The Different Causes of Neck and Shoulder Pain
Causes & Risk Factors

The Different Causes of Neck and Shoulder Pain

The neck and shoulder area is a complex network of bones, muscles, and tissues. This complex part of the body is often the site of pain, soreness, injury, and other degenerative issues. The neck and shoulder pain may be caused by many different factors. You may experience the two in isolation or together. Let’s take a look at some of the most common neck and shoulder pain causes. What can cause neck pain? We are constantly using our neck muscles even without realizing it. Hence, the muscles of the neck are highly susceptible to injuries and sprains or strains. Spraining a muscle in the neck is the most common cause of neck pain. This may cause pain in the muscles, ligaments or tendons and the pain may be categorized as acute pain or chronic, long-term pain. Some of the other causes of neck pain include: Poor posture Injury or trauma Tumors Degenerative diseases Abnormality of the bones What can cause shoulder pain? The shoulder joint is a ball and socket joint that is capable of a wide range of movements. This makes it highly prone to injuries which are a common cause of shoulder pain. Some of the other causes of shoulder pain are:
Causes and Treatment of Fibromyalgia Foot Pain
Causes & Risk Factors

Causes and Treatment of Fibromyalgia Foot Pain

Widespread pain that is typically followed by lethargy, depression, sleep disorder, cognitive impairment accompanying with digestive and urinary symptoms are the characteristics of a chronic disease called Fibromyalgia. Poorly understood disorders in which distress signals are processed by the brain appear to be excessive, augmenting the sense of pain in muscles and soft tissues. There are no tests to detect fibromyalgia; it is diagnosed by excluding other possible causes. Treatment might include over-the-counter painkillers, antidepressants, physiotherapy, self-care, and medications principally approved to treat fibromyalgia, such as Lyrica. Fibromyalgia is more than just muscle aches and joint pain. Being a chronic disorder, pain due to fibromyalgia can hit anywhere, at any intensity, and at any time. Several studies show that people who have fibromyalgia suffer more foot pain than other people. No matter the kind of pain, all are unpleasant. However, foot pain is worst as you need them for almost all day-to-day activities. The sensations that one might feel due to fibromyalgia are as follows: The soles feel like they are on fire, and these pains come and go at random intervals. Feeling of uneasiness when wearing any kinds of shoes. Unable to touch bare feet on the floor without wearing slippers.
5 Common Causes of Colitis
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5 Common Causes of Colitis

Colitis is an extremely uncomfortable condition caused by the inflammation of the colon. The severity of the disease ranges from mild to severe and individuals suffer from several symptoms. The symptoms of colitis include feeling constipated, abdominal pain and cramping, experiencing small bowel movements which are frequent in nature, and experiencing diarrhea which may or may not have blood. If you are experiencing these symptoms, visit a doctor immediately and seek treatment. There are several different causes of colitis and each underlying cause is treated differently. The different types of colitis include the likes of microscopic colitis, infectious colitis, ischemic colitis, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis, among others. After reviewing your history, a physical examination, imaging tests, laboratory tests, and a colonoscopy, your doctor will conclude that you are suffering from the disease and suggest treatment for its underlying cause. Here are a few of the most common causes of colitis. Causes of Colitis Infectious Causes There are millions of good bacteria living in the colon. They do the body no harm and cause no symptoms whatsoever. When some viruses, parasites, and bacteria invade the small or large intestine, it may lead to some infections. These infections may occur when you eat contaminated food.
A Complete Guide to Stomach Pain and its Causes
Causes & Risk Factors

A Complete Guide to Stomach Pain and its Causes

Stomach pain is quite a common issue that generally causes restlessness and uneasiness across the chest and pelvic area. It ranges from a dull ache to sharp twinge, though the intensity depends on the severity of the problem. The intense wave or discomfort can churn up your stomach, and it can be an indication of a life-threatening disease knocking the door. There can be numerous reasons behind the sensation of pain across your belly area; however, if it originates from any organ toward the upper belly area, then the reason behind this could be anything from swelling of the stomach lining, inflammation in the gallbladder to serious liver problems. Why Location Matters? According to a survey, most of the time stomach pain is caused by food poisoning, diarrhea, constipation, or gas. However, overeating can be one of the prime reasons behind severe abdominal pain. To get rid of stomach pain, make a habit to eat small portions at small intervals rather than going for big bites and large meals at once. Upper Middle Section In case you are experiencing some pain across the upper abdominal cavity then you need to see a doctor on an immediate basis, as it can be an alarm for a serious ailment.
12 Common Factors That Could Trigger Migraines
Causes & Risk Factors

