10 Common Skin Problems and Their Treatments

10 Common Skin Problems and Their Treatments

Our skin is nothing but a protective shell for our body, and it protects us from numerous toxic things like harmful chemicals, UV rays, and various cuts and scrapes. As a result of these factors, the skin often changes its texture and color, and at times rashes may also appear. Usually, skin inflammation causes these rashes, and there are numerous reasons behind this inflammation. You can see different patterns of skin rashes in conditions like granuloma annulare, eczema, pityriasis rosea, lichen planus, acne, razor burns, and so on. The article below highlights the different types of skin rashes and their treatments. Acne Acne is perhaps the most common problem that people face. Numerous factors lead to irritating red bumps on your skin. Heavy sweating, stress, humidity or consuming steroids can lead to skin rashes. Even if you maintain perfect personal hygiene, you may get acne because of washing your face too often. If you are facing this problem in your daily life, you should consult a general physician or a dermatologist to identify the underlying issue and cure it. You can also find numerous home remedies to deal with acne. Razor burn Men usually face this problem along with redness, blisters, and rashes due to shaving.
Best Products to Treat Male Incontinence Effectively

Best Products to Treat Male Incontinence Effectively

Even though a lot of men do not really like the idea of using various male incontinence products like catheters, urine collection bags, adult diapers etc., these products become handy when someone is suffering from the male incontinence condition. Living with incontinence can hamper normal daily lifestyle. It can be the cause of embarrassing accidents lowering down the affected person’s confidence level. Using these products can help to deal with such situations. For treating male incontinence, various medications are available. However, it is always advisable to consult a medical expert before taking any medication. Here is a list of some of the best incontinence products for males that are currently trending in the market. These male incontinence products are not sufficient to treat the condition from the root. However, using them with proper medications will definitely help the affected persons to lead a better life and deal with it. Some of the male incontinence products include: Disposable pants and pads These are probably the most convenient and easy-to-use incontinence products for men. You can find a wide variety of pads depending on the absorbance capacity. Starting from light leakage/soiling to medium and heavy – disposable pads, all are available to deal with every situation.
How to Treat Pain Caused by a Frozen Shoulder

How to Treat Pain Caused by a Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is a painful condition that affects your shoulder joint. It causes excruciating pain and causes stiffness in the shoulder. Anatomically, your shoulder is made up of three bones: upper arm, shoulder blade, and collarbone. These bones collectively form the ball-and-socket joint that is held together with connective tissues. These tissues are known as the shoulder capsule. In a frozen shoulder, the shoulder capsule becomes excessively thick, thus restricting movement. The condition of a frozen shoulder may take anywhere between 1 and 3 years to cure. Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder The first and most prominent symptom of a frozen shoulder is pain and stiffness. You will persistently feel a dull pain in one shoulder, making it very difficult to move it. Gradually, the pain will spread to the upper arm as well. In most cases, the pain worsens at night. Typically, in a frozen shoulder, the symptoms experienced can be categorized into the following 3 stages as shown below: Initial or Freezing stage You experience a pain in your shoulder every time you try to move it. Gradually, the pain starts getting more intense, especially at night. The movement of your arm and shoulder gets restricted to a certain extent.
Causes and Treatment of Fibromyalgia Foot Pain
Causes & Risk Factors

Causes and Treatment of Fibromyalgia Foot Pain

Widespread pain that is typically followed by lethargy, depression, sleep disorder, cognitive impairment accompanying with digestive and urinary symptoms are the characteristics of a chronic disease called Fibromyalgia. Poorly understood disorders in which distress signals are processed by the brain appear to be excessive, augmenting the sense of pain in muscles and soft tissues. There are no tests to detect fibromyalgia; it is diagnosed by excluding other possible causes. Treatment might include over-the-counter painkillers, antidepressants, physiotherapy, self-care, and medications principally approved to treat fibromyalgia, such as Lyrica. Fibromyalgia is more than just muscle aches and joint pain. Being a chronic disorder, pain due to fibromyalgia can hit anywhere, at any intensity, and at any time. Several studies show that people who have fibromyalgia suffer more foot pain than other people. No matter the kind of pain, all are unpleasant. However, foot pain is worst as you need them for almost all day-to-day activities. The sensations that one might feel due to fibromyalgia are as follows: The soles feel like they are on fire, and these pains come and go at random intervals. Feeling of uneasiness when wearing any kinds of shoes. Unable to touch bare feet on the floor without wearing slippers.
Top Treatment Options for Keratosis Pilaris

