All You Need to Know about Type 1 Diabetes
Diseases & Conditions

All You Need to Know about Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is a chronic condition in which the pancreas almost stop producing the insulin hormone that is needed to allow the glucose (sugar) to enter the cells and produce energy. This chronic condition is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes. It usually occurs when the immune system destroys the beta cells in the pancreas. Different medical research reports have reflected that several factors, including some viruses and genetics, may lead to this chronic condition. According to these medical reports, usually, type 1 diabetes can appear during the adolescence or childhood, and it can develop slowly in adults as well. Till date, different medical studies on this chronic condition have not come up with a permanent cure or remedy. However, the treatment mainly focuses on keeping the blood sugar levels in control with insulin. Additionally, some lifestyle changes along with a healthy diet can help prevent complications caused by type 1 diabetes. Symptoms of type 1 diabetes Due to this chronic condition, glucose from food items is unable to enter the cells and produce energy. Instead, it starts to build up in the blood, resulting in high blood sugar. It also causes the cells to starve. To prevent the life-threatening health complications caused by type 1 diabetes, patients require proper treatment.
Things You Should Know about Bone Density Tests
Diseases & Conditions

Things You Should Know about Bone Density Tests

As we age, our health gets worse and the list of medical tests we need to determine our current condition of health grows longer and longer. At times we tend to skip our tests because of our busy frame of mind, or because we think that we do not need them. When it comes to a bone density test, one should get the test done every few years. A bone density test is vital in determining the strength of our bones. The test is also called a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry or DEXA scan. It helps us determine if we are suffering from any bone loss that can lead to disabilities and fractures in the future, giving us an overview of our overall bone health. Bone density and bone health tests should not be skipped as they can help us determine the condition of our bones. Most men under the age of 70 and women under the age of 65 do not require the test, but this does not mean we should skip it altogether. Here is all one needs to know about the bone density test and why one should get it done today. What is a Bone density Test?
All You Need to Know about Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Diagnosis & Prevention

All You Need to Know about Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Hidradenitis suppurativa, commonly referred to as acne inversa, is a chronic skin condition which is difficult and complicated to deal with. Triggered during puberty, teens, or 20s by unhealthy lifestyle habits, this condition is caused by a blockage in the apocrine glands. It is characterized by the appearance of painful bumps under the skin, in the hair roots, or near some sweat glands. They typically occur where skin rubs together, such as in the groin, armpits, and buttocks. The lumps may break open and emit a bad smell or cause tunnels under the skin. Hidradenitis suppurativa can persist for several years, and this skin condition usually worsens with time. It can impact one’s daily life as well as mental well-being. Therefore, it is vital to diagnose it in time so that a doctor can recommend appropriate treatment. With the right treatment, one can also prevent the formation of new lumps and other complications such as depression. Common symptoms of hidradenitis suppurativa Hidradenitis suppurativa typically occurs in areas surrounding the hair follicles. It may also appear in a single area or multiple parts of the body. Common signs and symptoms of this disease that you should watch out for include: Red and tender bumps:
A Guide to Pollen Allergies
Diseases & Conditions

A Guide to Pollen Allergies

Pollen can cause allergies and hay fever, and this is a very common problem in the country. Pollen is a powdery substance produced by flowers and trees. Many people show adverse effects when they breathe in pollen. Usually, when a harmful invader like bacteria or virus enters the body, the immune system starts to fight against it. However, some people face a problem whereby their immune system starts attacking pollen when it enters the body, even though it is not harmful. This response is known as an allergic reaction, and the pollen is known as the allergens. Many people face this problem throughout the year while others have to deal with it only during a specific time of the year. Pollen count Pollen count is the level of pollen present in the atmosphere in a particular place. Checking this count is quite useful for the people who suffer from a pollen allergy. Based on the weather condition, the count will vary from place to place. An allergist carries out this test which helps us know the exact pollen count in an area. When you have an idea about the pollen levels outside, you will be able to plan your outdoor activities with ease.
All You Need to Know about Erection Problems
Diseases & Conditions

