Heartburn – Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options
Diagnosis & Prevention

Heartburn – Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

Heartburn is a condition that results from a disturbed digestive system. In this condition, the acidic contents of your stomach end up going back up through the esophagus pipe as a result of reflux. This leads to an uncomfortable feeling that is characterized by a burning sensation in the chest, which is commonly known as heartburn. Heartburn – Main causes, signs, and symptoms The lower part of the esophagus, or the food pipe, opens up to release food into your stomach. The lower esophageal sphincter, which is the lower part of the food pipe may sometimes end up opening abnormally to release acidic contents back into the esophagus. It could be caused due to indigestion of certain foods or even due to the consumption of spicy foods. This results in the feeling of a strange, burning sensation in your chest, which can be characterized as one of the main heartburn signs. In other words, every time the lower esophageal sphincter gets too relaxed, the stomach juices go upwards, thereby causing this condition. As mentioned above, the occurrence of heartburn signs and symptoms can be attributed to the intake of certain kinds of drinks and foods. The intake of spicy foods, in particular, can lead to the onset of heartburn symptoms.
Fibromyalgia – Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Diagnosis & Prevention

Fibromyalgia – Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Treatment

There are a variety of factors leading to the development of the symptoms of fibromyalgia, and it is important to determine the underlying symptoms. If anyone experiences symptoms of fibromyalgia, such as the ones listed below, a timely diagnosis has to be made before treatment can be initiated. Fibromyalgia symptoms checklist The following are some of the common symptoms of fibromyalgia: Widespread pain A dull ache that has persisted over 3 months is not supposed to be concluded as a symptom of fibromyalgia. The pain must be present on both the sides of the body as well as below and above the waist. Fatigue Even after getting sufficient sleep, patients who are suffering from fibromyalgia have complaints of fatigue when they wake up. In most cases, patients with fibromyalgia symptoms could be suffering from other disorders such as sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome. Difficulties with cognition Patients with fibromyalgia suffer from “fibro log” which leads to an impairment of the ability to focus, problems in paying attention, as well as concentrating on tasks involving the mind. There are certain coexisting health issues such as irritable bowel syndrome, various types of headaches including a migraine, interstitial cystitis which is also known as a painful bladder, as well as disorders of the temporomandibular joint, so these can be considered symptoms of fibromyalgia as well.
Rheumatoid Arthritis – Diagnosis and Treatment Options
Diagnosis & Prevention

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Rheumatoid arthritis is considered an inflammatory disease. It leads to swelling, pain, stiffness, and loss of movements in the joints of the body. One of the main causes of this condition is the malfunctioning of the immune system of the body, as it starts attacking the membrane linings of the joints instead of defending the body. One should always consult a doctor in the case they are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. This is essential as a proper and timely diagnosis will help with starting a treatment plan. Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis vary from person to person, and it can range from mild to severe. For most people, the condition turns out to be chronic and often lasts for a lifetime. For certain people the symptoms remain constant throughout; however, for others, the intensity of the symptoms varies from time to time. How is the treatment plan decided? Doctors use a variety of methods to treat rheumatoid arthritis. These treatment options are administered to the affected individual through various combinations and sessions depending on the condition. Most of the time, the treatment plans are curated on the basis of the individual’s condition. Communication is key and treatment is effective only if the patient is completely honest with their doctors.
Foods That You Should Avoid When Suffering from Arthritis
Diagnosis & Prevention

Foods That You Should Avoid When Suffering from Arthritis

Arthritis, a disease that affects your bones and joints, is characterized by inflammation and pain that can worsen with age. It is a very common condition. Although the effects of this condition can be reduced, it can never get completely cured. Foods like fish, nuts, and vegetables help prevent arthritis. However, some foods can cause inflammation and trigger the many symptoms of arthritis. There are many foods that you should avoid if you’re suffering from arthritis. Some of these include: AGEs Advanced Glycogen End (AGE) is a toxic substance that is formed when food is grilled, fried, or heated up in any form. This substance can cause damage to the proteins in your body. To fight this damage, your body releases cytokines, an inflammatory substance, which could trigger arthritis. Sugar High amounts of sugar in your food could also contribute to the development of AGEs. It is best to reduce the intake of candies, sodas, and other items that are rich in sugar. Dairy The protein found in dairy products is harmful to some people with arthritis, as it irritates the joints. If dairy products disturb your health, it is recommended you shift to vegan products which do not contain this protein.
6 Tips to Avoid Migraine Headaches
Diagnosis & Prevention

