10 Products to Get Relief From the Symptoms of Eczema
Signs & Symptoms

10 Products to Get Relief From the Symptoms of Eczema

Eczema is a group of skin conditions with symptoms such as itchy, inflamed cracked, rough, and reddish skin. Sometimes, patients may also develop blisters due to this skin problem. One of the most common kinds of eczema is atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis. There are numerous eczema creams available in the market to treat this condition. You can talk to your dermatologist to know which is the best cream for eczema. Common symptoms of eczema The symptoms are different for kids and adults. Some of the common signs of eczema are: Rashes: Rashes are commonly seen on the elbows, nape of neck, and knees. However, they can appear on any other part of the body as well. Most of the times, these rashes lead to other symptoms. Dry skin: These rashes can make the skin dry as well. Itchiness: There are chances that skin rashes will become itchier every single day. Skin infections: These rashes may lead to skin infections if not treated in time. Colored rashes: The color of these rashes keep changing, either they get darker or lighter. Oozing pus: Bubbles may form on the rashes and become bumpy before they leak fluids. It is vital to treat eczema to avoid skin infections.
Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Ovarian Cancer
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Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is defined as the state or process in which abnormal cells inside the ovary start to multiply without any control, and thereby form a tumor. If a tumor is not treated, it can easily spread to other parts of the body as well. This type of specific condition is known as metastatic ovarian cancer. Ovaries are defined as the two female reproductive glands, which are responsible for producing the ova or eggs. These ovaries also help in producing various female hormones like estrogen and progesterone. It was reported that more than 22,000 women in the country received an ovarian cancer diagnosis in 2017, and almost 14,000 women will be dying from it. There are various warning signs of ovarian cancer, but the earliest symptoms are very vague and difficult to detect. Only 20 percent of ovarian cancers are detected at an earlier stage. So, take a look at some of the more details about this disease. Causes of ovarian cancer The exact reason for the occurrence of ovarian cancer is currently unknown. Following are some of the risk factors that you should be wary of: Having a family history of ovarian cancer Any kind of personal history of colon, breast or uterine cancer The onset of obesity Using hormone therapies No history of being pregnant Being old in age is also a risk factor.
Symptoms and Treatment of COPD
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Symptoms and Treatment of COPD

The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a collection of progressive lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and refractory asthma. These COPD-based lung diseases cause trouble in breathing and limit the airways. Chronic bronchitis narrows down the bronchial tubes and causes inflammation. Also, it builds up mucus. In emphysema, slowly the air sacs in the lungs get destroyed. Well, until date, no sure cure for this disease is available. However, a proper and timely treatment can help to ease the COPD-based lung disease symptoms along with lowering the complications and improving the overall quality of life. In the country, almost 24 million people suffer from this chronic disease. The more worrisome fact is that almost half of these people or more simply remain undiagnosed. According to various research and medical studies, smoking is one of the major reasons, causing this fatal disease. However, studies have also reflected the fact that 1 in 4 people, who are suffering from COPD lung disease symptoms, has never been into smoking! Here is a list of the various symptoms of this disease along with the treatments available to ease them and help the sufferers lead a better life. Symptoms of COPD Lung Disease Now, this chronic lung disease has several stages.
9 Early Signs and Symptoms of Lupus
Signs & Symptoms

9 Early Signs and Symptoms of Lupus

Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that currently affects around 5 million people in the world, out of which 1.5 million are in the people in the country with more than 16,000 cases being reported every year. This disease occurs when the immune system of the body can’t differentiate between the healthy tissues and harmful germs, leading to the creation of antibodies that attack healthy cells and tissues. Although the cause of the lupus is still unknown, research suggests that genes play an important role in the development of lupus symptoms in women as well in men. Lupus affects everyone differently and usually starts in early adulthood, anywhere between the teen years and the 30s. Some people are affected with mild symptoms, while others may have more severe symptoms of lupus. Early symptoms have some resemblance with other conditions, and this might make the diagnosis confusing. So, what are the symptoms of lupus? Let’s discuss them in the next context. Fatigue Almost 90 percent of people with lupus experience some level of fatigue. An afternoon nap can help fight people to deal with fatigue, but sleeping too much during the daytime can sometimes lead to insomnia at night. On the other hand, if you want to keep your energy levels high, then sticking to a daily routine and remaining active can be effective.
Signs and Symptoms of Metastatic Breast Cancer
Signs & Symptoms

