Diabetic Foot Pain – Causes, Treatment, and Prevention
Diseases & Conditions

Diabetic Foot Pain – Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Diabetes can take a toll on every organ of your body if not controlled. Diabetic foot pain is one of the complications of severe, uncontrolled diabetes. First, diabetes restricts the blood flow to your feet, which then deprives them of nutrients and oxygen. The second complication is numbness of feet due to peripheral neuropathy caused by diabetes. Diabetic foot pain or sores, when left untreated, may even lead to amputation of the limb. Diabetic foot pain treatments are based on the severity of the condition and the causes. It is important to discuss diabetic foot pain and sores with your doctor in order to ensure it does not lead to serious complications. Most diabetics develop foot pain and ulcers, but good foot care measures can help prevent serious complications. What causes diabetic foot pain? Diabetic foot sores commonly occur under big toes and the balls of your feet. They are caused due to the breaking of skin tissue and exposure of layers underneath. Severe sores may even affect the bones of your feet. Infected foot sores may even lead to amputation of your feet. First signs of foot sores are drainage from your feet, unusual swelling, redness or irritation, and bad odor from one or both feet.
All You Need to Know about Nerve Pain Relief
Diseases & Conditions

All You Need to Know about Nerve Pain Relief

Nerve pain is a condition that affects 7%-10% of the population in the country. It is also known as neuropathic pain and it is a highly subjective experience for each individual. There are several nerve pain relief treatments available, based on the diagnosis. What is Nerve Pain? The nerves in our body help us feel sensations like touch, heat, cold, pressure, pleasure, and pain. When they suffer damage due to disease or injuries, they may send random, inaccurate, or false signals to the pain centers in the brain and spinal cord. Specific Neuropathy Types There are different, specific forms of nerve pain: Trigeminal Neuralgia It is a type where patients experience intense and sudden facial pain due to damage to the trigeminal nerve that controls chewing and sensation in the face. Phantom-limb Pain The person experiences false pain in a missing or amputated limb. Herpes Herpes pain follows an attack of herpes zoster or shingles and can last for months, sometimes even years. Symptoms People with this condition feel stabbing, shooting, burning or crawling sensations, along with other sensations like tingling, numbness, or a feeling of being pricked by pins and needles. Some people experience an electric-shock kind of sensation.
Things to Know about Diverticulitis
Diseases & Conditions

Things to Know about Diverticulitis

The diverticular disease was sporadic before the 20th century but now it is quite common especially in the western countries. Diverticulitis is the most severe kind of diverticular diseases. The diverticula or pouches are formed in the intestinal wall, they are bacterially infected and inflamed and they form diverticulitis. The diverticulitis often comes with many complications. The diverticulitis treatment guidelines should be followed to combat diverticulitis; otherwise, it can lead to some serious health complications. Here are a few things related to diverticulitis. The common symptoms of diverticulitis There are several stages of diverticulitis. They vary from mild to severe with simple to complicated symptoms. These are: Abdominal pain occurs typically in the lower left side of the abdomen Fever Nausea Vomiting The increased urge for urination, frequent urination, or feeling of a burning sensation at the time of urination Constipation Diarrhea Blood in stool The causes of diverticulitis There are multiple factors responsible for causing diverticulitis. These are: A low-fiber diet The lack of dietary fiber in food is considered one of the main reasons for diverticulitis. Heredity From research, it is seen that there is a link of heredity with diverticulitis. There is at least 50 percent of the potential risk of diverticulitis which comes from genetics.
Side Effects of Garcinia Cambogia that You Should Know About
Causes & Risk Factors

Side Effects of Garcinia Cambogia that You Should Know About

Garcinia Cambogia, also known as Malabar Tamarind, Brindleberry, and Kudam Pulli (Pot Tamarind), is native to Indonesia and is a tropical species of Garcinia. The name Garcinia Cambogia is a former scientific name of the same species of fruits. It is also known as Garcinia Gummi-Gutta. It is found and grown in moist forests where the climatic conditions are suitable for its survival. They are found in various color variants such as greenish, yellowish, or reddish pumpkins. In 2012, Mehmet Cengiz Oz, widely known as Dr. Oz, claimed that the Garcinia Cambogia extracts were “an exciting breakthrough in natural weight loss.” The claims were highly scrutinized and the results were that there was no significant scientific evidence to support the claim. In fact, the usage of Garcinia Cambogia resulted in various adverse gastrointestinal conditions, and almost no weight loss at all. The widespread claims and the supplements available in the market are those that are based on the existence of Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA). HCA is said to boost the fat-burning-capacity of the body. The research into this supplement has yielded mixed results. Majority of the positive results were shown from research performed on animals. Not much research has gone into its effect on humans.
What You Should Know about a Sore Throat from Allergies
Diseases & Conditions

