Diet tips for gastritis
Diets & Meal Plans

Diet tips for gastritis

Everyone has faced indigestion at some point, but many people may suffer from it every day. It all depends on what food you eat and how you eat it. Indigestion may cause nausea, pain or a burning sensation in the stomach, and heartburn are some of the symptoms that indicate gastritis. Gastritis refers to a group of conditions that result in the inflammation of the stomach lining and the stomach acid causing a burning sensation in the chest and abdomen. If left untreated, it can become life-threatening as the pain, inflammation, and bleeding continues and can lead to ulcers and even cancer. Gastritis is the result of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which infects the stomach. The symptoms include abdominal pain, burping, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. Diet The type of food you eat and the lifestyle you lead has a major impact on the stomach lining. A change in both can result in the reduction of inflammation of the stomach and the recurrence of gastritis. Around 50% of the people in the world suffer from gastritis, which later develops into ulcers or gastric cancer. There is no specific diet to treat gastritis, but eating the proper foods helps in alleviating the symptoms.
Foods to eat and avoid for people with gout
Diets & Meal Plans

Foods to eat and avoid for people with gout

Gout is a particular type of arthritis that is prevalent in the country and leads to severe pain and swelling in the joints, along with redness and tenderness. Excess uric acid in the body that is not excreted gets deposited in the joints in the form of crystals and leads to inflammation and swelling. People with gout are seen with swollen fingers, wrists, toes (especially the big toe), heels, and knees. When the uric acid content in the body goes up, it results in gout attacks that may last for 3 to 14 days. If left untreated, the condition can also lead to joint damage and deformity. This is extremely painful, but it can be managed with medication and a proper diet. Some foods trigger attacks as they raise uric acid levels, and this needs to be kept in mind while following a diet to manage the condition. Let’s take a look at the best diet for gout, including what foods to eat and what to avoid. What to eat The foods one is planning to eat should be low in purine and fructose as both of these can increase the risk of gout and trigger gout attacks. The best foods to include in the diet of gout patients are as mentioned:
Nutritional snacks that are a hit among kids
Diets & Meal Plans

Nutritional snacks that are a hit among kids

Snacks are always seen as a way of grabbing something tasty, quick to eat, less time consuming to prepare or buy, and as a way of not indulging in a full-blown meal. It quenches the pangs of hunger and lets a person get on with the day without any hassles, making it a major preference among kids. The main problem, though, is that snacks can often be unhealthy as well as addictive. The role of snacks has been reduced to solving cravings and becoming stomach fillers rather than contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Most snacks are highly concentrated with processed carbohydrates and sugar, which causes an issue when it comes to healthy snacks for kids. Listed below are some snacks that contain a good amount of protein, fat, and fiber that are tasty, healthy, can be changed up with improvisations, and are very enjoyable. Jerky Jerky is nothing but meat that is thinned down to strips. It contains an extremely high amount of protein and is an apt candidate for being a healthy snack. Chicken, beef, salmon, and turkey can be trimmed down to jerky. Jerky is sold in abundance at stores, but it is almost certain that the jerky contains processed meat added with a good amount of sugar.
7 best foods and drinks for a healthy liver
Diets & Meal Plans

7 best foods and drinks for a healthy liver

Liver functioning is an essential process of the human body. The liver is required to help detox your body, break down carbohydrates, make glucose, store all the nutrients and produce bile. Bile liquid is required to absorb all the nutrients and digest them by giving a proper metabolism to the body. Taking care of your liver is part of a holistic nutrition hence you should be aware of what destroys your liver and what helps its healthy functioning. For your overall health functioning the ability of the liver to do all the above is a necessity. Any kind of liver dysfunction can lead to bodily disorders like type 2 diabetes, metabolism issues, and other liver diseases which could also lead to death. It is possible to manage the risk factors once the liver dysfunction starts by making sure you have a healthy intake of food and drinks that are good for the liver. Plant foods A large number of plant foods like avocado, bananas, barley, broccoli, beetroots, carrots, figs, lemons, papayas, chard, kale, celery, and watermelons are foods that are good for the liver. Grapefruit Naringenin and naringin are the two main antioxidants present in grapefruit which is one of the foods that are good for the liver.
6 foods that could fight lung cancer
Diagnosis & Prevention