All You Need to Know about Erection Problems

Erection problems occur when a man cannot achieve or maintain an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse with a partner. While this is not a life-threatening issue, one should still consult a medical expert if they are unable to achieve an erection for one-quarter of the time to find out the underlying cause for this problem. Erectile problems are also known as: Sexual dysfunction Impotence ED or erectile dysfunction Common causes of erection problems It is necessary to understand why this problem occurs to get the right treatment. According to various medical reports, the most common causes of erection problems are psychological, physical, or a combination of both. Some research studies state that older men suffer from erectile dysfunction due to various physical reasons. The blood vessels and nerves responsible for an erection may be affected by this disorder. On the other hand, some medical studies indicate that most of the times, psychological effects and lifestyle concerns cause erectile dysfunction in young men. Here is a list of the probable physical causes that lead to erectile dysfunction in men. Note that these causes may vary from one person to another. Diabetes Heart disease along with the narrowing of the blood vessels High cholesterol High blood pressure Metabolic syndrome and obesity Multiple sclerosis Parkinson’s disease Peyronie’s disease (anatomical or structural penis disorder) Hardening of the arteries Substance abuse Kidney or liver disease Alcoholism Treatment processes for the prostate issues Congenital genitalia issues Excessive tobacco use Hormonal disorders like testosterone deficiency and thyroid conditions Radiation therapy in the pelvic region Injuries to the spinal cord or pelvic area Surgical complications Almost 90 percent of the erection problems are the result of physical causes.
Causes and Triggers of Sinus Problems
Causes & Risk Factors

Causes and Triggers of Sinus Problems

Sinuses are the area in the forehead just in the center of the eyes and behind the cheekbones. They are hollow air spaces whose primary function is to make mucus. This mucus keeps the inner side of your nose moist, thus protecting you from pollutants, allergies dust, and more. Hence, sinuses are not the cause of any problem. The problem occurs when you have a cold or any other allergy, and your nose gets swollen. This swelling blocks the sinus passage of your nose, making you feel uncomfortable. You may also find yourself unable to drain the nose. If you have a blockage in the sinus area of your nose, your speech is also affected. Let’s have a look at some of the common causes and triggers that can lead to sinus problems. Viruses Usually, sinus infections start with a cold. When you have a cold, your nasal tissues gets swollen, blocking the holes that drain the sinuses which leads to breathing difficulties. In case a virus is the cause of your sinus infection, then antibiotics are not capable of curing it as these medicines only kill bacteria, and not viruses. One should wash their hands regularly and keep themselves away from any sinus-infected person.
Things You Need to Know about Eczema
Diseases & Conditions

Things You Need to Know about Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition where some patches of skin get inflamed and become itchy, sore, rough, and cracked. In some cases, blood blisters may also occur. Eczema is not a single condition, but a group of conditions that include atopic dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, contact dermatitis, hand eczema, neurodermatitis, stasis dermatitis, and nummular eczema. This is a frustrating skin condition, where some people experience symptoms a few times a year while some deal with it on an everyday basis. Finding a soothing, natural eczema treatment can be life-changing for people suffering from this exasperating condition. Some facts on eczema Certain food items, such as dairy products, nuts, etc. can trigger eczema symptoms. Symptoms generally vary with a person’s age; however, most common symptoms include red and itchy patches of skin. A lot of times, eczema can be triggered by environmental factors such as dust, smoke, and pollen. There is no complete cure for this skin condition. The best eczema treatments focus on soothing damaged skin and relieving the symptoms. This is not a contagious condition. Symptoms of eczema The symptoms of eczema range from mild to severe, and can change from one outbreak to another. Common symptoms include: The appearance of small bumps that may ooze out liquid Rough, dry and scaly skin that cracks Red or brown patches of skin on the face, hands, feet, wrists, neck, eyelids, ankles, upper chest or scalp Sensitive skin that gets swollen and inflamed from scratching A rash that causes intense itching and irritation Rashes due to atopic eczema Best eczema treatment options There is no complete cure for eczema.
Causes, Types, and Prevention of Strep Meningitis
Diseases & Conditions

Causes, Types, and Prevention of Strep Meningitis

Strep meningitis refers to the enlargement or inflammation of the membranes surrounding the spinal cord and brain. This swelling can trigger a severe headache, stiff neck and high fever. In scientific language, these membranes enveloping the brain are called ‘Meninges’, thus giving the illness its name: Meningitis. This form of the disease can occur in three types, be it viral, bacterial or fungal. Bacterial strep meningitis is the most life-threatening form and if left untreated can lead to whole-body paralysis, sepsis, stroke and even death. Cause and symptoms of strep meningitis Having strep meningitis in the system may be the cause for certain other illnesses, like blood infections, sinus infections, pneumonia. This bacterium is highly contagious and may come in contact with another person via coughing, sharing cosmetics, sneezing etc. In strep meningitis, a bacterium, fungus, virus or parasite spreads through the bloodstream until it reaches the target organ i.e. brain or spinal cord. It tends to set base up in the membrane lining and slowly spreads through the vital body parts and develops into a much more advanced infection. The initial symptoms for meningitis mimic the symptoms of influenza which is usually just eyewash. Possible signs and symptoms include: