding eye dryness plights, and you can also do away with the usage of your unlovely glasses. One of the simple procedures to keep the eye dryness worries at bay is the usage of appropriate contact lenses. If you don’t use the best contact lenses meant for dry eyes, you may exacerbate the problem. Traditional contact lenses seem to be more rigid and stiff. However, there are plenty of contact lenses especially manufactured and designed to help in attenuating dryness in the eyes.
6 Effective Ways for Severe Pain Management

6 Effective Ways for Severe Pain Management

Severe pain management can be quite difficult when not on medication. Alternate therapy involves procedures which are in contrast to the procedures normally used to treat a condition. Chronic pain is often administered through the use of opioids. The problem with opioids is that they are addictive and contribute to an average of over 100 deaths on a daily basis in the country alone. Its overuse is a strict no-no and people are looking for alternate therapy measures to rid themselves or manage their pain. Alternate therapy allows for the application of a variety of disciplines. These include the likes of biofeedback, aromatherapy, relaxation, herbal remedies, massage, and guided imagery, among many others. Here are a few of the best alternative therapies you should try for severe pain management. Mind-body therapies Mind-body therapies are significant when it comes to shaping the ability of the mind to affect the symptoms and functions of the body. These therapy methods use several different approaches which include the likes of guided imagery, meditation, relaxing techniques, hypnosis, and biofeedback. These techniques could go a long way in alleviating discomfort and providing for severe pain management. Acupuncture Acupuncture is one of the most effective approaches to severe pain management.
ED Treatment

ED Treatment

ED is the short form of erectile dysfunction. In erectile dysfunction, the male is not able to maintain his erection during sexual intercourse. At times, this situation is common as it has a direct relationship with stress and other lifestyle disorders. However, if the problem is frequent, it is a sign of health-related problems. As erectile dysfunction, or impotence, depends on deep-rooted factors like relationship stress and difficulties in handling emotions, seeking medical help for the condition is something that shouldn’t be neglected. The most effective ED treatment is generally suggested by a doctor according to the condition of the patient. What are the symptoms of erectile dysfunction? There are various symptoms of ED, such as the following: Lack of interest in sex. Not being able to maintain the erection during sexual intercourse. Difficulties in getting an erection. Some other disorders that occur due to ED are listed here: Delay in ejaculation Anorgasmia Premature ejaculation What are the causes of erectile dysfunction? The causes of ED may depend on emotional and physical disorders such as those mentioned below: Injuries Stress Drug use Hypertension Hyperlipidemia Damage due to surgery or cancer Increasing age Relationship problems A heart-related disease Excess use of alcohol Smoking What are the most effective treatments for ED?
All You Need to Know about Bags under Your Eyes
Natural Remedies

All You Need to Know about Bags under Your Eyes

Do you have bags under your eyes? Well, it could be a mild type of swelling or puffiness that occurs as you age. This is not a medical problem that should cause you too much concern. Usually, home remedies are an effective solution. Lifestyle changes are also required and can be helpful in preventing it from occurring. Symptoms Mild swelling Sagging skin or loose skin Dark circles What are the causes of bags under your eyes? With age, the supporting muscles and tissues of your eyes become weaker. As there is sagging of the skin, fat in the orbit of the eye moves into this area. There could be fluid accumulation in the area leading to a puffy appearance. This could become worse with retention of fluid due to a salty meal, poor sleep, allergies, smoking or genetic reasons. How to get rid of bags under your eyes Salt intake: The region around your eyes is one of the places which has high sodium and water moves from the low-sodium areas to the high-sodium areas. Ensure that you don’t take additional salt while having dinner as this is one of the causes of puffy eyes. Allergies : There is a direct correlation between puffiness of the eyes and allergies.
Treatment Options for Fibromyalgia

Treatment Options for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia, abbreviated as FM, is a disease that causes fatigue, localized tenderness, muscular and skeletal pain. There are studies that claim genetics as a cause of FM, but, the real cause is still not identified. If a person experiences widespread pain without any medical condition for more than three months, fibromyalgia is diagnosed. Depression, poor concentration, psychological stress, headaches, physical trauma are some of the main symptoms of FM. These symptoms may become serious and disturb your daily routine. There are many methods to ease its symptoms, fortunately. Following are some of the fibromyalgia treatment options: Using proper medication There are many over the counter (OTC) pain relievers that are recommended by doctors and are used as a treatment option for fibromyalgia. These help in reducing muscle pain, minimizing the inflammation and also help in improving your sleep quality. Practice Yoga Studies indicate that fibromyalgia-affected people who practice yoga regularly have comparatively less muscle pain and fatigues. The breathing exercises and meditation help in improving the mood and increasing the muscle strength. Try Acupuncture Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment done by pricking needles into the skin. It helps in increasing the blood flow and changes the level of neurotransmitters in your brain.
Burning Pain in Feet – Causes and Treatments
Causes & Risk Factors

Burning Pain in Feet – Causes and Treatments

A burning sensation in your feet can have many causes like diabetic neuropathy, athlete’s foot, alcohol use, and so on. Identifying the cause is vital for focused medical treatments. Besides this, you can also try several home remedies. What causes a burning sensation in the feet? Many diseases and infections can cause burning pain in your feet. Diabetic neuropathy: If you have diabetes, gradually, your nerves can get damaged. This nerve damage starts in the feet. Damaged nerves may send incorrect signals to the brain, inducing pain sensations even when there is no wound or another injury. Heavy alcohol use: If you have a practice of regularly consuming alcohol in large amounts, then you can face nerve damage. Erythromelalgia: This condition produces a shooting and burning pain in your feet, without any recognizable cause. It is a rare disease. If you have it, then the pain can get worse after stressful activities like long walks, running, or standing for a long time. Infectious diseases: Infectious diseases like Lyme disease, athlete’s foot, shingles, and HIV can induce a sharp pain in your feet. Kidney Disease: Kidney dysfunction results in a build-up of toxins as the kidneys are no longer capable of clearing the waste and toxins from your body.