Top 6 Foods that may help fight lung cancer
Diets & Meal Plans

Top 6 Foods that may help fight lung cancer

Lung cancer is a life-threatening disease that affects millions of men and women all over the world. Depending on the type and severity of lung cancer, overall health condition, and age of the person, the healthcare providers may recommend a series of treatment procedures like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, and immunotherapy. During and after treatment, it is essential to eat a healthy diet that contains foods that may help you battle lung cancer. Green tea Green tea contains polyphenols that demonstrate high antioxidant properties. Research has found that green tea consumption may inhibit tumor growth and help fight lung cancer. It was also found that consuming green tea regularly may reverse some of the damages caused by smoking. In addition to that, studies have proven the effectiveness of green tea in lowering the risk of developing lung cancer. Pears Pears are rich sources of phloretin, which a compound that possesses anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties. The powerful effects of phloretin help enhance the anticancer effects of chemotherapy medications like cisplatin. These medicines are often used for the treatment of lung cancer, specifically non-small cell lung cancer. The anticancer properties of pears make it one of the most potent fruits that may help in your battle with lung cancer.
Foods to eat and avoid with gastritis
Diets & Meal Plans

Foods to eat and avoid with gastritis

Gastritis is a stomach disorder wherein the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed. This can occur due to certain foods or even bacterial infections. Gastritis can be avoided by avoiding certain foods as they help in dealing with symptoms effectively. On consulting with a doctor, one will be able to know the foods that should be consumed and avoided if suffering from gastritis. In the following, some of the foods that should be eaten and avoided have been listed. Foods to eat Food that can help kill the bacteria that cause gastritis and reduce inflammation should be consumed. Some of the choices have been listed below: Broccoli Broccoli is rich in a compound known as sulforaphane. Studies have shown that sulforaphane can kill the H.pylori bacteria that cause gastritis. Probiotics Probiotics found in yogurt, sourdough bread, and kefir can be very good for the stomach. It can strengthen the digestive process and, thus, help prevent gastritis. Fiber Foods that are rich in fiber, such as apples, beans, legumes, carrots, and oatmeal, are good for digestion and can help fight the symptoms of gastritis. Garlic Garlic is antibacterial and can help to kill the H. pylori bacteria. It can also reduce inflammation, thereby relieving one of the symptoms.
Foods to eat and avoid with eczema
Diets & Meal Plans

Foods to eat and avoid with eczema

Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is an inflammatory skin condition that causes itchy rashes, blisters, skin irritation, and even results in leathery skin patches over time. While this condition is more common in kids aged less than two years, it can also affect older children and adults. Many people who suffer from eczema also tend to develop food allergies. So, it is important to discover one’s personal food needs for minimizing issues with eczema and the resulting allergies. Some of the common food allergies associated with eczema include: Shellfish Fish Nuts Gluten Soy products Eggs Cow’s milk However, not everyone may have the same flare ups or reactions to the same foods. Listed below are foods that contain properties that could help in decreasing eczema flare-ups, so that one can get to know their body and what foods works best for them. Foods to eat Fatty fish: One might be able to reduce their symptoms of eczema by eating fatty fish such as herring, mackerel, trout, and salmon. These fish include high levels of omega-3 fatty acids which leads to it having anti–inflammatory properties. One might also consider taking omega-3 supplements. Foods containing quercetin: The plant-based flavonoid quercetin helps give many veggies, fruits, and flowers their vibrant, rich colors.
5 snacks that can help lower cholesterol levels
Diets & Meal Plans

5 snacks that can help lower cholesterol levels

5 snacks that can help lower cholesterol levels People who struggle with high cholesterol levels tend to begin thinking more about everything they eat. Whether it’s a bowl of fruit or a delicious hamburger, they are left wondering how their choices will impact their numbers. While it is tempting to skip snacking altogether, a healthy snack can go a long way in maintaining metabolism as well as blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Changing the kinds of foods one eats can not only lower cholesterol levels but also improve fat levels through the bloodstream. Here are some great snacks that are extremely helpful in fighting cholesterol. Popcorn Popcorn can be low in calories when one eats a smart serving size and avoids the salt and butter. What’s more, it’s a whole grain full of fiber. Popcorn can be easily made at home by air popping it and adding some olive oil and a little bit of parmesan cheese or a few seasonings for some extra flavor. Using olive oil instead of butter helps lower the bad LDL cholesterol and increase the good HDL cholesterol. Nuts Peanuts, walnuts, almonds, etc. are great for the heart and are powerhouses of energy. Some studies have even demonstrated that nuts slightly lower the levels of bad LDL cholesterol.
6 beneficial foods to ease the symptoms of arthritis
Diets & Meal Plans

