Tension Headache Symptoms and Home Remedies
Signs & Symptoms

Tension Headache Symptoms and Home Remedies

Headaches are very common these days. Long working hours on the laptop and an excessive use of gadgets often lead to a headache. Most people ignore headaches or get temporary relief by taking painkillers. But, do you know that a headache can be the first symptom of a deadly disease? Whether it’s just a tension headache or a sinus problem, ignoring a headache is never a bliss. Headaches are one of the most common chronic pains (second only to back troubles). A headache could be a symptom of some anguished, life-threatening illnesses or it could be as simple as anxiety. So how do you identify what category your problem fits in? Although not all headaches are the same, they all share at least one thing in common—they cause pain. Many headaches also cause other unwanted symptoms, including nausea and vomiting. This article highlights the symptoms of one of the most common types of headache, which is a tension headache and looks at the treatment options for the same. A tension headache One of the most common types of a headache, a tension headache causes pain or discomfort in the head, the neck, and the scalp. It is often associated with tightness of muscles in these areas.
All You Need to Know about Atrial Fibrillation
Signs & Symptoms

All You Need to Know about Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation, which is more commonly known as AFib, is a typical heart condition where the heart beats at a much faster rate than usual. More precisely, the heartbeat is often irregular and more than 100 beats or less than 60 beats per minute as compared to the normal heartbeat rate of 60 to 100 beats per minute, when you are in a resting and a relaxed position. Such fast heartbeats can cause serious complications like a stroke or a blood clot in the heart. Thus, it needs to be treated immediately before the situation goes out of the control. Thus, AFib treatment at the right moment is very important. In this article, we’ll discuss some important facts about AFib that can help you to take the right decision before it’s too late. Here are some foods to eat and avoid to reduce the risk of atrial fibrillation (AFib): Whole grains Whole grains contain fibers, which are known to improve cholesterol levels in the body. They also help reduce the risk of conditions linked to AFib, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Legumes Legumes such as lentils, beans, chickpeas, and peas contain healthy antioxidants, fiber, and other nutrients.
10 Common Symptoms of Hepatitis C
Signs & Symptoms

10 Common Symptoms of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a kind of infection that’s caused by a hepatitis C virus that normally attacks the liver. This condition usually progresses slowly and shows a few symptoms or signs for decades. This is the reason most cases of this disease go undiagnosed for many years. In most cases, this condition is discovered when someone is undergoing a routine checkup or when they try to give blood and it’s screened for hepatitis C virus. However, most people live this virus for many years without knowing. In such a case, the disease is discovered when chronic liver disease symptoms like liver cancer and cirrhosis finally set in. Since most people are always checking hepatitis C FAQs to know about its symptoms, some of the common symptoms of acute and chronic hepatitis C have been mentioned below: Acute HCV infection HCV infection starts when one is exposed to the virus, and this phase is known as acute or short-term HCV. Acute HCV doesn’t have many symptoms, and its infection develops 2 to 26 weeks after an exposure to the virus. Most people who have this infection develop symptoms like abdominal pain, jaundice and flu-like symptoms (muscles aches, fatigue, and nausea). The symptoms disappear in a few weeks, and the acute illness lasts typically for 2 to 12 weeks.
7 Early Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Signs & Symptoms

7 Early Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common disorder where an individual’s joints are attacked by their immune system. The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis usually affect the wrists, feet, and hands, and spotting the signs early enough can make it possible for a person to get an early diagnosis and the necessary treatment. Through early and consistent management of RA, it becomes possible for a person to prevent permanent joint damage and disability. Such small measures also help to lead a comparatively pain-free life. Let us know a bit more about rheumatoid arthritis, early signs of rheumatoid arthritis, and when you should see a doctor. What is rheumatoid arthritis? This condition occurs when joints become inflamed because the immune system of a person isn’t functioning properly. However, the immune system in people with RA attacks the body cells causing joint inflammation and making the joints painful, stiff, and swollen. At the moment, RA doesn’t have a cure, but through proper treatment, the flares of RA can be reduced. If this condition is not treated or signs of rheumatoid arthritis are ignored, the cartilage, joints, and bones in the affected area become damaged. Early signs of rheumatoid arthritis Since spotting the warning signs of RA can help you seek treatment earliest possible, you need to know the signs you should look for.
12 Symptoms of Adult ADHD
Signs & Symptoms