Signs and Symptoms of Metastatic Breast Cancer

When a tumor or any other illness grows and spreads from its point of origin to other parts of the body, it is called metastasis. Similarly, metastatic breast cancer occurs when the cancerous cells from the breast spread to other body parts. In most cases, if breast cancer metastasizes, it is likely to appear in the following regions: Brain Bones Liver Lungs If the cancer is confined to the breast, several effective treatment options are available to cure it. However, if it spreads to the nearby areas, it becomes quite difficult to cure. Therefore, it is vital to spot the signs of metastatic breast cancer as soon as possible to ensure that suitable treatment can start immediately. Symptoms of metastatic breast cancer The initial stages of breast cancer typically do not exhibit any symptoms. Once the symptoms begin to appear, they are most likely to include a strange formation or lump in the breast or under the armpits. In the case of inflammatory breast cancer, the symptoms can include redness or swelling in and around the breast area as well as a mild sensation of pain. When breast cancer metastasizes, a patient may experience the following symptoms: Development of a lump Changes in the skin such as skin ulceration or dimpling Nipple discharge Pain or discomfort while moving the arms Swelling in the breast or arms Large, hard, and deep lymph nodes under the arm or the neck.
Symptoms and Complications of Multiple Sclerosis
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Symptoms and Complications of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is an extremely dangerous disease that can lead to the potential disabling of the central nervous system and the brain. When it comes to multiple sclerosis, the immune system goes haywire. It attacks the myelin, the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers. This leads to functional problems between the brain and the rest of the body. The disease may progress rapidly and lead to the nerves to deteriorate or become permanently damaged as a whole. Multiple sclerosis symptoms vary greatly. While some people suffering from the disease may lose the ability to walk without any assistance, others may experience long periods of remission without the onset of any new symptoms. The worst part of this disease is the fact that there is no cure for it. While treatment can help you to achieve high-speed recovery from the attacks associated with the disease, there is no way to completely cure it. Medication can also help to manage its symptoms and modify the course of the disease. Here are a few of the symptoms and the complications associated with multiple sclerosis. Symptoms of multiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis symptoms may vary greatly from person to person. Some people may experience it at a greater intensity, while others may not.
Ways to Manage Nerve Pain from Shingles
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Ways to Manage Nerve Pain from Shingles

Shingle is an infection which is caused by the same virus that gives you chickenpox and it appears as a painful rash which generally persists for 4 weeks at most. The condition causes an itching sensation, burning, all-around discomfort, and immense pain in its duration. While the symptoms of the disease are quite hard to handle, they can be managed and put to rest with effective treatment and by practicing home remedies. The best course of action is generally getting a cream to tackle shingles. Following the shingles virus, you may suffer from an extremely painful condition called post-herpetic neuralgia. The condition is characterized by pain occurring in the areas of the body where the rash was once present. It may or may not occur before the onset of the rash that characterizes shingles. The pain generally follows a nerve’s path on one side of the body. Here are a few ways you can manage nerve pain from shingles and lead a pain-free life. Pain from shingles To treat nerve pain that has preceded the appearance of the shingles rash, or which is ongoing during its appearance and treatment, it is necessary to manage shingles by following the below-mentioned methods first.
Symptoms and Treatment of Chronic Migraine
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Symptoms and Treatment of Chronic Migraine

A migraine is a very painful, often a debilitating, form of a headache. It can be either episodic or chronic. Usually, the episodic migraine lasts for hours and several weeks to months can pass between two migraine episodes. However, chronic migraine symptoms not only last longer but also occur more frequently. If you have a chronic migraine, you will probably suffer from throbbing headaches at least 15 days a month. These severe and frequent attacks can make it difficult for you to live a normal life. An episodic migraine is much more common than a chronic one. Various medical research reports have shown that some people who suffer from an episodic migraine can eventually develop the symptoms of a chronic migraine! According to medical studies, 0.5% of men and 1.3% of women in the country experience chronic migraine symptoms. Other than taking medications, some healthy lifestyle changes can also help one in dealing with the symptoms of a chronic migraine. Here is a list of the symptoms along with some effective treatments for a chronic migraine. Chronic Migraine Symptoms Having chronic migraine is nowhere similar to having just a simple headache. In reality, it is much more than that! A chronic migraine may include the following symptoms: