All You Need to Know about Neuropathy Foot Pain
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All You Need to Know about Neuropathy Foot Pain

There are various ways to resolve neuropathy foot pain including medication and several therapies, but it is important to identify the underlying cause first. It occurs when there is damage to any of the peripheral nerves. Symptoms of Neuropathy foot pain Neuropathy foot pain is a result of some affected nerve of the peripheral system. The type of nerves that are involved include: Sensory nerves Sensations such as pain, temperature, touch, vibration through the skin are picked up by the sensory nerves. Motor Nerves The movement of the muscles is regulated by these nerves. Autonomic Nerves The heart rate, blood pressure, bladder, and digestion are controlled by the autonomic nerves. The signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy are as follows: Numbness or tingling A feeling of numbness or tingling that starts at your hands/feet and radiates to your arms and legs. Pain A feeling of sharp, burning, throbbing or freezing pain. Sensitivity You become extremely sensitive to light touch. Coordination Problems with balance occur as a result of poor coordination and sometimes you could fall. Muscle weakness If there is an impact on the motor nerves, there could be a resultant weakness of muscles or paralysis. Heat intolerance This occurs if there is an effect on the autonomic nerves.
Natural Ways to Treat Allergic Disorders
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Natural Ways to Treat Allergic Disorders

Allergies can be of many types, such as skin allergy, dust allergy, pollution allergy, food allergy, animal allergy, drug allergy, and many more. As per a study of the American population by the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America, it has been found that around 25% of the American population suffers from allergic disorders. Well, there are many medications available in the market that may help you get instant relief from an allergy, but they do not help you remove the substance of allergy from your system. The symptoms of allergic reactions Most allergy symptoms may occur when your body or the immune system reacts to allergic elements. Allergic elements are the substances that the body is not able to adapt to naturally, which may cause an allergy, such as dust mites, insects’ stings, plant pollen, molds, pollution particles, certain types of food, and more. Some visible symptoms of allergic reactions are as follows: Low energy level or dizziness Feeling fatigue, which may also be extreme at times May get a hay fever in which you may experience a runny nose, itchy eyes, and congestion Eczema Asthma Nasal drip Improper digestion or an upset stomach Skin rash or redness Feeling nausea and vomiting sensation Dryness as in dry skin, dry mouth, or more Anaphylaxis Natural allergy treatments It has been found that 50% of the population rely on or try the natural allergy treatments more than any other remedies according to the different types and causes of allergies.
All about Toe Pain Relief
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All about Toe Pain Relief

Arthritis can be one of the key causes of toe pain. Arthritis is mainly a disorder of the joints due to inflammation of one or more of the same. There are more than hundred different types of arthritis, and arthritis in the toe is one among them. Arthritis in the toe is often associated with joint pain or arthralgia. However, the source of the pain can be a number of other factors too. The pain can either be a direct consequence of an injury or an abnormality in the toe. The skin on and around the toe, the blood vessels and nerves in it, the soft tissues, bones, and so on are prone to getting injured due to movement or locomotion. Athletes are more prone to getting their toe injured. Symptoms of pain in the big toe It is rightly said that small things can get us into big problems. Here are a few symptoms of pain in the big toe: A feeling of numbness in the toes, a burning sensation, or experiencing warmth around the area can make you consider toe pain. If you get your big toe injured, you will have immense trouble and discomfort as you walk.
Everything You Need to Know about the Dry Eye Syndrome
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Everything You Need to Know about the Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is a common condition which affects the eyes. It occurs due to insufficient lubrication and moisture in the eyes. It is also called as dry eye disease or keratoconjunctivitis sicca. This condition affects a majority of people, especially during old age. What is dry eye syndrome? Dry eye syndrome occurs when the tears produced are inadequate to lubricate the eyes. Due to this, the eyes fail to shield against dust and impurities. This causes discomfort or irritation to the eyes. Tears play an important role in preserving the health of the eyes. It is also helpful in providing a proper vision to the eyes. What are the symptoms? Dry eye causes a lot of discomfort and irritation. It gives a feeling of having something in the eyes all the time and an itchy sensation. A few other common symptoms of dry eye syndrome are as follows: Pain in the eyes Heaviness of eyes Dry sensation Redness of eyes Blur vision Burning In a few cases, there are chances where the eyes may produce excess tears. The lack of dampness in the eyes irritates them. There is stimulation to produce tears in excess, as a defense mechanism. This condition is “reflex tearing” and is only a temporary disorder.
Facts and Signs of Ingrown Hair
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Facts and Signs of Ingrown Hair