12 Symptoms of Adult ADHD

ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurobehavioral disorder that can cause physical and mental problems if left untreated. The disease could take a toll on one’s life by causing problems in relationships and at the workplace as well. According to the American Psychiatric Association, 5% of all children in the country have ADHD, and almost half of those children carry the disease to adulthood. Thus, with time, this condition could disappear for some patients. However, in other cases, though the symptoms begin in childhood, ADHD continues through teenage and adulthood. It then becomes important to understand and know the signs and symptoms. Adults who have ADHD are often not aware that they suffer from this condition, and so they don’t consider it essential to treat it. However, if they wish to live a normal and healthy life, it is best to watch out for some obvious and less obvious symptoms. Hyperfocus Adults with ADHD tend to focus intently on things, and this is one of the prominent symptoms of this condition. These adults can get so engrossed in doing or watching something that they might completely ignore everything else happening around them. It can lead to strained relationships and erratic work life.
Allergies- Types, Symptoms, and Treatments
Signs & Symptoms

Allergies- Types, Symptoms, and Treatments

An allergy is a disease caused when our immune system becomes hypersensitive due to contact with any foreign substance. These allergic reactions vary from person to person –while some allergies are less complicated with rashes or redness on skin some can be fatal like sending you into an anaphylactic shock where you find it difficult to breathe. Based on the different types of allergies, you need the best allergy medicine which can help your immune system to recover. Food allergy Although more popular among kids and infants, it can also affect adults at any point in time. The concerning thing about food allergies is that it can even occur suddenly after eating food you have been consuming for long. While allergies can happen after consuming anything from eggplant to prawns, the 8 foods that trigger 90% of allergic cases include eggs, soy, milk, wheat, tree nuts, peanuts, fish, and shellfish. Sesame or mustard seeds can also trigger allergies. Symptoms include a swollen tongue, breathing problems, dizziness, wheezing, vomiting, repetitive cough, pale or flared skin etc. Severe symptoms include anaphylactic shock with a sudden drop in blood pressure, unconsciousness and blockage in the air passage. The best way to avoid food allergy is to avoid those foods or products that contain this food in them.
Symptoms of Different Types of Epileptic Seizures
Signs & Symptoms

Symptoms of Different Types of Epileptic Seizures

Epilepsy is a neurological condition that causes seizures. A person is said to have epilepsy if he experiences two or more seizures, a disorder in the electrical communication between neurons in the brain, separated by a period of 24 hours. The consequences of an epileptic seizure can vary from uncontrolled jerking movement to momentary loss of awareness. These can also vary in frequency, from several times in a day to only once in a year. Understanding epilepsy seizure symptoms is the first step in treating this disorder. Types of epileptic seizures and their symptoms Differentiating seizure types is important for causes, diagnosis, and treatment. Epilepsy seizure symptoms are broadly classified into two groups – focal seizures and generalized seizures. Focal seizures are the ones which initially affect only one hemisphere of the brain. There are four lobes in each hemisphere of the brain. The seizure symptoms vary based on where the seizure has occurred. This is further divided into two categories: Focal aware seizure – This affects only a small area of the brain and people experiencing this type of seizure remain conscious. The common symptoms include the following. A sudden feeling of fear, anger, anxiety Falling or moving sensations Altered sense of hearing Strenuous speech or incapable of speaking If asleep, hallucinations or illusions Focal impaired awareness seizure – This is associated with unilateral cerebral hemisphere and results in impairment of awareness.
All You Need to Know about Diverticulitis
Signs & Symptoms

All You Need to Know about Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is one of the leading causes of hospitalization in the case of old people. It’s a treatable condition provided that the patient gets early and appropriate intervention. What is diverticulitis? It is a condition where there is an inflammation or infection in the diverticula or small pouches that develop in the lining of the intestine. According to the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy more than 50% of people above 60, and nearly everyone over the age of 80 has diverticula in their intestines. These pouches may not pose a health risk provided that they don’t get inflamed or infected. Uncomplicated diverticulitis If diverticulitis does develop, it may be a minor irritant, and one can treat it with a course of antibiotics. In more than 75% of cases, there are no severe complications, and a routine CT scan can confirm the diagnosis. About one-third of the total patients experience a recurrence of symptoms, and in younger patients, intervention and testing procedures are necessary. Serious cases Sometimes, the condition can become chronic, and surgery may be required. In about one-fourth of the cases, patients develop complicated diverticulitis with the formation of abscesses, fissures, obstruction, fistula, and obstruction of the bowel. Perforation of the bowel is a major complication because the patient faces the risk of developing peritonitis.