High Blood Pressure – Symptoms and Treatment Options
Signs & Symptoms

High Blood Pressure – Symptoms and Treatment Options

Hypertension or high blood pressure is the condition where the amount of force exerted against the artery walls when the blood flows through them is higher than usual. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), one in every three persons in the country over the age of 20 has high blood pressure. Without the right treatment, blood pressure may lead to many health problems including heart failure, stroke, vision loss, and kidney disease. Common symptoms of high blood pressure Hypertension is known as the silent killer as it does not exhibit any symptoms. When the blood pressure reaches 180/110 mmHg, it is considered a medical emergency. Some of the common symptoms of high blood pressure are as follows: Headaches It is one of the most common symptoms of high blood pressure. It may get worse because of factors like stress, migraines or sinusitis. High blood pressure can affect the blood-brain barrier, exert excess pressure on the brain, and lead to blood leaks from the blood vessels. The leaked blood causes swelling, which exerts more pressure on the brain and leads to headaches. Dizzy spells It is another symptom of high blood pressure, but its cause may also be anxiety, the side effect of some medicines, low blood pressure, or pregnancy.
Hip Bursitis – Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Treatment
Diagnosis & Prevention

Hip Bursitis – Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Treatment

The hip joint is one of the strongest joints of the human body. It helps us to stand and walk and absorbs the impact when we jump. However, it is not immune to wear and tear. Hip bursitis or the inflammation of a bursa in the hip is one of the common causes of hip pain. Prescription medication is not always required for relief from hip bursitis. What is hip bursitis? Sacs filled with fluid that reduce the friction between tissues as they move are known as bursae. The major bursae are located at large joints such as the hips, shoulders, elbows, and knees. There are two bursae in the hip, the trochanteric bursa on the outer hip and the iliopsoas bursa on the inner side of the hip. Inflammation of the bursa is known as bursitis. This is not infectious but it may become infected. Causes of hip bursitis It becomes easier to seek relief for hip bursitis if one understands the factors causing it. The most common causes of hip bursitis are as follows: Injury to the hip Falling on the hip or banging the hip on a hard surface can lead to blood being filled in the bursa and inflammation of the bursa lining.
All You Need to Know about the Diet for Diverticulitis
Diets & Meal Plans

All You Need to Know about the Diet for Diverticulitis

These days, the stomach diseases are increasing, and therefore, the doctors show a severe concern towards the overall nutrition of the people. Every age group has certain gut bacteria levels and must follow a routine check-up. Cleansing of the colon area is a must so that toxins from the body keep on regularly releasing without harming organs and intestine lining. However, a particular health condition came into highlight mostly in the age group of 30 to 50 years is diverticulitis. It is a kind of a stomach disease which occurs when small pockets are formed in the wall of the digestive system. They lead to the intestine inflammation. One of the reasons for this can be an infection due to the toxics of colon. What are diverticula and how is it formed? Diverticula are small sacs or pockets which take birth on their own when the colon muscles become weaker. They protrude outward in the large intestine lining in red color like boils or polyps. It is a painful condition during a flare-up. Sometimes, on diagnosing, immediate surgery is recommended by the specialists. What are the symptoms of diverticulitis? Most people are unaware of the initial symptoms and lead to the chronic stage and then realize the fact that they are affected by diverticulitis.
Abdomen Pain Symptoms That Hint at Other Disorders
Signs & Symptoms

Abdomen Pain Symptoms That Hint at Other Disorders

The abdomen forms the part of the body also called the torso. Usually, the whole of the belly region is called the abdomen. It is one of the most vital parts of the body (other than the skull). It holds in it the whole digestive system and therefore holds the organs responsible for the proper functioning of the human body. This article is aimed at providing a short guide to the most common abdomen pain symptoms. The abdomen consists of the small intestine, large intestine, stomach, cecum, appendix, gallbladder, liver, pancreas, spleen, and kidneys. Not only is the abdomen vital for digestion but is also important for various other activities such as breathing, childbirth, urination, defecation, coughing, etc. Due to the existence of so many organs and due to the various functions that the abdomen performs, it is susceptible to various issues of which the most common one is abdominal pain. There are innumerable reasons for abdomen pain. As all the organs are tightly packed in the abdomen. it becomes difficult to figure out the reasons for abdominal pain. There are various diagnostic procedures that are performed to determine the type of abdominal disorder that the abdomen pain symptoms are pointing towards.
Seasonal Allergy Triggers, Symptoms and Medications
Signs & Symptoms

