Avoid These Foods to Lower the Risk of Lung Cancer
Diagnosis & Prevention

Avoid These Foods to Lower the Risk of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is a common form of cancer all over the world. The death rate due to lung cancer is considerably high. Most forms of cancer are caused due to quick and changing lifestyles, bad dietary habits, and heredity. Once a person is affected by cancer, he or she has to undergo painful and uncomfortable treatment. However, you can prevent getting cancer if certain food items are avoided. The food items to be avoided in order to prevent lung cancer include: Processed meat Studies have proven that processed meat is related to poor lung function. This type of meat is processed using various artificial flavors like color fixatives, preservatives, taste improvers, antimicrobial agents, and added nitrates. These added flavors and chemicals increase chances of inflammation in lung tissues and airways, which leads to cell damage in the lungs. Meat is an important source of protein, however, there should be a healthy limitation to the quantity consumed, along with proper intake of fresh fruits and vegetables — this can lower the risk of cancer. Red meat High intake of red meat increases the chances of lung cancer. Red meat needs to be cooked well before consuming. It needs to be well-done and reheated until it is steaming hot before being served or consumed.
6 foods that could fight lung cancer
Diagnosis & Prevention

6 foods that could fight lung cancer

Research talks about plenty of tips and food products that claim to prevent lung cancer; however, only a few mention foods that could help fight this condition. Since lung cancer is fatal, it is advisable to first consult a doctor before trying out any of the diets or foods. Some of the foods that could help fight lung cancer are: Pears Studies showed that phloretin, which is found in apples and pears, noticeably induced cell death in these cancer cells. Not only that, phloretin also enhanced the anticancer effect of cisplatin, which is a common chemotherapy drug used for those suffering from lung cancer. Additionally, phloretin could also reduce fibrosis in the lungs. Green tea Green tea has a key role in the prevention of lung cancer and is beneficial to those already suffering from this condition. One needs to keep in mind that green tea contains caffeine, so if someone is sensitive to it, they might want to go in for a caffeine-free variety. Also, skip the creamer, as dairy products could neutralize the compound which helps prevent the effects of cancer. Salmon A diet rich in vitamin D could greatly benefit people who have lung cancer. Moreover, vitamin D deficiency could end up leading to many health problems.
5 foods that can help fight lymphoma
Diagnosis & Prevention

5 foods that can help fight lymphoma

A lymphoma is a type of cancer that begins in the immune system, specifically in the lymphocytes, which are the are the infection-fighting cells of the body. The lymphocytes of a patient with lymphoma, change and grow out of control. This results in rapid cell growth which leads to cancer. Lymphoma is of two types—Hodgkin’s and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. It can be treated with chemotherapy and other cancer treatment methods. However, diet plays an important role since the immune system is already weak and vulnerable to attack. Here are 5 food items that help fight lymphoma and improve the quality of life during treatment. Broccoli Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and radish have proven to help strengthen the body’s immune system and can thus help significantly in fighting lymphoma. Patients are advised to have anywhere between 5 and 10 servings of vegetables daily. Other sources of cruciferous vegetables include Brussels sprouts, kale, turnips, and arugula. Chicken Meat is a large source of protein and lean meat like chicken and turkey can help give patients the required amount of protein during or after the treatment. However, it is important to avoid excess consumption of red meat since doctors have found a correlation between increased risk of cancer and the consumption of excess read meat.
Diagnosis and treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia
Diagnosis & Prevention

Diagnosis and treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia

Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), also sometimes called chronic myelogenous leukemia, is a type of leukemia that develops in the white blood cells (WBCs). The WBCs provide immunity to the body, helping fight illnesses and diseases. CML disrupts the formation and functioning of these cells, leading to the formation of immature WBCs, which grow uncontrollably and affect the number of other blood cells. According to estimates by the American Cancer Society, 9,110 people will be diagnosed with CML in 2021, with about 1,220 people losing their lives to it. So it is a serious condition that requires attention as soon as symptoms, such as bone pain, weakness, and night sweats, set in. Diagnosis of CML Early diagnosis of CML is crucial for reducing the risk of death. Here’s how the doctor diagnoses the condition. Physical evaluation The doctor will first examine what kind of symptoms one has and whether they are consistent with those of CML. He/she may check their vitals and also test whether the spleen and abdomen have enlarged. Blood tests Since CML causes a spike in the number of WBCs, a simple blood test can reveal whether or not one has CML. Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy Different parts of the bone marrow are evaluated in these tests.
Symptoms, causes and preventive measures for rotavirus
Diagnosis & Prevention

Symptoms, causes and preventive measures for rotavirus

Rotavirus is a contagious virus that causes inflammation in the intestines and stomach. It is one of the most common causes of diarrhea in children. Although there is no cure for this condition, there are medications that help manage the symptoms. Understanding the symptoms of rotavirus can help one treat the condition immediately. In this article, we will be discussing the symptoms, causes, and prevention methods of rotavirus. Symptoms The symptoms of rotavirus start two days after the exposure to the virus. However, the symptoms can last for up to seven days. Fever and vomiting During the first three days, one may notice fever and vomiting. However, these symptoms may fade away by the fourth day. Dehydration Babies and younger children may experience severe dehydration. Irritability, lack of fluid consumption, little to no urine, and lethargy may be common symptoms of dehydration. Seek immediate medical help if you notice any of these symptoms. Watery diarrhea After the fever and vomiting fade away, one may experience watery diarrhea. This may last for up to seven days. Abdominal pain The diarrhea may be accompanied by abdominal pain. Nevertheless, the stomach pain should subside within a couple of days. Causes Rotavirus is present in the fecal matter of a person and spreads through hand-to-mouth contact.