Understanding the Probable Causes of Fibromyalgia
Causes & Risk Factors

Understanding the Probable Causes of Fibromyalgia

When it comes to chronic pain conditions, nothing is as debilitating and widespread as fibromyalgia. It is a condition that causes pain throughout the body and increases your sensitivity to pain as well. Besides that, general fatigue, sleep problems, and appetite fluctuations are some of the side-effects of the condition. Despite the fact that around 10 million people in the country suffer from the condition, and though a huge amount of research is available on the subject, the causes of fibromyalgia are still not well understood. As of now, there is ongoing research about the possible factors involved in the onset of fibromyalgia and the risk factors that may increase one’s likelihood of suffering from this condition. Understanding fibromyalgia The condition is pretty simple since it operates on the basic principle of pain detection. Nothing is as sensitive to pain as your brain is, and this is what leads to fibromyalgia. People who have fibromyalgia have more pain receptors that carry pain signals to the brain. On the flip side, cells that reduce the pain receptors from reaching the brain continuously or those that slow down this signaling, are fewer in number. Thus, a single bump feels like stabbing, and things that shouldn’t cause any pain at all lead to a numbing, painful sensation.
11 Common Causes of Constipation
Causes & Risk Factors

11 Common Causes of Constipation

Certain underlying diseases, as well as one’s lifestyle, are the primary causes of constipation. Therefore, before opting for any treatment, one needs to understand the root cause by visiting a physician. Causes of constipation Excessive absorption of water by the colon is one of the primary causes of constipation. Poor or slow contraction of the colonic muscles may be the trigger for slow stool movements of and greater water loss. Here are some other factors that may lead to this problem: Insufficient fiber in the diet People who have a fiber-rich diet consisting of fruits, whole grains as well as vegetables in sufficient quantities are less prone to constipation. Fiber ensures that the patient has regular bowel movements. Thus, one can prevent constipation by making modifications to their diet. It is advisable to avoid food with low fiber content like eggs, meat, and cheese. Lack of physical activity When people are inactive for long periods, which occurs in the case of old people, there is a possibility of constipation. When people are bed-ridden for a prolonged period such as for weeks or months after hospitalization, there is an increased risk of constipation. Usually, seniors live a sedentary life without much physical activity.
Understanding the Causes of Leg Pain
Causes & Risk Factors

Understanding the Causes of Leg Pain

Leg pain is a common physical ailment that occurs due to an injury or trauma. Sometimes, it happens due to underlying medical conditions. The reason for leg pain may vary, but sometimes, it causes severe discomfort. Leg pain may either be acute or chronic. Acute pain has mild symptoms, and self-care is enough to treat it. However, chronic pain persists for a long time and can have severe symptoms. The acute pain may also stay for a long time and lead to chronic disorders. Types of leg pain The different kinds of leg pain are as follows: Leg cramps: Leg cramps are common among old people and usually occurs at night. The calf muscles at the back of the leg tighten and cause pain. The muscle cramps last for a few seconds or minutes and reduce after stretching. One should not ignore these cramps if the pain is severe. Shin splints: Shin splints occur in the front of the legs, and its cause may be overused muscles. It occurs when there is a sudden increase in the activities involving the legs. Resting the legs for some time helps to relieve the pain. However, at times, the splints may lead to fractures.
Chronic Pain – Causes and Management Options
Causes & Risk Factors

Chronic Pain – Causes and Management Options

Feeling pain is healthy as it is the body’s mechanism of signaling that something is not right. In fact, people who can’t feel pain like leprosy victims are often at risk of severe injuries like burns. Normal pain is supposed to be momentary even while it is acute. Even in the case of severe injuries, the pain will last until the wound is healed. When pain lasts longer than a healed injury or condition, it is termed as chronic pain. Severe chronic pain can be disabling as it reduces flexibility, mobility, and strength. The number of people seeking chronic pain management tips keeps on growing due to a myriad of factors. Chronic pain affects about 100 million people in the country alone. What causes chronic pain? It has been found that there are two characteristics that set apart chronic pain from acute pain. Chronic pain lasts for longer than six months. This usually happens when injuries fail to heal properly, when there is nerve damage, and when the joints or bones are affected by injury or aging. Neurologists are of the opinion that chronic pain happens when the nervous system remains in a permanent reactive state even after an injury heals.
Causes and Home Remedies for Heel Pain
Causes & Risk Factors