Seasonal Allergy Triggers, Symptoms and Medications

According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, about eight percent of Americans have an allergy that occurs in a particular season. Seasonal allergies occur when your immune system overreacts to an outdoor allergen (something that triggers an allergic response), such as pollen. The pollens that spread seasonal allergies are from wind-pollinated plants, such as trees, grasses, and weeds. The insect-pollinated plants are too heavy to remain airborne for long, therefore they are less likely to trigger an allergic reaction. The plants release their pollen at different times of the year. You may experience seasonal allergies in more than one season depending on where you live and your allergy triggers. There are some of the best seasonal allergy medicine options that you can opt for, but let us first take look at what triggers a seasonal allergy. Seasonal allergy triggers The most common seasonal allergy trigger is ragweed, a wild plant that grows especially on the East Coast and in the Midwest. Ragweed blossoms and discharges pollen from August to November. Some other plants that trigger seasonal allergies are Burning Bush, Cocklebur, Lamb’s-quarters, Pigweed, Sagebrush and Mugwort, Tumbleweed, and Russian Thistle. Climate factors can influence how badly your seasonal allergies are triggered.
Key Symptoms and Treatments of Arthritis
Signs & Symptoms

Key Symptoms and Treatments of Arthritis

Arthritis can be described as an autoimmune disorder that leads to chronic inflammation of the joints. Generally, body parts like the knees, hands, and fingers are mainly affected by this chronic disease. The disease begins with mild symptoms that often lead to a bigger systemic illness affecting the different portions of the human body. The arthritis pain symptoms differ from one individual to another, and it may change on a day-to-day basis. Arthritis pain can be identified with the help of its symptoms. You must remember that the symptoms may vary from person to person, and you have to get a detailed idea to deal with this chronic disease. Here are some of the basic symptoms and treatment methods of rheumatoid arthritis that’ll give you an idea of what it is. Fatigue Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis pain in almost all phases. Fatigue results from the active inflammation of joints, anemia, medication habits, and poor sleep. Patients feel uneasy and often report a lack of energy. Moreover, it can affect their emotions, occupation, sex drive, relationship, mood, happiness, creativity, productivity, and attentiveness. Many experts have revealed that fatigue and rheumatoid arthritis also have a connection with weight loss and poor appetite.
Common Symptoms of Hepatitis C
Signs & Symptoms

Common Symptoms of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is an infection caused by a virus that attacks the liver and damages it. This leads to inflammation of the liver. The virus that causes this condition is the hepatitis C Virus (HCV). This disease was identified in the year 1989 until when it was termed as non-hepatitis A and non-hepatitis B. HCV is one amongst the well-known hepatitis strains of hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. As of 2015, about 2% of the world, that is, around an estimate of 143 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis C. Though there are various methods of treatment available for this disease, there is no availability of vaccines to prevent the occurrence of this disease. The disease is spread by direct blood to blood contact. It is a highly contagious disease. The spreading of the disease occurs majorly due to organ transplant, blood transfusion, sharing needles (usually with the usage of intravenous medicines), body modifications (tattooing with unsterile needles, nose/ear piercing), shared items (sharing items such as razors and toothbrush), during childbirth (the mother can pass down the virus to the child), and sexual contact (if it involves the exchange of blood). There are various methods of treatment for this disease.
Heartburn – Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options
Diagnosis & Prevention

Heartburn – Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

Heartburn is a condition that results from a disturbed digestive system. In this condition, the acidic contents of your stomach end up going back up through the esophagus pipe as a result of reflux. This leads to an uncomfortable feeling that is characterized by a burning sensation in the chest, which is commonly known as heartburn. Heartburn – Main causes, signs, and symptoms The lower part of the esophagus, or the food pipe, opens up to release food into your stomach. The lower esophageal sphincter, which is the lower part of the food pipe may sometimes end up opening abnormally to release acidic contents back into the esophagus. It could be caused due to indigestion of certain foods or even due to the consumption of spicy foods. This results in the feeling of a strange, burning sensation in your chest, which can be characterized as one of the main heartburn signs. In other words, every time the lower esophageal sphincter gets too relaxed, the stomach juices go upwards, thereby causing this condition. As mentioned above, the occurrence of heartburn signs and symptoms can be attributed to the intake of certain kinds of drinks and foods. The intake of spicy foods, in particular, can lead to the onset of heartburn symptoms.