12 Common Factors That Could Trigger Migraines

According to the Migraine Research Foundation, 1 in 4 households in the country have someone who suffers from migraines. This number includes around 10% of all children in the country. Despite advances in neurology, migraine is a health condition that is still poorly understood. What neurologists agree on is that migraines are set off by sensory triggers. These triggers, however, differ from individual to individual. If one suffers from migraines, understanding the triggers is very important so as to avoid them and mitigate them. Some of the top migraine triggers have been explained in brief below: Food Foods with strong smells and flavors are some of the common migraine triggers for many people suffering from migraines. Dairy products, chocolate, and cured meats are the most common food triggers. Products that contain Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG), histamine, and other common artificial food sweeteners and colorings are also common triggers. Food triggers are simple to identify and track. Ensure that one reads the labels on food items before buying. Changes in the weather Weather change is one of the most common causes of chronic migraines. Some of the factors that can cause a migraine are changes in barometric pressure, high heat, and humidity.
Premature Ejaculation – Causes and Treatment Options
Causes & Risk Factors

Premature Ejaculation – Causes and Treatment Options

Premature ejaculation is a common issue that men face these days, and it is treatable with medications. However, it is essential to consult a doctor before taking medicines for this condition. Read on to find out about premature ejaculation, its causes, and treatment options available. What is premature ejaculation? It is a condition that occurs during sex when a man climaxes pretty quickly. When this happens, the said individual can no longer continue having sex. Thus, it may leave both partners unsatisfied. Moreover, many men may find it embarrassing and frustrating to talk about this problem. In some cases, even the relationship can be affected due to this. However, one does not have to deal with this problem for the rest of their lives. By taking medication for premature ejaculation, one can prevent such incidents from happening. On an average, about 35-40% of men experience it at some point in their life. If it is a rare occurrence, then one does not need to worry about it. What are the causes of premature ejaculation? Before one starts taking medications, it is essential to know about the causes of premature ejaculation. While the exact reason for this problem is not known, there are speculations on what can lead to it.
Exploring the Causes of Chronic Fatigue
Causes & Risk Factors

Exploring the Causes of Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue can have many causes. It may also occur without any identifiable underlying cause like a medical condition or illness. Identifying the type of chronic fatigue can help doctors design better treatments. Chronic fatigue Chronic fatigue indicates fatigue that persists for a long time and does not go away quickly even with adequate sleep and rest. Physical fatigue is the inability to initiate or complete any physical activity. Mental fatigue involves cognitive difficulties, inability to focus, and so on. Chronic fatigue can involve both of these. Usually, fatigue or extreme tiredness goes away after a period of rest and good sleep. However, chronic fatigue is not so easy to shake off. Medical conditions that may cause chronic fatigue Many health conditions like diabetes, anemia, and cardiovascular diseases can cause chronic fatigue. Diabetes: When patients have diabetes, they may experience a sharp change in their blood sugar levels, which may cause extreme tiredness. However, diabetic patients may also suffer from fatigue that is not linked to their sugar levels. Cardiovascular diseases: Cardiovascular diseases weaken the heart muscles and impair the heart’s ability to pump blood. Thus, the regular blood circulation and oxygen supply are affected, leading to fatigue. Cancer: Extreme tiredness can be a symptom of cancer.
Adult Acne – Causes and Treatment Options
Causes & Risk Factors

Adult Acne – Causes and Treatment Options

Are you facing an acne problem even when you are in your 30s or 40s? Acne has never been just a teen problem. However, it is infamous for affecting young people. These days, various causes like an increase in pollution and rising stress levels have caused a surge in the number of acne cases in men and women. Getting the right treatment can help adults control an acne breakout. What causes acne? Acne is a skin condition that results in blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, pustules, and a lot more. These unsightly blemishes on the skin are most prevalent in teens because of hormonal changes. However, adult acne is also a common problem. Acne is caused by a buildup of excess body oil (sebum) in the skin pores. This sebum is sticky, and so hair, dust, and other particles stick to it, causing raised bumps. The blocked pores can no longer push out the excess sebum or clear the skin of toxins by sweating. So, the dirt accumulates, creating a conducive environment for bacterial infections. Causes of adult acne While acne breakouts mostly reduce once you enter your twenties, you can still get it if your skin pores are blocked. People with oily skin are especially vulnerable because their skin normally secretes excessive sebum.