Best Probiotics and Their Advantages
Diagnosis & Prevention

Best Probiotics and Their Advantages

Your body consists of good bacteria and bad bacteria. When there is a balance between both, your body is capable of functioning at its optimum. But often due to the onset of an illness or other external factors, this balance gets disturbed. There are times when there may be a shortage of good bacteria in your body, also known as probiotics. These probiotics are important for one to stay healthy. For instance, when you take antibiotics, you may end up losing some good bacteria. Taking the best probiotics on a regular basis can help you to recover from the loss of good bacteria as it helps to replace them. What are the top rated probiotics? There are many different types of probiotics. Following are the top probiotics of 2017. Bifidobacterium There are four strains that come under this family. It is considered to be one of the best probiotics. B. Longum This strain can help in improving your memory power and are capable of increasing your retention power. These bacteria strains also help to relieve you from constipation. This strain can help you to decrease your stress levels as well. They can help with preventing the growth of any bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract that could harm you in any way.
Effective Treatment Options for an Overactive Bladder

Effective Treatment Options for an Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder (OAB) is a bladder disorder that causes an abnormal urge to urinate. The urge may be difficult to stop and sometimes leads to involuntary loss of urine which is referred to as urinary incontinence. This syndrome affects many elderly people in the country and is equally prevalent in both, men and women. An overactive bladder majorly impacts the quality of life of the sufferer, forcing people to avoid social gatherings and outings. However, fortunately, there are several treatment options for overactive bladder. With medications or behavioral changes, or sometimes, a combination of both can help in treating the condition. If any symptoms are noticed, one should visit the doctor for a thorough examination and obtain a suitable line of treatment. Natural treatments for overactive bladder Pelvic floor exercises and bladder training are great non-medicinal remedies that prove to be largely beneficial for a lot of people. There are many other treatments used to manage an overactive bladder and even urine incontinence. Read on to know more. Bladder training: This is the most common overactive bladder treatment that seeks to alter the way one uses the bathroom. This means instead of going whenever one gets the urge, they urinate at fixed times during the day.
How to Deal with Severe Constipation

How to Deal with Severe Constipation

Constipation is a common problem and can be caused due to consuming certain types of food, medication or living a particular lifestyle. Constipation is when you experience less than three bowel movements per week. There are several other symptoms that are associated with the condition such as discomfort when you use the washroom, abdominal pain and bloating, and stools that are difficult to pass. Constipation can definitely affect your day to day life and can cause a lot of frustration. The situation is even worse when you experience severe constipation. Below are a few ways in which you can deal with the condition. Drink plenty of water Constipation is also caused by being dehydrated. This is why it is necessary to drink a significant amount of water. Sparkling water helps a lot in case you are facing severe constipation. According to studies, sparkling water is more effective than tap water and helps a lot in relieving constipation. However, you should not drink carbonated drinks like soda as it can make the condition worse. Keeping dehydration away is a great way of staying healthy and dealing with constipation. Eat fiber-rich food People who are facing constipation are often advised to eat a fiber-rich diet.
10 Best Multivitamins for Women
Diagnosis & Prevention

10 Best Multivitamins for Women

Getting the recommended dosage of vitamins is essential for overall health maintenance. Having a wholesome and a healthy diet alone does not ensure an adequate supply of essential vitamins to our body. All of the vitamin and mineral requirements of our body are not met by natural, whole foods. Hence, doctors recommend multivitamin supplements to bridge this nutritional gap. Given the fact that the nutritional requirements of women differ from that of men, choosing the best multivitamins for women requires careful evaluation of the nutritional needs and other factors. Intake of multivitamins needs to be done after a detailed evaluation of the nutritional gaps and consultation with a physician or a registered dietician. Essential vitamins for the proper functioning of the body Here is a list of vitamins that are essential for the proper functioning of the body. Vitamin A Vitamin B1/B2/B3 Vitamin B5/B6 Vitamin B7/B9/B12 Vitamin C Vitamin K Vitamin E Choline Who needs to take multivitamins? Those who do not have healthy eating habits require multivitamins to fill the nutritional gaps. People who have a poor appetite due to health complications or illnesses need them too. Pregnant women and nursing mothers require an additional supply of vitamins and minerals, which are provided by multivitamin supplements.
Top Treatment Options for Migraines