Top Treatment Options for Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris is a general, harmless skin ailment that causes small and hard bumps on the skin, making it feel like sandpaper. These light-colored bumps appear on the upper arms, thighs, and buttocks and are sometimes accompanied by redness or swelling. These bumps might show up on an individual’s face, but it is an infrequent phenomenon. Many children and teens are prone to keratosis pilaris and feel an itchy sensation. These bumps disappear over a period of time or as one gets old. A build-up of keratin in the system causes Keratosis pilaris. Keratin is a protein that shields your skin from infections and other harmful bacteria. The accumulation of the chemical leads to the formation of a plug that blocks the opening of a hair follicle. However, the exact reason for triggering the build-up is still unknown. People with dry skin are more prone to keratosis pilaris. The surface can get worse in winter when there is less moisture in the air. Here are a few things one can opt for keratosis pilaris treatment. Omega-3 Food rich in omega-3 help in keeping your skin moisturized and healthy. Walnuts, flaxseeds, salmon, tuna, sardines, and soybeans are rich sources of omega-3.
10 Best Moisturizers for Dry Skin

10 Best Moisturizers for Dry Skin

Irrespective of the season, the one essential product that strives greatly to keep the skin healthy and radiant is the moisturizer. Well, its importance and the role that it plays in maintaining the radiance of the skin need not be explained, but there is one thing that matters a lot. That is the type and the quality of the skin moisturizer that you are investing in. It might just feel like foolishness to think that all the moisturizers that cost heavy on the pocket are the best ones. Not all of that is out there in the market are good enough to keep the skin healthy and glowing. Yes, it is really saddening to see that most of the moisturizer products do not work as desired on the skin. You do not have to worry any longer because we are here to help you out with the best 10 dry skin moisturizers that your skin will love. Now, get ready to pamper your skin with these best product line in here. Body Shop Vitamin E Intense moisture cream All the external factors like the humid climate, dust particles, and so on makes the skin look worse. And so, using the Vitamin E intense moisture cream from Body Shop is the one best choices that you can instantly opt for from this list of dry skin moisturizers.
Treatments for Reducing High Creatinine Levels

Treatments for Reducing High Creatinine Levels

Chemical waste known as creatinine is produced in the blood that passes through the kidneys to be separated and excreted in urine. A by-product of normal muscle function and the chemical waste, creatinine produce depends on the muscles in a person’s body. More muscles mean more creatinine produce. The level of creatinine in a person’s body reflects both amount of muscle and their kidney function. A healthy kidney function for most men has approximately 0.6 to 1.2 milligrams/deciliters (mg/dL) of creatinine. Women with normal kidney functions have 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL of creatinine. The reason levels of creatinine are low in women is because an average woman has lesser muscle mass than compared to a man. Other factors that may contribute to the low level of creatinine in the blood include body size, activity level, and medications. A higher level of creatinine can cause impaired kidney function, kidney dysfunction or kidney disease. Hence, it is essential to keep a check on your creatinine levels and take the necessary steps to maintain good health and well-being. Here are a few home remedies on how to reduce creatinine naturally: Reduce vigorous exercise Regular exercise is vital for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, if an individual does an excess amount of physical activities or tasks, it can spike the creatinine levels in the blood.
Common Symptoms and Treatments of Overactive Bladder Disorder
Signs & Symptoms

Common Symptoms and Treatments of Overactive Bladder Disorder

One can experience a number of symptoms when having such a disease like an overactive bladder. The most common symptom of an overactive bladder includes sudden and uncontrollable pressure for urination. Leaks and frequent visit to the bathroom are the common behavior for a person having bladder disorder. Aged people are more vulnerable to this disease than youngsters and it can badly affect one’s personal and professional life. People often take its symptoms lightly and simply ignore them believing they can deal with such issues. The disease of overactive bladder can turn out be life-threatening if it is ignored or undiagnosed. If you experience the discontinuity in the urge for urination, you should immediately consult with your doctor to get treatments for overactive bladder disorder. Test to confirm overactive bladder disease If you find abnormalities in the urge of urination, let your doctor find the actual reasons behind the disorder. Your doctor will ensure if you have an infection in your bladder. Your doctor may ask you whether you empty your bladder completely during urination or not. The process of diagnosis may also include the physical examination, checking up medical history, neurological examination and the test of the urine sample.