8 Natural Ways to Treat an Overactive Bladder
Natural Remedies

8 Natural Ways to Treat an Overactive Bladder

Overreactive bladder or the OAB is a problem with bladder function that causes a sudden need to urinate. Overactive bladder is common among women but may occur in men also. If you’re encountering symptoms of overactive bladder, like an urge to pee eight or more times a day, the necessity to wake up to pee twice or more per night, or urinary leaks, consult a urologist. It can be linked with a lot of underlying diseases. But if it is because of an overreactive bladder, these natural cures for overactive bladder will improve the condition. Cut down on bladder-irritant foods Researches show that spicy foods can be an irritant to the bladder lining. Curry, oranges, spicy chili, chili peppers, or horseradish, and juice are bladder irritants. Furthermore, highly acidic foods can also trigger your bladder. It may not be practical to give up all foods that possibly irritate your bladder, however, you can take note which foods are worst for you, and you can avoid those particularly before bed. Reduce caffeine and alcohol Another of the many natural cures for overactive bladder is reducing caffeine and alcohol consumption. These are diuretics (they make you pee) and they stimulate bladder function.
Home Remedies for Colitis That Actually Work
Natural Remedies

Home Remedies for Colitis That Actually Work

Many people wonder if there is any home remedy for colitis. If you are wondering the same thing, then you would be delighted to know that there are many home remedies available for colitis which you should not overlook. Colitis or ulcerative colitis can be a painful disease. But frankly speaking, there is no way that one can treat this disease completely. However, the home remedies that you will learn about in this article will surely help you to reduce the inflammation that happens because of colitis. Here are some of the colitis treatments at home that work effectively. Home remedies for colitis Fennel seeds The use of fennel seeds is quite useful for colitis treatment at home. For that, you need to soak the seed into lukewarm water for an entire night. Then you need to strain the seed in the morning. After that, you have to drink that water for the whole day whenever you feel inflammation in your colon. This seed water will provide you with the much needed soothing impact on your colon. Cod liver oil Cod liver oil is the source of many healing properties for colitis. It really helps to integrate the calcium and the minerals present in the body of an individual.
5 Ways to Treat Hernia Without Surgery
Natural Remedies

5 Ways to Treat Hernia Without Surgery

A hernia occurs when an internal part such as an organ or a fatty tissue pushes through an opening in the muscle or tissue that holds it in place. The common types of hernias are an inguinal hernia (inner groin), incisional hernia (resulting from an incision), femoral hernia (outer groin), umbilical hernia (belly button), and hiatal hernia (upper stomach). Even though they are most common in the abdomen, hernias may appear in the upper thigh, belly button, and groin regions. If the opening in the abdomen through which the umbilical cord passes does not seal properly after birth, infants may also suffer from this condition. This condition occurs in adults if there is repeated strain on the abdomen. Most of the hernias are not immediately life-threatening, but they require surgical correction to prevent potentially dangerous complications as they will not go away on their own. You can do some exercises at home and make some lifestyle changes to cure a hernia without surgery. Symptoms of a hernia The symptoms of a hernia include a prominent swelling under the skin of the abdomen or the groin which can disappear when you lie down. The pain might be tender or sore. You might experience the feeling of a heavy weight in the abdomen which might be accompanied by constipation or blood in the stool.
Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels
Natural Remedies

Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

The blood sugar levels rise when the body fails in transporting the sugar in the blood to the cells. To lead a healthy life, it is important to maintain the blood sugar levels in the body. The best way to control blood sugar levels includes making some lifestyle changes. Here are some ways to naturally lower blood sugar. Regular exercise Exercising on a regular basis is an effective way of weight loss and well as increasing the sensitivity of insulin, leading to lower blood sugar. When the sensitivity of insulin increases, the sugar that is present in your blood is used more efficiently by the cells. Muscle contraction is much better and blood sugar is used by your muscles for energy. If controlling blood sugar is a problem for you, it is important that the levels are checked on a regular basis. This will help you access what form of activity works best for you. Exercise options include brisk walking, biking, running, lifting weights, swimming, hiking and so on. Lower carb intake Insulin takes the glucose created after carbs are broken down by your body and transports it to the cells. This process doesn’t work when the carb intake is too high or the insulin is not functioning properly, leading to higher levels of blood glucose.
The Importance of Using Exfoliating Face Scrubs Regularly
Natural Remedies