Top Treatment Options for Migraines

A migraine is a throbbing headache that usually hurts more on one side of the head and near the temples or eyes. It is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or blurred vision. About 20% of migraines begin with migraine auras, which make the patient see halos around light as well as bright and wavy lines of light. The pain may last anywhere between four hours and three days, and if left untreated, it can be strong enough to hamper daily activities. The exact cause behind migraines is still not known, but possible triggers include certain foods, stress, hormones, and flashing lights. Women are three times more likely than men to suffer from migraines, and they are very common among people with neurological or hereditary ailments like epilepsy, depression, and asthma. Herein, we explore the various treatments for migraines that have highly effective. Medications Several types of medications, both over-the-counter and prescription, can be considered effective treatments migraines: Over-the-counter medicines Several anti-inflammatory pills and pain relievers can be useful. Common examples include aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, and acetaminophen. Overuse, however, could end up worsening the condition or cause gastrointestinal disorders. Triptans Triptans are the most common prescription medications used to treat migraines.
Here’s How to Maintain Your Cholesterol Levels

Here’s How to Maintain Your Cholesterol Levels

According to various medical research reports, over 70 million adults in the country suffer from high cholesterol. People who have high cholesterol are more likely to get a heart attack or develop different heart diseases as compared to the people with right or controlled cholesterol level. Different medications are available for high cholesterol treatment. However, according to the healthcare professionals, some healthy lifestyle changes and maintaining a good and healthy diet can help you to keep your cholesterol level within the normal levels. Read on to know the natural ways that help in keeping your heart healthy and fit by controlling the cholesterol levels. Include heart-healthy foods in your diet Eat foods that contain rich omega-3 fatty acids – The foods that contain high omega-3 fatty acids help in reducing the blood pressure along with keeping your heart in good health. The best sources for these omega-3 fatty acids are the wild-caught oily fishes such as mackerel, salmon, sardines, and tuna. The more you add these oily fishes to your diet the better you can maintain your cholesterol level. Include more foods having soluble fiber in it – The soluble fiber helps in reducing the cholesterol absorption into the bloodstream.
Top Natural Thyroid Supplements in the Market
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Thyroid Supplements in the Market

Natural thyroid supplements help combat a poorly functioning thyroid, which leads to a host of problems ranging from fatigue, weight gain and hair loss, to memory issues. It is important that you get your thyroid levels checked when suffering from these problems so that proper treatment can be started. Here are some effective natural thyroid supplements: One Body Thyroid Support An efficiently functioning thyroid, immune system as well as metabolism are the benefits of taking this supplement. An added bonus is that common allergens such as gluten, wheat, milk, soy, fish, egg, and tree nuts are not present in this supplement. It comes with a free book on weight loss and there is a marked improvement in energy as well as concentration levels. Thorne Research – Thyrocsin Vitality and energy levels rise significantly with the use of this supplement and T4 levels are increased due to the presence of iodine and tyrosine. Its formulation is non-glandular. It does not contain GMOs, gluten, wheat, artificial preservatives, barley, rye, nuts or eggs. With a vegetarian-friendly formulation that free of sugar, yeast, corn, soy, and dairy, this supplement is another excellent choice amongst the natural thyroid supplements out there. It has 120 capsules.
Best Options to Treat and Prevent Shingles
Diagnosis & Prevention

Best Options to Treat and Prevent Shingles

Shingles are one such viral infection that could cause a severe rash. This viral infection is caused by that virus which is the sole reason for causing chickenpox as well. When you had chickenpox in your childhood, the virus varicella zoster will stay dormant inside your body. However, this virus could get reactivated later in your life that will inevitably cause shingles. Although you will feel pain in the first few days of developing shingles, later on, the fluid-blisters and rashes will also become evident. There are various medicines available in the market that could really help you to treat shingles. Therefore, have a look at the medicine that you could use in order to treat shingles. Antiviral medication Antiviral medications are one of the more effective shingles medications that you can use in order to treat shingles. You need to take them within the first 72 hours from when you start getting the symptoms. These medicines will also decrease your chances of facing complications later on due to shingles. Antiviral medications will generally slow down the growth of the virus and by doing so will reduce the symptoms of shingles. There are various shingles medications available in the market out of which some your doctor may prescribe for you depending on the severity.