Things to Know about the Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Signs & Symptoms

Things to Know about the Narcissistic Personality Disorder

The narcissistic personality disorder is a mental condition where people gain an escalated perception of their importance, like an intense need for drawing attention, lack of sympathy for others, troubled relationships, and so on. In such a condition, people try to wear a mask of self-confidence, leaving their fragile personality behind. Such a disorder can badly affect one’s personal and professional relationships, and even education or financial affairs. People with this personality disorder can easily become disappointed when they do not get the respect or importance they expect from others. People, in general, prefer to stay away from such personalities as they always find them unfit for social customs and relationships. Here are the causes, symptoms, and the possible treatments of this mental disorder. The causes of narcissistic personality disorder It is very hard to say what actually causes this mental disorder. However, researchers believe that genetics and upbringing factors play key roles in developing the narcissistic disorder. Our personalities are inherited from our ancestors, and if someone thinks that they are different from the crowd and should be treated with special attention and admiration, the person may develop this mental disorder. Researchers have also found that parental neglect often leads to narcissistic disorder among children.
Dry Eyes – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options
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Dry Eyes – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

The eyes are your window to the world. Not only do your eyes tell a tale during your times of happiness, but also in your times of sadness. You may cry out of joy or in pain, the only thing common to the two situations is the secretion of tears. They help provide lubrication and moisture which help you see properly and ensure that your eyes are comfortable. Tears are a mixture of several substances which include water for moisture, oils for lubrication, mucus to ensure that they spread evenly and antibodies and special proteins which ensure that infections are kept at bay. All in all, tears have quite a few more uses than you would imagine. These ingredients come from glands present around the eye. Dry eyes is a condition commonly characterized by the tear system being out of order. Symptoms and causes of dry eyes There are several symptoms of dry eyes which include itching, redness, blurry vision, light sensitivity, a gritty feeling, and a feeling like there is something in your eye when there is actually nothing. The condition may sometimes lead to the secretion of excess tears as well. This condition is referred to as reflex tearing.
Common Signs and Symptoms of Eye Diseases
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Common Signs and Symptoms of Eye Diseases

Eyes are the most complex organs in the entire human body. The cornea, iris, pupil, lens and retina are the different parts of an eye that work together to ensure clear vision. Eye diseases are a global health issue and adversely affect the mental and physical health of a person. A person affected with eye diseases may sink into depression and face social withdrawal too. Moreover, a significant loss in the quality of life is expected in affected people due to impairment in day to day activities. According to a report, cataract affects 24.4 million Americans and by the age of 75, half of the Americans develop a cataract. An estimated 2.7 million Americans has glaucoma and approximately 2.1 million have age-related macular degeneration. This data shows the high prevalence of eye disorders in the population. A few eye diseases’ symptoms are listed below. An eye issue can be suspected if a person shows symptoms related to vision, the appearance of the eye, or feels pain and sensations in one or both eyes. Signs and symptoms of eye diseases Eyestrain : Eyestrain is one of the common eye diseases’ symptoms indicating long working hours on computers, continuous reading or driving.
Hyperthyroidism vs. Hypothyroidism – Symptoms and Causes
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Hyperthyroidism vs. Hypothyroidism – Symptoms and Causes

The thyroid is one of the most important glands in the body. It is shaped like a butterfly and is located in the front of the neck, just below the thyroid gland, around the windpipe. The isthmus—a bridge of tissues—joins the two thyroid lobes on each side. The thyroid gland helps regulate several metabolic processes throughout the body. When there are certain discrepancies noted in the functioning of this gland, it could cause either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism and so on. Symptoms of thyroid problems are often very distinctly noticed in the human body. The different types of thyroid problems affect either the gland’s functioning or its structure as a whole. The thyroid gland produces four important hormones to regulate the metabolism of the body. Of these four, thyroxine is the primary hormone produced by the thyroid gland; it is also known as T4. After its delivery to the tissues via the bloodstream, a tiny portion of the thyroxine released by the gland is converted into triiodothyronine, the most active hormone produced by the thyroid. It is also known as T3. Iodine is mainly used by the thyroid gland to produce these vital hormones. The functionality of the thyroid gland is controlled and regulated by a mechanism involving feedback received by the brain.
Early Signs of Alzheimer Disease
Signs & Symptoms