What You Should Know about a Sore Throat from Allergies

Dealing With A Sore Throat From Allergies A sore throat is one of the most irritating throat problems that cause a lot of discomforts. Most of the time, it is a sign of a cold and fever. A sore throat usually occurs because of viruses. The virus infected sore throat cures on its own, over a few days. What is a sore throat? A sore throat is a condition which causes irritation and itchiness in the throat. It is a painful and a dry feeling that occurs in the throat. Sore throats are generally caused by viruses. It can be treated through home remedies. A sore throat causes scratching and burning sensation in the throat. The symptoms cause a lot of trouble while swallowing. Sometimes, a sore throat can cause fever and swelling of the lymph nodes. In such situations, one must consult the doctors. Causes There are many causes of a sore throat. The most common causes are as follow. Virus There are different viruses which cause a sore throat. These viruses cause colds and other respiratory infections. The viruses responsible for flu and other infections also cause a sore throat. Bacteria A few bacterial infections like strep throat and diphtheria can cause a sore throat.
All You Need to know about Using Probiotics to Get Relief from Diarrhea
Diseases & Conditions

All You Need to know about Using Probiotics to Get Relief from Diarrhea

Diarrhea is one of the most common issues that almost everyone faces at least once in their lives. Some common symptoms that one can notice about this condition are bloating of the stomach, abdominal cramping, and watery and frequent stools. Diarrhea occurs due to disruptions within the gastrointestinal system. It typically lasts for less than two weeks. What are the causes of diarrhea? Many sources can lead to this condition. Here are a few of them: Food poisoning Bacterial infection Viral infection Recent use of antibiotics Use of contaminated water How to get rid of diarrhea? You can try several remedies that can help with diarrhea. The most popular methods are probiotics that can provide relief from diarrhea. Probiotics to get relief from diarrhea Probiotics are one of the best ways of managing diarrhea. It is an excellent source of a bacteria which is good for the body. Probiotics are present in the intestinal tract and help create a healthy gut, which treats diarrhea as well. Probiotics may also refer to living microorganisms found in several foods. Here is a list of the best probiotics that can provide relief from diarrhea. Dark chocolate Cottage cheese Green olives Kefir Sauerkraut Beet Kvass Kombucha Natto Miso Tempeh Pickles Yogurt While you can get probiotics in their natural form from these foods, they are also available as pills.
What You Need to Know about Kidney Stones
Diseases & Conditions

What You Need to Know about Kidney Stones

There are minerals and salts in urine which lead to the formation of stones in the kidney. There are ways to dissolve kidney stones naturally like drinking copious amounts of water, lemon juice and so on. What are kidney stones? One of the major reasons for the formation of kidney stones would be dehydration. Due to dehydration, the movement of fluid in the kidneys slows down with a higher possibility of salt and mineral compounds getting stuck together. In most cases, calcium oxalate forms hard deposits in the kidney. They can be found in other parts of the urinary tract as well. Kidney stones are also known as calculi. Depending on the size of the stone, surgical intervention may be required. How to dissolve kidney stones without medical intervention is what we’re going to find out. Ways to dissolve kidney stones naturally The process of the kidney stone exiting the body through the urinary tract is known as passing a kidney stone. This could be quite painful in some cases. Before using any methods to dissolve kidney stones naturally, it is important to determine if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are on medications for some ailment. There are antibiotics, blood pressure medications, diuretics, cholesterol and liver medications which don’t agree with natural remedies.
Everything about Drop Foot Braces
Diseases & Conditions

Everything about Drop Foot Braces

Drop foot is a condition in which the forefoot drops involuntarily due to irritation, weakness, or damage in the sciatic nerve or paralysis of the muscles in the anterior part of the leg. This leads to an abnormality in walking due to the inability to raise the foot or the toes. There are various orthotics to help a person suffering from drop foot disorder to walk normally by providing support to the foot. Though there are various commercial brands of drop foot braces that available in the market, their main functioning is similar. Drop foot braces work to hold the foot at a 90° angle, supporting it and reducing any discomfort while walking. When to wear them? People suffering from the drop foot disorder need to wear the braces throughout the day. They can be worn with or without shoes. The braces need not be worn only while walking; they can be kept on while sitting as well. There are foot supports that can be worn at night time to support the foot so that the blood supply is not disturbed while sleeping. What are the braces made of? The braces are made of breathable foam laminated material that is latex-free.