Shingles – Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatments
Diagnosis & Prevention

Shingles – Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatments

Shingles is an infection caused by a virus. It is characterized by a painful rash. The same virus that causes chickenpox leads to this viral infection. It results in the development of a stripe of blisters, usually on one side of the body. This rash is very painful, and usually, patients need to adopt some remedies to get relief from shingles. Symptoms and diagnosis of shingles Shingles is characterized by pain and a burning sensation. You may also experience a tingling or numbing sensation in or under your skin. It may lead to the appearance of red blisters which are very painful. Shingles is also accompanied by other symptoms such as fever and headache. You may experience itching and irritation as well as fatigue due to shingles. Your doctor may diagnose shingles through its tell-tale symptoms and signs. When you have red blisters that tend to sting, itch and burn, you probably have shingles. These signs alone help your doctor in the diagnosis of this problem. It is essential to get the right diagnosis to find the right remedies and treatments for shingles. Risk factors The varicella-zoster virus which causes chickenpox is responsible for shingles as well. If you have had chickenpox at any point of time in your life, you face the risk of developing this condition.
Vitamins to Enhance the Brain and Memory – Sources and Utilities
Diagnosis & Prevention

Vitamins to Enhance the Brain and Memory – Sources and Utilities

The nervous system is one of the most complicated organ systems in your body, and the brain is the powerhouse of all your activities and emotions. Vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients are needed within the optimal amount to keep your brain working efficiently and to keep you mentally healthy. However, if you are finding it hard to concentrate, are forgetting things too often or going through severe stress and depression, the reason is a deficiency of brain and memory vitamins. These vitamins not only help clear brain fog and confusion to keep your memory sharp, but they also help you focus and learn properly. Vitamin B Complex From brain aging to brain fogs, depression to memory loss, Vitamin B Complex is undoubtedly the best nutrient for your overall brain health and memory. It helps boost your mood and fight stress, hence the name “happy vitamins”. Vitamin B complex produces neurotransmitters to keep the brain active. B complex can be sourced from animal products like flesh, dairy, eggs, and fish as well as from legumes, leafy vegetables, potatoes, peas, carrots, bananas, and so on. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) In order to enhance the health of the nerve tissues and the brain, this is one of the best brain and memory vitamins that keep nerve impulses at bay.
Pneumonia – Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, and Diagnosis
Diagnosis & Prevention

Pneumonia – Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, and Diagnosis

Pneumonia symptoms, whether mild or severe, should be immediately examined by a physician. A medical professional will suggest the right tests for diagnosing this disease. One should strictly follow the post-treatment precautions recommended by the doctor. Symptoms of pneumonia The symptoms of pneumonia range from mild to severe. Other factors that affect the signs of this condition are the type of pneumonia, the age of the patient as well as the state of health. Here are some signs of pneumonia: Cough Patients experience incessant coughing. It is accompanied by mucus, which may be green or yellow. There might be traces of blood in the mucus. It is one of the classic symptoms of bronchitis or pneumonia. Fever Another symptom of pneumonia is a fever. It could range from mild to high fever. Chills along with shaking Patients who have pneumonia are likely to feel extremely cold, and they are also likely to shiver or shake with it. Labored breathing You might feel short of breath while climbing a flight of stairs. Sharp pain in the chest Deep breathing or coughing could induce sharp or stabbing chest pain. Headaches There might be headaches which are of different intensities. A high amount of sweating People report sweating and moistness of the skin.
Congestive Heart Failure – Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options
Diagnosis & Prevention

Congestive Heart Failure – Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

Congestive heart failure is a disease characterized by a problem that affects the pumping power of the heart muscles. It is a chronic progressive disease and is also referred to as heart failure. Congestive heart failure (CHF) refers to the stage in which there is a build-up of fluid around the heart. This causes an ineffectiveness in pumping blood. The heart has four chambers. The lower half of the heart has two ventricles which pump blood to the body’s organs. The upper half of the heart, however, consists of two atria which receive the blood circulated back from the rest of the body. The ventricles cannot pump enough blood to the body due to congestive heart failure. This leads to blood and other fluids filling up the liver, lungs, lower body, and the abdomen. Treatment for congestive heart failure must be done immediately as the disease could be life-threatening. Causes Congestive heart failure may arise from other health conditions that directly impact the cardiovascular system. It is important to get check-ups on a yearly basis to determine the possibility of the onset of any such disease. Lowering the risks which cause heart health problems can go a long way in ensuring one does not develop the disease.
All You Need to Know about Pain in the Leg Muscles
Diagnosis & Prevention