6 beneficial foods to ease the symptoms of arthritis

Arthritis is a group of diseases that can cause stiffness, swelling, and pain in the joints and can end up affecting people of all ethnic backgrounds, genders, and ages. Arthritis is of different types. One of the common types is rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease wherein the joints come under attack by the immune system. Another common type is osteoarthritis, which develops due to overuse of the joints. Fortunately, there are certain foods that can help manage the condition effectively by relieving joint pain and also by easing any inflammation caused. Listed below are some of the best foods that can help people suffering from arthritis manage the condition more effectively. Fatty fish: Fatty fish such as trout, sardines, mackerel, and salmon are high in omega-3 fatty acids that possess potent anti-inflammatory effects. Studies have shown that people consuming fatty fish showed decreased levels of specific inflammation-related compounds, less morning stiffness, and joint pain intensity. Fatty fish are also rich in vitamin D, which can help prevent symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. According to the AHA (American Heart Association), including a minimum of around two servings of fatty fish in one’s diet helps fight against inflammation effectively. Garlic: Garlic and its components are full of health benefits as they possess cancer-fighting properties and are also responsible for lowering the risks of dementia and heart disease.
Effective nutrition tips to help manage epilepsy
Diseases & Conditions

Effective nutrition tips to help manage epilepsy

Living with epilepsy can be challenging, and it is essential to know about ways to help manage it in a better way. People suffering from this condition might look for effective ways to stay seizure-free; however, with conflicting information available on the internet, it can be difficult to know what can help ease the condition and what cannot. It has been found that a balanced diet that has the right amount of nutrients from various food groups can ensure that the brain and body function efficiently. Therefore, after consulting with a doctor, one can follow a diet plan as it can help control seizures and live with epilepsy. How does diet affect epilepsy? While no food has been found to trigger an epileptic seizure, a well-planned diet can reduce the risks of seizures by helping one maintain good health. A balanced diet can help provide one with the energy and important nutrients, better sleep, and better stamina for engaging in activities. By following a healthy diet, one can live better, be more positive, and develop a stronger focus, all of which can help control and manage the condition effectively. Top nutrition tips for living well with epilepsy When the body metabolizes fats, it produces ketones.
How to manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Diseases & Conditions

How to manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is not a life-threatening problem but it can alter your lifestyle drastically. Women are more likely affected by this condition and it can be experienced during their late teens to the early 40s. IBS tends to affect bowel habits drastically. One can experience discomfort or pain while passing stools. Your bowel habits are likely to change completely from less or more than normal which can be diarrhea or constipation. The texture of the stool may be thin, hard, soft or liquid. Some common symptoms of this condition are as follows: Bloating or a lot of gas Constipation Diarrhea Cramps/ belly pain Pellets or flat ribbon stools (i.e. hard or loose) Common things that activate IBS are: Refined grains that are used to make bread and cereals Processed foods Coffee, alcohol Carbonated drinks Dairy products like cheese High protein diets Stress-related activities like work, commuting, family problems, financial issues Medicines that evoke this condition are antibiotics, some antidepressants and sorbitol included medicine like cough syrups Eating in a hurry while working or driving Chewing gum regularly Not exercising enough It is a well-known fact that a proper diet and consumption of the right food helps control IBS to a great degree.
Top nutrition and diet tips for living well with epilepsy
Diseases & Conditions

Top nutrition and diet tips for living well with epilepsy

According to studies, diet can help improve seizure control in people who suffer from epileptic seizures. While these studies have been based on strict diets such as the Ketogenic diet, recent studies have shown that less restrictive diets such as the Low Glycemic Index diet and the modified Atkins diet can also be helpful in managing conditions such as epilepsy. When it comes to diet and dietary habits, they can be very hard to change, especially when a lot of changes are administered at the same time. Also, it is common for one to get all excited about a “new diet” in the beginning, but people tend to lose all that enthusiasm after a while. So, trying to make one change at a time is probably the best, sustainable way to start a diet, especially one that can help them manage certain conditions effectively. Eliminating simple sugars: The very first and important step for following a diet and nutrition tips for living well with epilepsy is to eliminate foods that contain high amounts and concentration of simple sugars. This type of carbohydrates have high glycemic indices, which leads to them being absorbed rapidly by the body. Once one has eliminated these sugary foods completely for more than just a few weeks, they could probably find that one no longer has the desire to eat them at all.