Ingrown hair affects everyone, irrespective of the gender. The hair on our skin naturally grows outward and above from the skin. There are two principal layers of our skin – the epidermal layer and the dermal layer. Hair grows from the dermal layer of the skin, which also contains rough connective tissue, sweat glands, blood vessels, and so on. Skin hair that rises to a certain extent from the dermal layer of the skin but ultimately curls around and recesses into the same instead of growing outward is known as ingrown hair. Fun facts about ingrown hair Ingrown hair can be found in all age groups. This is a very common and harmless skin disorder that affects people irrespective of their age or gender. Individuals who have curly hair on their body are most likely to experience the problem of ingrown hair. The same can aggravate hair follicles and result in irritation. Ingrown hair is a common problem for people who have tight and thick curling hair and have recently shaved it. A person with ingrown hair is generally advised to not go for a very close shave for removal, as it might aggravate the situation. An effective way of ingrown hair removal is to opt for laser hair removal techniques.
Know about the Various Symptoms of Neuropathy
Signs & Symptoms

Know about the Various Symptoms of Neuropathy

Neuropathy refers to a generalized disease or malfunctioning of the nerves due to a variety of causes. Nerves are present throughout the body and damage in any location of this system affects the related body part. What Is neuropathy? The word is a combination of “neuro” + “pathy” where “neuro” refers to nerve and “pathy” means suffering or feeling. This is a term that is used to describe injury, damage or disease to the nerves. As a result of such damage, there can be several effects – pain, loss of sensation, loss of function or movement, impairment of gland or organ function. These damages are based on the part of the nervous system that is affected. Classification Neuropathy may be classified according to: The number of nerves affected- mononeuropathy, polyneuropathy, mononeuritis multiplex Type of nerve fiber that is involved in motor, sensory or autonomic systems Damaged or injured nerves can cause compression or inflammation Other classifications include cranial neuropathy vs peripheral neuropathy based on whether cranial nerves or peripheral nerves( those outside the brain/spinal cord system) are involved, focal neuropathy where only a single nerve or one single area of the body is involved. Terms like distal symmetric neuropathy are used to describe how distant the affected nerves are from the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system).
All You Need to Know about Crohn’s Disease
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All You Need to Know about Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease affects thousands of people in the country every year. This painful condition can be life-threatening if not treated in time. Knowing about the symptoms and diagnosis of Crohn’s disease, the treatment can go a long way in helping a person lead a normal life. What Is Crohn’s disease? This condition is categorized as an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In this condition, the digestive tract gets inflamed leading to severe stomach pain, diarrhea, loss of weight, extreme tiredness, malnutrition, and other symptoms. The inflammation is not only contained in the digestive tract but goes deep in the layers of tissue in the bowels. A person with the condition experiences severe pain and incapacitation. If not treated in time, this condition can develop into deadly complications. The cause of Crohn’s disease is not known. An unhealthy diet and stress may worsen the condition, but doctors think a weakened immune system and hereditary factors have an important role to play in its occurrence. People with a family history of Crohn’s disease are at a greater risk of developing the condition, but this is not always the case. Other risk factors may include age, ethnicity and lifestyle factors. While the condition can develop at any age, Crohn’s disease is diagnosed in most people before they turn 30 years old.
Understanding the Early Signs of Diabetes
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Understanding the Early Signs of Diabetes

If one is looking to identify the early signs of diabetes, it is important to note that diabetes is a metabolic disorder. When the food digested by the body is not properly converted to be used for growth as well as energy, this phenomenon is what triggers diabetes. What are the early signs of diabetes? The early signs of diabetes are generally mild and mostly ignored by most people. A higher than average level of glucose is found in the blood. With type 2 diabetes, there are no significant manifestations until the effects of long-term damage are felt. As far as type 1 diabetes is concerned, there are early manifestations that occur within a couple of days or weeks. The severity is more complicated as well. Early signs that are common to both types of diabetes Hungry or fatigued The glucose needed by the cells come from the food that we eat. The body converts food that we eat into glucose. However, to ensure that the glucose reaches the cells, insulin is required by the body. When the body cannot manufacture enough or any insulin at all, or if the insulin present is resisted by the cells, they don’t get the glucose they need.