Causes and Home Remedies for Heel Pain

An extremely common complaint, heel pain has several common causes. It is vital to make an accurate diagnosis of the cause of the symptoms in order to get appropriate and timely treatment that is directed at the exact cause of the problem. Once the source of the heel pain is clear, a more targeted treatment plan can help in a speedy recovery. Furthermore, knowing the right and the exact cause of the symptoms may help in taking steps to prevent the condition from reoccurring. Below is some information about the common causes of knee pain and the treatment and remedial options. Causes Heel pain can sometimes be caused by an injury like a fracture or a sprain. The most common causes of heel pain are caused by medical conditions like: Plantar Fasciitis – The plantar fascia is a large ligament in the foot that stretches from the heel bone to the balls of your toes. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of this ligament, causing pain in the underside of the heel. Achilles tendinitis – The Achilles tendon attaches the calf muscles to the heel bone. Overuse or stress of this muscle can cause wear and tear in this tendon, causing severe pain at the back of the heel.
Causes, Complications, and Treatments for Excessive Sweating
Causes & Risk Factors

Causes, Complications, and Treatments for Excessive Sweating

Sweating is a way of keeping the body cool. The amount of sweat produced varies in every person. Some people suffer from the problem of excessive sweating that is medically associated with hyperhidrosis, normally observed around the areas of hands, armpits, feet, and groin. The problem can be inborn or an individual may develop it during the later stages of his life. If the sweating is without any known cause, then it is defined as primary hyperhidrosis, but if the body sweats more due to an underlying medical condition, it is called secondary hyperhidrosis. The causes of primary hyperhidrosis can be partial hereditary. Today, there are thousands of curative methods available that can be helpful to cure the problem. Mentioned below are the causes of excessive sweating, have a look at these: Diabetic hypoglycemia Endocarditis Fever for an unknown cause Generalized anxiety disorder Heart attack Heat exhaustion Hyperthyroidism Leukemia Malaria Menopause Obesity Stress Tuberculosis Gout Respiratory failure Hodgkin’s disease HIV Pregnancy Some medications Above affirmations are the causes of excessive sweating that can be prevented by various way outs. If hyperhidrosis doesn’t get treated in time it may lead to the following complications: Nail infections: The excessive sweating can result in toenail infections that can further cause several disorders.
Side Effects of Garcinia Cambogia that You Should Know About
Causes & Risk Factors

Side Effects of Garcinia Cambogia that You Should Know About

Garcinia Cambogia, also known as Malabar Tamarind, Brindleberry, and Kudam Pulli (Pot Tamarind), is native to Indonesia and is a tropical species of Garcinia. The name Garcinia Cambogia is a former scientific name of the same species of fruits. It is also known as Garcinia Gummi-Gutta. It is found and grown in moist forests where the climatic conditions are suitable for its survival. They are found in various color variants such as greenish, yellowish, or reddish pumpkins. In 2012, Mehmet Cengiz Oz, widely known as Dr. Oz, claimed that the Garcinia Cambogia extracts were “an exciting breakthrough in natural weight loss.” The claims were highly scrutinized and the results were that there was no significant scientific evidence to support the claim. In fact, the usage of Garcinia Cambogia resulted in various adverse gastrointestinal conditions, and almost no weight loss at all. The widespread claims and the supplements available in the market are those that are based on the existence of Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA). HCA is said to boost the fat-burning-capacity of the body. The research into this supplement has yielded mixed results. Majority of the positive results were shown from research performed on animals. Not much research has gone into its effect on humans.
Causes and Treatment Options for Swollen Ankles
Causes & Risk Factors

Causes and Treatment Options for Swollen Ankles

Swollen ankles are very common and not a cause for too much worry. They are painful at times but do not pose any serious threat. The main reason for swollen ankles or feet would be pressure on the legs. So, walking or standing for a long time may typically lead to swelling of the ankles. In most of the cases, swollen feet and ankles get better on their own. They go away in a short time with enough rest to the legs. But sometimes the swelling may remain for a long time. It may cause severe symptoms and lead to serious complications. Here we discuss the various causes and the treatment options for swollen ankles. Causes There are many causes of swollen ankles. It may occur due to an injury or any underlying medical conditions. Doctors tend to place importance on understanding the cause of swollen ankles before delving into different swollen ankles treatment options. So, understanding some of the causes is important. Some of the common causes of swollen ankles are: Pregnancy – Swollen ankles are very common during pregnancy. It may occur due to the increased weight or increased pressure on the legs. But sometimes, it may be a sign of preeclampsia.