Causes and Treatment for Thinning Hair
Causes & Risk Factors

Causes and Treatment for Thinning Hair

Thick and voluminous hair seems like an elusive dream for most of us. Thinning hair and hair fall affect both men and women of all ages. Thinning hair or hair loss can occur due to a variety of reasons. Emotional stress, hormonal changes, unhealthy eating habits, side effects of medication and harsh hair treatment are some of the common reasons for thinning hair. Consultation with a dermatologist can help find the cause of thinning hair and help find the right thinning hair products. Using the most suitable thinning hair products and making appropriate lifestyle changes can help treat thinning hair and hair loss. Causes of thinning hair Before moving on to thinning hair products, it helps in understanding the various causes of thinning hair in order to find the right fit. Hair loss not only affects the scalp but the entire body as well. The common causes of thinning hair are as follows: Family history: People who have a family history of thinning hair are potential candidates for thinning hair or hair fall. Thinning hair usually occurs with aging in men and women. Receding hairline and bald patches in men, and thinning hair in women are very common. Hormonal changes:
Common Causes of Foot Pain
Causes & Risk Factors

Common Causes of Foot Pain

While it is common to feel pain in your feet every once in a while, persisting pain in the feet is generally not a good sign. There are several causes of foot pain. If you feel pain in your heels while running, jogging, or walking over a large distance for an extended period of time, it is normal. If the pain continues to persist even after having rested amply, you are likely to be suffering from plantar fasciitis. Heel spurs are another condition affecting the feet. They can lead to immense pain in the feet and can make walking a task in itself. Heel spurs usually occur along with plantar fasciitis. Wearing specialized shoes and taking medications can help you to treat your condition and maintain its progress. If you are suffering from foot pain over a period of time along with the appearance of the symptoms of diseases associated with foot pain, visit a doctor immediately. We have made the process of knowing the causes of foot pain much easier for you. Causes of Foot Pain Here are a few of the most common causes of foot pain Heel Spurs Some people may suffer from heel spurs, yet never know about it, the less fortunate experience its symptoms in its full wrath.
Causes and Treatment Methods of Chronic Diarrhea
Causes & Risk Factors

Causes and Treatment Methods of Chronic Diarrhea

Diarrhea is the second most reported illness all over the country. The most prominent characteristic of diarrhea is a watery or loose stool. If diarrhea lasts for four or more weeks, then it will be regarded as chronic diarrhea. Although acute diarrhea may not be that serious and will get cured with time, chronic diarrhea may create some serious complications if it is not treated as soon as possible. Here are some of the causes and treatment methods of chronic diarrhea. Causes of chronic diarrhea Too much alcohol and caffeine If you consume foods that have too much caffeine or cola content, then you might get the watery stool. Also, consumption of too much alcohol can ruin your digestive system. In that case, you will face the problem of chronic diarrhea. However, if you consume these substances in a limited amount or even stop consuming it completely, then you may not face this problem. Consuming sugary items Taking too much sugar is known to cause diarrhea. Also, there are some substances that are artificial sweeteners. Consuming these substances regularly can cause chronic diarrhea. Here are some the examples of these substances: Lactose Fructose Mannitol Sorbitol Taking certain medications Certain medications might cause acute or chronic diarrhea.
Causes and Treatment of Chronic Pain
Causes & Risk Factors

Causes and Treatment of Chronic Pain

Usually, the pain that lasts at least for 12 weeks is defined as chronic pain. It can be intermittent or steady. It can come and go without any apparent reason. It can be felt dull or sharp, causing an aching or burning sensation in the affected areas. Also, the pain can be felt differently in the affected areas. Lack of proper chronic pain management can reduce your strength, endurance, flexibility along with limiting your mobility. This definitely makes your daily life more challenging as it becomes difficult to get through various daily activities and tasks. According to various medical study reports, almost 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from this chronic pain. In the country alone, almost 100 million people are affected by this pain. Here is a list of some of the common types of chronic pain: Postsurgical pain Headache Arthritis pain Post-trauma pain Neurogenic pain that is caused by any damage in the nerve Lower back pain Psychogenic pain that is not caused by an injury, nerve damage, or any disease Cancer pain Causes of Chronic Pain Without realizing the underlying causes of the pain, treating it or getting the right chronic pain management plan will be tough. Here is a list of some of the most common causes of it:
Causes and Treatment Options for Premature Ejaculation
Causes & Risk Factors