The Importance of Using Exfoliating Face Scrubs Regularly

Usually, people follow a routine skin care process that involves cleansing, sun protection, and moisturizing but forget to include exfoliation. An occasional skin facial includes an exfoliating process so that skin pores can easily be opened for cleaning. It will be incorrect of you to assume that a cleanser and moisturizer will do its work and you have provided enough nourishment to your skin by just that. Using a good exfoliating scrub is one of the best ways to start off a skin cleansing routine. There are so many best-seeming exfoliating face scrubs in the market that you may get confused at a glance. What does a face scrub do? In practical terms, a face scrub is helpful in removing the clogged pores and releasing dirt particles that settle down deep inside the open pores. It is not easy to remove the dirt from clogged pores by merely using a face wash. Exfoliation is a method by which the skin starts breathing again and allows oxygen to travel deep within. Dead skin occasionally sheds when facial scrubbing is performed. It prevents the formation of acne, reduces wrinkles and helps to maintain an even skin tone. In the online market on various websites, you can find many exfoliating face scrubs that are the best and can be used daily due to their affordable rates.
Home Remedies for Watery Eyes from Allergies
Natural Remedies

Home Remedies for Watery Eyes from Allergies

Watery eyes are also known as epiphora. Epiphora is a common condition but it is often commonly misunderstood. Basically, epiphora means overflowing of tears without any particular reason. Normally, tears drain through the nasolacrimal system, but if there is an insufficient tear film drainage through the eyes, the tears overflow on the face. This condition can affect individuals of any age, but it is more commonly seen in children under the age of two years or adults above the age of 60. Watery eyes can be treated effectively as long as you consult a doctor about the condition. Causes of water eyes Many conditions and factors cause watery eyes. In children, watery eyes are often the result of a tear duct blockage. Here, instead of draining away, the tears tend to build up in the tear sac and overflow. For older adults, aging is one of the main causes of watery eyes because the skin of the eyelids sags away from the eyeballs. Watery eyes may also be induced by certain medicines, such as chemotherapy, epinephrine, and eye drops. Other common causes for epiphora include allergies, eyelid inflammation, blocked tear ducts, common colds, corneal abrasion, corneal ulcer, dry eyes, and more.
The Best Home Remedies to Get Relief from Gum Disease
Natural Remedies

The Best Home Remedies to Get Relief from Gum Disease

Gum disease can cause immense pain in your teeth too. As medications for gum disease are expensive, it is better to look for treatment methods with some home remedies. With home remedies, you can treat your gum disease once and for all, and this is the reason many people prefer home remedies for gum disease. In this article, let’s find out some of the most effective home remedies for gum disease. Tea tree oil Tea tree oil has some powerful anti-inflammatory agents that could really help you get relief from the pain due to gum disease. A study conducted on tea tree oil’s effects on gum disease in 2008 revealed that the application of a gel made from tea tree oil can reduce the gingivitis and gum bleeding effectively. What you can do is buy toothpaste that has tea tree oil as an ingredient or add some drops of tea tree oil in the toothpaste you are already using. You need to brush with tea tree oil in your toothpaste for two to three times a day in order to get maximum results. Sea salt Sea salt has been known widely for its effectiveness in treating pain and reducing inflammation.
Effective Remedies to Get Relief from Muscle Pain
Natural Remedies

Effective Remedies to Get Relief from Muscle Pain

Some common causes of muscle pain are an aggressive workout, physical labor, an injury or regular day-to-day activities. Also known as myalgia, muscle pain is a common problem, and everyone experiences it at some point in their life. Muscle pain can occur in almost every part of the body. The pain can be mild or acute, and in the latter case, people might find it difficult to go about their routine. Thankfully, some remedies can offer instant relief from the agonizing pain. Here are some remedies that provide relief from muscle pain: Effective remedies to get relief from muscle pain Use an ice pack Ice is an efficient solution for reducing pain, swelling, and inflammation. One can use an ice pack to soothe the muscle tissues and ease the pain. To use this, wrap an ice pack in a cloth or towel and place it on the affected area for 10 minutes. Repeat the process after 1-2 hours. Remember that using an ice pack for more than 10-15 minutes can result in tissue damage. Also, make sure to wrap the ice pack in a towel before using it to avoid frostbite. Use a heating pad If one experiences long-term pain or stress in the muscles, they can consider using a heating pad.