All You Need to Know about Pain in the Leg Muscles

Have you been experiencing pain in your leg muscles? Pain in the legs may occur due to different conditions that affect the joints, bones, muscles, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels, tendons or skin. You may experience leg pain in the ankle, behind the knee, foot, thigh, at the back of the leg or any other part. It may occur while lying down at night or when you are exercising or running. Leg pain can also affect one or both legs depending on the cause. Usually, pain in the leg muscles occurs due to tissue inflammation caused by a disease or injury. Because a leg contains numerous structures and types of tissues, there are many muscle injuries and conditions that can lead to leg pain. When to see a doctor about pain in the leg muscles? Sometimes it becomes difficult to know when you should see a doctor about the muscle pain in your leg. However, you should consider scheduling an appointment if you start experiencing the following symptoms: Muscle cramps: Muscle cramps are one of the reasons behind leg pain, and several factors could trigger this type of pain. The cause can be dehydration, muscle fatigue, vigorous exercise, poor circulation of blood in your leg, sitting or standing too much, and not stretching enough among other reasons.
Diarrhea – Causes, Treatment, and Preventive Measures
Diagnosis & Prevention

Diarrhea – Causes, Treatment, and Preventive Measures

Occasional bowel movements that are watery and loose are not uncommon in most people. However, if this condition lasts for extended periods of more than a few weeks, it needs to be taken seriously and has to be treated accordingly. If left untreated, it can be life-threatening. Statistics show that at least two billion cases of diarrhea occur annually worldwide and it has been the cause of death of nearly 1.5 million children below the age of five. What is diarrhea? Frequently passing loose, watery or soft stools, with or without accompanying stomach cramps, flatulence, bloating, and stomach pressure, which is excreted suddenly is termed as diarrhea. This condition may also be complicated when there is blood in the stools, severe pain, fever, nausea, and uncontrollable urge to pass stools. It can happen to people of any age, but children and senior citizens are at a higher risk. Complications The most serious complication of diarrhea is dehydration—loss of water and electrolytes in the body—which happens because the water passes out from the body without getting absorbed by the intestines. Drinking copious amounts of water does not always compensate for the corresponding loss. Types of diarrhea The condition is classified into the following types:
Diagnosis and Treatment Options for High Cholesterol
Diagnosis & Prevention

Diagnosis and Treatment Options for High Cholesterol

The food items we eat greatly influence our health. In today’s food market, processed and junk food is quite high in consumption. This leads to a variety of diseases including high cholesterol. Cholesterol is a waxy substance in the lipids in your blood. While cholesterol is a necessity when it comes to building healthy cells, having high levels of cholesterol in the body increases your risk of the onset of heart diseases. Cholesterol level diagnosis is a necessity when it comes to determining the cholesterol levels in your blood. The only way to determine cholesterol levels in your blood is a blood test. High cholesterol in your blood may lead to the development of fatty deposits in your blood vessels. These deposits hamper the flow of blood through your arteries. Having a decreased flow of oxygen-rich blood increases your risk of heart disease and may lead to a stroke as well. We have covered the course of cholesterol level diagnosis and treatment. Cholesterol level diagnosis LDL cholesterol level diagnosis – Mentioned below is LDL cholesterol level diagnosis. Having cholesterol levels below 70 mg/dL is best suited for people suffering from diabetes or heart disease. Having cholesterol levels between 100 mg/dL and 129 mg/dL is near optimal if you are not suffering from heart disease, and high if you are.
Hip Bursitis – Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Treatment
Diagnosis & Prevention

Hip Bursitis – Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Treatment

The hip joint is one of the strongest joints of the human body. It helps us to stand and walk and absorbs the impact when we jump. However, it is not immune to wear and tear. Hip bursitis or the inflammation of a bursa in the hip is one of the common causes of hip pain. Prescription medication is not always required for relief from hip bursitis. What is hip bursitis? Sacs filled with fluid that reduce the friction between tissues as they move are known as bursae. The major bursae are located at large joints such as the hips, shoulders, elbows, and knees. There are two bursae in the hip, the trochanteric bursa on the outer hip and the iliopsoas bursa on the inner side of the hip. Inflammation of the bursa is known as bursitis. This is not infectious but it may become infected. Causes of hip bursitis It becomes easier to seek relief for hip bursitis if one understands the factors causing it. The most common causes of hip bursitis are as follows: Injury to the hip Falling on the hip or banging the hip on a hard surface can lead to blood being filled in the bursa and inflammation of the bursa lining.