Causes and Treatment Options for Premature Ejaculation

Sexual dysfunctions adversely affect a couple’s life. Premature ejaculation is a type of sexual dysfunction in which the orgasm occurs sooner than expected/wanted without control. Climaxing sooner than wanted by you or your partner may end up in unsatisfactory sexual experience. This type of dysfunction has a negative impact on the sexual satisfaction of both partners. There are chances that premature ejaculation complicates reproduction. Premature ejaculation is a common disorder in men. Almost 30% to 40% of men experience premature ejaculation at some point in their lives. If this is an occasional occurrence, it is not a cause of worry. Psychological causes are the most prominent reasons for premature ejaculation, and it can be cured through psychological counseling. Causes of Premature Ejaculation Several factors contribute to premature ejaculation. Most cases of premature ejaculation are not related to any health disorder, but to different psychological factors. Psychological stress and depression are common causes of premature ejaculation. Any mental or emotional disturbances may cause premature ejaculation. Physical health issues like inflammation of the prostate gland or a nerve problem may also cause PE. There is also increasing evidence that biological factors increase the likelihood of PE in men. The common causes of premature ejaculation are as below:
Dark Circles – Causes and Treatments
Causes & Risk Factors

Dark Circles – Causes and Treatments

The presence of dark circles under the lower eyelids is quite common among men and women. When you have dark circles, you may look much older than your actual age. This visible discoloration of skin is quite hard to eliminate. Most people will face this situation at some point in time. It is essential to know how you could prevent this and what are the various treatment options available. In this article, let’s have a look at the causes and treatment options for dark circles. Risk factors for dark circles Dark circles could affect anybody. Primarily, they affect the following people: People who are old People with a family history of dark circles Causes of dark circles Many people associate fatigue as the sole reason for the appearance of the dark circles. However, apart from fatigue, there are numerous reasons because of which dark circles could appear. Here are some of them: Age Aging is one of the causes of dark circles. When you start to get older, your skin naturally becomes thinner than before. You will start losing collagen and fat which are needed to maintain your skin’s elasticity. When this happens, the dark vessels inside your skin will become more and more visible.
Types and Causes of Foot Pain
Causes & Risk Factors

Types and Causes of Foot Pain

The problem of foot pain is very common. A research pointed out that foot pain affects 17% to 42% of adults at some time in their life. This pain in the foot can be caused due to a variety of factors, and sometimes, it gets difficult for the doctors as well to find out the root cause of the pain. Moving on, foot pain can be extremely agonizing and has a huge impact on the quality of life of a person. Therefore, it is important to get to the bottom of foot pain and identify its cause, in order to seek proper treatment. In this article, we have listed some of the common types of foot pain along with their causes. Let’s have a look. Plantar fasciitis Most experience heel pain at some point in their life. There may be several causes for this, but the most common cause is plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia is a band of connective tissues that run through the entire foot sole and provide shock absorption capability to the foot. In case this tissue attaches to the heel bone, it causes inflammation and pain. The pain caused due to this is very intense when a person gets out of the bed after a long duration of rest.
Causes and Triggers of Sinus Problems
Causes & Risk Factors

Causes and Triggers of Sinus Problems

Sinuses are the area in the forehead just in the center of the eyes and behind the cheekbones. They are hollow air spaces whose primary function is to make mucus. This mucus keeps the inner side of your nose moist, thus protecting you from pollutants, allergies dust, and more. Hence, sinuses are not the cause of any problem. The problem occurs when you have a cold or any other allergy, and your nose gets swollen. This swelling blocks the sinus passage of your nose, making you feel uncomfortable. You may also find yourself unable to drain the nose. If you have a blockage in the sinus area of your nose, your speech is also affected. Let’s have a look at some of the common causes and triggers that can lead to sinus problems. Viruses Usually, sinus infections start with a cold. When you have a cold, your nasal tissues gets swollen, blocking the holes that drain the sinuses which leads to breathing difficulties. In case a virus is the cause of your sinus infection, then antibiotics are not capable of curing it as these medicines only kill bacteria, and not viruses. One should wash their hands regularly and keep themselves away from any sinus-infected person.