6 Tips to Avoid Migraine Headaches

Migraine is one of the most unpleasant neurological conditions and can even disrupt everyday activities. Anyone who has ever experienced it knows how difficult it can be to cope with the constant throbbing pain and nausea. If you are susceptible to these headaches, here are some tips to help deal with the pain and discomfort. We’ve curated a list of effective remedies that you can use to avoid the headaches: Don’t skip meals Eating habits can have a major impact on a person who suffers from migraine headaches. Skipping meals is an unhealthy habit that can increase the risk of a headache as fasting or skipping a meal can result in low blood sugar levels. You should ensure that you follow healthy eating habits and consume food at frequent intervals to prevent the attacks. Sleep well According to reports, people prone to migraine headaches often experience sleep problems that worsen the condition. To avoid headaches, it is imperative to get proper sleep regularly. By getting seven to eight hours of sleep every day, you may keep migraine headaches at bay. Meanwhile, improper sleep habits can spark intense headaches if you are prone to migraines. Try to stick to a sleep schedule to improve your sleeping habits as it can help with the treatment and prevention of the headaches.
Lung Cancer – Prevention and Home Remedies
Diagnosis & Prevention

Lung Cancer – Prevention and Home Remedies

Lung cancer develops when there is an increase in cancerous cells in lung tissue. Research shows that the number of deaths caused by lung cancer increase every year. Once a person is diagnosed with lung cancer, they surely need medical assistance. It is, therefore, beneficial to follow a few home remedies to prevent the occurrence of lung cancer. Mostly, cancer is caused due to lifestyle choices, genetics, and faulty food habits. There are several reasons for the occurrence of lung cancer. Here are some of the most common ways to prevent it: Quit smoking: It is proven that nine out of ten people who smoke are affected by lung cancer. Smoking damages the lung tissues and covers it with tar, which results in the deficiency of oxygen. It leads to various infections in the lungs, which includes lung cancer. The probability of lung cancer can be reduced if you quit smoking. Beware of passive smoking: Unintentionally taking in cigarette smoke is called passive smoking. Breathing air filled with smoke from burnt cigarettes increases the risk of lung cancer. Though the intake of the smoked air is minimal, there are high chances of being affected by lung cancer, as the air is filled with traces of cancer-causing agents.
Arthritis – What Foods You Should Eat
Diagnosis & Prevention

Arthritis – What Foods You Should Eat

Arthritis is an inflammation of one or many joints, which can cause pain and stiffness. There are multiple types of arthritis and each has its own symptoms. Characterized by swelling, fatigue, loss of appetite, and redness of the skin around the joints, arthritis can also cause a decreased range of motion. Moreover, wear and tear of the tissues around your joints is a major cause for arthritis. Although no food can completely cure arthritis, it can make a difference. Eating healthy foods can decrease the severity significantly. Some of the food that you should consume regularly when suffering from arthritis are: Fish Omega-3 fatty acids are components in food that greatly reduce the effects of arthritis by decreasing the inflammation around the joints. Fish are packed with high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, especially salmon, mackerel, and tuna. These fish are great for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Soy Serving as an alternative for fish, this vegan product is also packed with Omega-3 fatty acids. Soy also contains high fiber and is wholesome. Some items containing soy that you can incorporate into your daily diet include tofu, soy milk, etc. Oils As bad as corn oil is for people with arthritis, other types of oils such as olive, avocado, safflower, and walnut prove to be extremely helpful to reduce the effects of arthritis.
Superfoods that may help lower the risk of lung cancer
Diagnosis & Prevention

Superfoods that may help lower the risk of lung cancer

Cancer has become widespread in today’s world. Out of the many types of cancer, lung cancer is becoming common. Rapidly changing lifestyle and food habits contribute to the increase in cancer cases. Habits such as smoking and excessive drinking lead to the development of this disease. Once a person is affected by lung cancer, they need to analyze their lifestyle and make healthy changes. One of the most important ways to prevent the onset of cancer is to consume healthy food. Given below is a list of foods that help fight lung cancer: Pears and apples As per recent studies, scientists have discovered that pears and apples have a certain amount of phloretin chemicals in it, which helps in the recovery of lung cancer. Phloretin helps in reducing the growth of tumors. They also prevent fibrosis in the lungs, due to the presence of photo-chemicals in them. Green tea Green tea contains compounds such as Theaflavin and Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate (EGCG). These compounds are mainly used in cancer-curing drugs. It is important to consume freshly made green tea and not the bottled ones available in store, as the bottled ones have less or no traces of these compounds. Salmon Increased intake of salmon helps in providing increased nutrition.