Bipolar disorder – 5 foods to avoid
Diets & Meal Plans

Bipolar disorder – 5 foods to avoid

There’s a host of unhealthy ailments you’re exposing yourself to if you eat unhealthy foods. A lesser-known effect of poor diets, however, is that they could end up triggering bipolar mood episodes. There is increasing evidence that nutrition also affects mental health and there isn’t a specific diet recommendation for bipolar disorders. But there are certain choices for foods that could help in managing bipolar disorder episodes. Here’s listing some of them: Caffeine Caffeine is an underappreciated stimulant and trigger element of manic episodes. It could end up impairing sleep patterns too, and sleep deprivation is an infamous trigger for mania and bipolar mood swings. According to the National Sleep Foundation, caffeine could increase anxiety and irritability and needs to be avoided as one approaches bedtime. Additionally, some over-the-counter medications like pseudoephedrine that is found in some cold and cough medicines, possess stimulant properties that are very much like caffeine’s and can also trigger mania and bipolar mood swings. Alcohol Bipolar disorder and alcohol make for a terrible combination. According to the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center (NHCC), alcohol could end up negatively affecting bipolar mood swings and also possibly interacting negatively with medications such as lithium. According to the study of 11,000 people published in the September 2015 issue of The Lancet Psychiatry, the lives of people who suffer from bipolar disorder are also more likely to end prematurely if they drink alcohol or use other substances.
Follow this diet to manage symptoms of cervical cancer
Diets & Meal Plans

Follow this diet to manage symptoms of cervical cancer

The American Cancer Society estimates that over 13,240 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer and of these 4,170 women have died. Eating various vegetables and fruits will protect you from cervical cancer. This cancer is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). A diet that is high in folate, flavonoids, carotenoids, and antioxidants helps fight the HPV infection and also prevents this infection from turning the cells into lesions that are cancerous. Research has proved that a plant-based diet, which is a mix of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and beans, is the best to fight cervical cancer. To prevent the onset of cervical cancer, you’ll have to find ways to include all these food types in your diet. You can follow this basic pattern for your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast: You can eat granola, yogurt, cantaloupe, and orange juice. Lunch: You can add zucchini, mushrooms, carrots, and red peppers in your vegetable cheese toast sandwich. Dinner: Diced tomatoes, chicken, black beans, spinach, whole wheat pasta, and grapefruit can be added in your tossed romaine salad. Flavonoids are chemical compounds that are found in fruits and vegetables. One can add foods rich in flavonoids to their diets. These include lettuce, garlic, spinach, soy, onions, lima beans, cranberries, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, black beans, asparagus, and apples.
Foods to avoid and consume for colitis patients
Diets & Meal Plans

Foods to avoid and consume for colitis patients

Ulcerative colitis is a condition that causes the inflammation of the inner lining of the large intestine, and rectum. It also causes sores. It is regarded as an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks its own body. It can also be called an inflammatory bowel disease, and yet it is not the same as Crohn’s disease. This disease affects over 900,000 citizens every year and is seen in males more than females. This disease is diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 40 years. Diet An individual suffering from this disease needs help to manage their symptoms and also change their diet. A colitis patient must follow a diet that suits them. For different symptoms there are different types of diets:- A high-calorie diet is needed as people suffering from ulcerative colitis tend to lose weight and suffer from malnutrition. A high-calorie diet will help prevent it. A lactose-free diet is for those who suffer from this disease and are also lactose intolerant. A low-fiber diet helps to reduce the frequency of cramps and bowel movements. A low-salt diet is for those patients who are on corticosteroid therapy. This diet helps to reduce water retention. A low FODMAP – Fermentable Oligo-Di-Mono-saccharides and Polyols, these are some types of sugars which are found in some sugar alcohols and carbohydrates.
Best foods for relieving constipation
Diets & Meal Plans

Best foods for relieving constipation

Almost a third of the population over the age of 60 in the country have experienced symptoms of constipation, which increases with age. An outcome of a poor lifestyle and diet, constipation is difficulty in passing stools or reduction in one’s bowel movement. This article lists foods that not only relieve constipation but are also better for bowel movements. Water: Water is probably the solution to half the health problems in the world. Since dehydration is one of the commonest causes of constipation, and drinking plenty of water can often help in easing or resolving the symptoms. Due to dehydration, the intestines are unable to add enough water to stools — this results in lumpy, dry, and hard stools, leading to constipation. Pulses: Most pulses such as peas, chickpeas, lentils, beans, and more are extremely rich in fiber, which is a nutrient that promotes good digestion and reduces constipation. According to a study conducted in 2017, 100 grams of cooked pulses pack in close to 26% of the daily recommended fiber intake. It also contains substantial quantities of other nutrients that help in easing constipation, such as vitamin B6, zinc, folate, and potassium. Broccoli: Broccoli is an extremely healthy vegetable and contains sulforaphane, which is a substance that could end up protecting the gut and easing digestion too.
Foods that help boost energy for COPD
Diets & Meal Plans