6 foods that could fight lung cancer

Research talks about plenty of tips and food products that claim to prevent lung cancer; however, only a few mention foods that could help fight this condition. Since lung cancer is fatal, it is advisable to first consult a doctor before trying out any of the diets or foods. Some of the foods that could help fight lung cancer are: Pears Studies showed that phloretin, which is found in apples and pears, noticeably induced cell death in these cancer cells. Not only that, phloretin also enhanced the anticancer effect of cisplatin, which is a common chemotherapy drug used for those suffering from lung cancer. Additionally, phloretin could also reduce fibrosis in the lungs. Green tea Green tea has a key role in the prevention of lung cancer and is beneficial to those already suffering from this condition. One needs to keep in mind that green tea contains caffeine, so if someone is sensitive to it, they might want to go in for a caffeine-free variety. Also, skip the creamer, as dairy products could neutralize the compound which helps prevent the effects of cancer. Salmon A diet rich in vitamin D could greatly benefit people who have lung cancer. Moreover, vitamin D deficiency could end up leading to many health problems.
Foods that will help you fight lymphoma
Diets & Meal Plans

Foods that will help you fight lymphoma

When a person suffers from lymphoma, nutrition plays a vital role in the treatment. The cancer of the lymph nodes is known as lymphoma. The lymph nodes are a mass of tissues that helps in protecting the body against infections. Consuming a well-balanced diet can help a person feel better, thus improving the chances of recovery. There are various factors that can increase the tendency of developing lymphoma. Lymphoma comes in different types, and there are several factors that can cause the illness. But the causes for developing this condition differ from one patient to the other. Many people who suffer from this illness may not have a known cause. One of the major risk factors associated with lymphoma are issues related to the person’s immune system. Unlike other cancers, lymphoma may be a result of the person’s lifestyle. In order to tackle the symptoms of lymphoma, the following foods can be included in your diet. Protein Proteins will help the body to repair tissues and cells. It will also help in the recovery of the immune system. One should include in their meals lean protein obtained from snacks and meals. Eggs, soy foods, nuts and nut butters, beans, dairy products that contain low fats like dairy substitutes, milk, cheese, and yogurt are other options from which one can derive lean proteins.
Managing melanoma with high-fiber foods
Diets & Meal Plans

Managing melanoma with high-fiber foods

Melanoma is probably the most serious form of skin cancer wherein the pigment-producing cells called melanocytes mutate and become cancerous. Though melanoma only accounts for less than 2 percent of cases in the country, it is extremely dangerous because it has the ability to rapidly spread to other organs if not treated at an early stage. Aside from medication and therapy, certain strict dietary changes will also help one manage the condition and aid in speeding their recovery. It is essential to have a diet that’s packed with high fiber content for creating more diverse intestinal bacteria. This is believed to lead to a stronger response to immunotherapy while battling melanoma. It is always advisable to have a balanced diet of fiber, vitamins, proteins, and calcium ingrained foods, but a high fiber diet may help one’s gut battle melanoma better, especially if begun early on during the therapy. Given below are a few tips on how to ensure one’s diet is rich in fiber. To start with a high-fiber diet, one must include both soluble and insoluble forms of fiber that are natural and unprocessed. One must refrain from all kinds of white foods such as white rice, sugar, and flour as they have no fiber content.
6 nutrients that affect the growth of hair
Diets & Meal Plans

6 nutrients that affect the growth of hair

By following a healthy balanced diet, your hair can become stronger and shinier. Consumption of the right kind of food can also prevent the loss of hair. If a person does not get certain nutrients through their diet, they may see the consequences result in hair loss and hair thinning. Omega-3 fatty acids Omega-3 fatty acids assure nourishment to the entire head, including the hair shaft as well as the membranes of the cell in one’s scalp. Nourishment of the follicles promotes healthy growth of the hair. It also adds elasticity to the person’s hair which prevents the hair from breaking. Some of the sources of omega-3 fatty acids are grapeseed oil, Brussels sprouts, kale, tuna, salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds. Zinc Zinc helps in keeping one’s hair and scalp healthy by boosting the tissue repair and growth. It also helps in the regulation of hormones that include testosterone in the men’s body, and enabling the production of glands that secrete oil on the scalp helping the hair to grow. Higher levels of testosterone are associated with the loss of hair. So, one requires only 11 milligrams of zinc per day. The best sources of obtaining zinc are roast beef, veal liver, beef, oysters, wheat germ, and chickpeas.