5 home remedies for dry eyes
Diseases & Conditions

5 home remedies for dry eyes

When the tear ducts in the eyes do not produce enough lubrication due to some internal or external factors, it often causes dry eyes. The symptoms of dry eyes include redness in the eyes, itching, inflammation, and discomfort. After any other underlying medical causes have been ruled out, one can try home remedies to reduce the symptoms of dry eyes. Some common home remedies for the condition are described as follows. Drink more water Drinking more water throughout the day can help prevent a wide range of health issues. It is important to drink at least 8-12 glasses of water throughout the day instead of chugging a lot of water in one go. Having dry eyes is a common sign of dehydration in the body. Drinking more water every day will ensure that one has enough water in the body for the eyes to remain lubricated at all times. This can help in reducing dryness in the eyes and offer more comfort. Eat natural fatty acids It has been observed that omega-3 fatty acids can largely help in reducing the symptoms of dry eyes. Thus, if one has been experiencing dryness in the eyes, they can add more fatty foods to their meals.
HIV infection – Early signs and foods to delay the progression
Diseases & Conditions

HIV infection – Early signs and foods to delay the progression

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) spreads through bodily fluids like blood and genital discharges. It attacks the immune system and can even lead to death on progressing into stage 3 HIV, commonly referred to as AIDS. Therefore, timely detection and management are crucial. Keeping this in mind, we have listed some of the early symptoms of an HIV infection and a few nutritious foods to eat to delay its progression. Early and uncommon signs of an HIV infection The first symptoms of HIV usually develop within two to four weeks after contracting the virus. The initial stage is also known as acute HIV infection and often includes symptoms like fever, headache, tiredness, sore throat, skin rash, mouth ulcers, swollen lymph glands, diarrhea, and muscle and joint pain. Some people in the initial stage experience symptoms linked to health conditions like esophageal candida, herpes zoster, and HIV wasting syndrome, which are usually seen later on. Some patients may also show non-HIV-associated gastrointestinal and central nervous system symptoms, such as gallbladder inflammation, severe gastric bleeding, kidney failure, brain inflammation, and meningitis. Remember that not everyone with the virus exhibits symptoms in the early days of an HIV infection. Foods to slow down HIV progression These foods can help improve overall health and delay the progression of an HIV infection:
5 remedies to manage eczema symptoms
Diseases & Conditions

5 remedies to manage eczema symptoms

Eczema is a skin condition characterized by persistent itchiness, patches, rashes, blisters, scaliness, and other skin infections. While there is no particular cure for this disorder, its symptoms tend to naturally and progressively decrease as children age. Various treatments, foods, and lifestyle changes can help individuals manage the symptoms of eczema. Of all those solutions, certain treatment alternatives prove to be more effective than the rest. A few successful eczema treatments are listed below. Light therapy Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, involves healthcare experts using multiple wavelengths of ultraviolet (UV) light to treat several forms of eczema in children and adults. Light therapy is an effective eczema treatment because of how quickly it reduces skin inflammation and itching, two of the most common symptoms of the condition in individuals. Doctors use this treatment method for patients with eczema all over their body or if the condition is limited to one specific area (such as the hands or legs) that does not go away even after other treatments. This treatment method uses a specialized machine to emit UV light. Acupuncture Acupuncture has long been one of the go-to treatment alternatives for skin conditions and is also effective for eczema. Acupuncture regulates an individual’s blood flow and reduces skin inflammation.
7 subtle symptoms of Parkinson’s and TD that are similar
Diseases & Conditions

7 subtle symptoms of Parkinson’s and TD that are similar

Navigating the intricate world of neurological disorders, one can often overlook the early signs of conditions like Parkinson’s disease and Tardive Dyskinesia (TD). These silent indicators, which are strikingly similar in both disorders, often hide in plain sight, evading early detection. Here’s a look at the subtle but shared symptoms that can be easy to miss. Recognizing these early warning signs for timely intervention and improved quality of life is important. Here are the early symptoms of both conditions that often overlap: 1. Facial masking and reduced expressiveness Facial masking, characterized by a diminished range of facial expressions, is another shared early symptom of Parkinson’s and TD. Due to muscle control issues, individuals may struggle to convey emotions through their expressions. Loved ones might notice their face appearing stiffer and less responsive, which often goes unaddressed. 2. Losing the sense of smell A subtle but telling sign commonly preceding more noticeable symptoms in Parkinson’s and TD is a diminished sense of smell, known as anosmia. The olfactory system’s involvement in these conditions makes this symptom a shared indicator. Individuals may notice a reduced ability to detect scents or, in some cases, a complete loss of smell. This often goes unnoticed or is attributed to environmental factors.
Vitiligo – Early signs and management
Diseases & Conditions

Vitiligo – Early signs and management

Vitiligo is a disease that makes certain areas of the skin lose their color. These areas turn lighter than the rest of the skin, eventually becoming white. The size and number of depigmented patches can vary from one person to another. Regardless, the condition and its effects can be managed with treatment. To seek appropriate care, one must keep an eye out for early signs and explore available management options by consulting a healthcare professional. Early signs The most common and visible sign of vitiligo is patches of lighter skin. Over time, other effects of the condition can be observed. 1. Depigmented patches on the face Spots and patches of lighter skin can appear anywhere on the body but often develop on the face. One might notice lighter patches of skin inside and around the mouth or nose, for instance, on the lips and chin. 2. Sensitive and itchy skin Skin that has lost its pigment might be more sensitive to sunlight and burn quickly. Such sunburns may worsen the condition and encourage its spread. The depigmented patches may also start to itch when vitiligo is actively spreading. 3. Changes in hair Vitiligo may also make the hair lose color, turning strands light or white.
Popular ways to prevent vitiligo from spreading
Diseases & Conditions

Popular ways to prevent vitiligo from spreading

Vitiligo is an autoimmune health condition. It occurs when the immune system mistakenly starts to attack melanocytes, which are skin cells that produce melanin, giving skin its natural color. When the melanocytes are attacked, it affects melanin production in certain areas of the skin. These areas start to lose their color, leading to the development of milky white patches called macules. As vitiligo progresses, the macules start to spread to different areas of the skin. Ways to prevent vitiligo from spreading While there is no permanent cure for vitiligo, there are several ways to manage it. These involve restoring the skin’s natural pigment, or repigmentation, and slowing down the progress of vitiligo to prevent it from spreading further. While repigmentation generally involves certain procedures to restore the natural color of the skin in the affected areas, preventing vitiligo from spreading typically involves following certain measures along with management options prescribed by a healthcare professional to get the best results. Restrict exposure to the sun With vitiligo, the sensitivity of the skin against the sun increases. As a result, there is a greater risk of skin damage from sunburn, which can worsen the symptoms of vitiligo. So, healthcare professionals such as dermatologists generally recommend restricting or completely avoiding any direct exposure to sunlight.