Foods that help boost energy for COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) describes lung diseases which include refractory asthma, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. The disease causes increased breathlessness. Eating foods that help boost your energy if you have COPD is essential. You can still eat some comfort foods if you are losing weight, as breathing also burns more calories when you have COPD. Those who wish to watch their weight can eat energy or nutrient-packed foods. This will keep the calories in check and also help you feel good. If you get tired more often while eating or have trouble breathing, eat 4 to 6 smaller meals than 3 large meals. Additionally, you should eat enough but not completely fill your stomach so that you can relax. Breakfast is an important meal, those suffering from COPD get easily tired during the day. In this case, they can have a heavy breakfast, as it could work as an energy booster. Moreover, keep snacks which are healthy at hand, like nuts, to avoid saturated fats and unhealthy cholesterol. Oatmeal You can start your day with oatmeal which is rich in vitamin A, iron, calcium, and fiber. Having it with milk makes it more nutritious. The fiber content makes you feel fuller with fewer calories; you can also add berries instead of adding artificial sweeteners.
Top foods to eat for Crohn’s disease
Diets & Meal Plans

Top foods to eat for Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease is a chronic, lifelong disease that results in irritation and inflammation along the digestive tract. A Crohn’s flare-up could trigger or worsen symptoms including appetite loss, nausea, abdominal pain and cramping, bloating, and diarrhea, among others. When one eats the correct kinds of foods, it can help in managing and relieving such flare-ups. Herein, we discuss the best foods one can have in such instances. Refined grains Refine grains such as pasta are easy to digest. They possess less fermentable fiber as compared to whole grains and, hence, they pass quickly through the digestive tract. They also are less likely to cause inflammation and tend to be easier on the gut. Some examples of refined grains are rice snacks, waffles, pancakes, plain crackers, pasta, white rice and bread, and fortified ready-to-eat cereals that contain added essential minerals and vitamins. Oatmeal Oatmeal made from rolled/quick oats is a kind of refined grain that contains slightly lesser fiber as compared to steel-cut oats. When one experiences a Crohn’s flare-up, it’s best to avoid foods that contain insoluble fiber, which could worsen diarrhea symptoms. Oatmeal has a soluble fiber known as beta-glucan that helps in easing diarrhea by adding bulk to the stool by slowing digestion, and absorbing water in the intestines and forming a gel.
Foods to have to help manage depression
Diets & Meal Plans

Foods to have to help manage depression

Depression is a medical illness wherein a person’s moods, thoughts, actions, and emotions are adversely impacted by factors such as one’s biochemistry, genetics, personality, and environmental factors. It is a treatable disorder, but the stigma surrounding it has made most people hesitate to reach out for help. Once diagnosed, the individual can opt for medication and therapy as forms of treatment. Additionally, lifestyle and dietary changes go a long way in helping manage the condition. Food plays a huge role in the way one feels about the day. It affects one’s moods, energy levels, and enthusiasm. A diet deficient in any nutrient is likely to leave one feeling weak, but a healthy, well-balanced diet can be a useful method of treatment for most diseases. There is no such diet that can relieve a person from depression. However, there are certain diet plans or types of food that can definitely help a person deal with the symptoms of depression in a better way. The overall health of a person is also improved with a healthy diet. Given below are foods that must be had, or avoided, to help boost mental health and fight depression. Molecules called free radicals are produced by the body normally, but these can damage the cells, lead to aging, as well as other problems.
8 snacking options for those who have diabetes
Diets & Meal Plans

8 snacking options for those who have diabetes

One of the most difficult parts of suffering from diabetes is the inability to eat most things due to their sugar content. It is essential for a diabetic to stick to healthy snacks, but how many times can one munch on the same food item? Individuals have to choose snacks that contain high levels of healthy fats, protein, and fiber, helping keep blood sugar levels in control. Here are some great snack ideas for those who have diabetes: Hard-boiled eggs A super healthy snack for diabetics, hard-boiled eggs provide as much as 6 gm of protein per egg, keeping blood sugar levels in control and making one feel full as well. Yogurt with berries Yogurt with berries makes for a great diabetic snack due to various factors. Firstly, the berries’ antioxidants lessen inflammation, preventing pancreatic damage. They are also fibrous, helping slow digestion and stabilizing blood sugar levels. Yogurt is protein-rich and helps keep the blood sugar levels under control. What’s more, the two go beautifully together, with the tartness of the yogurt balancing the sweetness of the berries. Almonds Almonds are a convenient, nutritious snack for diabetes patients. 28 grams of almonds provide more than 15 minerals and vitamins.