Early Signs of Alzheimer Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is known to affect over 5 million people in the country as per research conducted by the Alzheimer’s Association. It is the most common form of dementia and results in the loss of memory and the degradation of other mental abilities that affect the quality of life. It is most common in adults aged 65 and above. Signs related to Alzheimer’s begin to appear slowly and gradually. The decline in memory and reasoning skills is typically slow but varies on a case-by-case basis. 5% of the population suffers from early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Early-onset Alzheimer’s disease affects those in their 40s and 50s. These signs may seem to be a result of stress or age sometimes. You may be developing the disease if you are experiencing the following symptoms: You might suffer from extreme mood swings. This includes feeling confused and depressed. You may also experience anxiety and fearfulness. These changes in moods are noticeable and you may feel irritated if something is not done according to plan or if the normal routine of your day is not abided by. Here is another sign of Alzheimer’s, if you suddenly do not enjoy social gatherings anymore then you might be experiencing a symptom of Alzheimer’s.
Everything You Need to Know about Mold Allergies
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Everything You Need to Know about Mold Allergies

Do you often have an allergy across seasons? If yes, then you could be sensitive to mold spores as well as other fungi. Mold lives everywhere, and you can accidentally send a lot of spores in the air by upsetting a source of mold. Inhaling spores causes allergic reactions in some people, and this is why many people suffer from symptoms of mold allergy during the monsoons. Although there are various kinds of molds, very few of them can cause an allergic reaction. Most molds grow on fallen leaves and rotten logs, on grain and grass, and in composite piles. Outdoor molds are not active during the winter, and they mostly grow on plants in the spring. At home, this fungus thrives in damp areas, and you can look for it in the kitchen, basement, and bathroom. Let’s have a look at the various symptoms of mold allergy: Symptoms of mold allergies The symptoms of a mold allergy are similar to the symptoms of other types of allergies. Some of these signs include congestion, sneezing, runny nose, itching, and dry or scaling skin. Indoor molds cause allergic reactions throughout the year while spores from outdoor molds are responsible for these symptoms during the summer or fall.
Dry Eye Symptoms and Ways to Treat Them
Signs & Symptoms

Dry Eye Symptoms and Ways to Treat Them

Dry eye syndrome is a common health condition attributed to inadequate lubrication of eyes. It can happen either due to insufficient production of tears or low-quality tears. Dry eyes are very uncomfortable and cause a burning sensation in the eyes. Generally, dry eyes develop due to uninterrupted working on computer screens, sitting in air-conditioned rooms for longer durations, or while long driving. Here is a closer look at dry eye symptoms and treatment options. Prevalence According to one estimate, millions of people in the country suffer from dry eyes. Moreover, it increases with increasing age, and women are more prone to develop dry eyes compared to men. Causes of dry eyes Several factors lead to dry eyes. A few are listed below: Use of medications such as antihistamines, birth control pills, and hormone replacement therapy Dry eyes are more prevalent in people aged above 50 Vitamin A and vitamin B 12 deficiency, diabetes, and thyroid disorders are also linked with dry eyes Insufficient blinking, allergies, and autoimmune disorders Chronic conjunctivitis Symptoms of dry eyes Common dry eye symptoms are: Red eyes and burning sensations and eye fatigue Blurred vision and light sensitivity Difficulty in driving A problem in wearing lenses Ways to treat dry eyes Use of lubricants Mild dry eye symptoms due to excessive use of computer or reading can be treated with artificial tears or lubricant eye drops.
Different Kind of Allergies and Their Symptoms
Signs & Symptoms

Different Kind of Allergies and Their Symptoms

It is very important to have an in-depth understanding and awareness regarding your allergies and their subsequent symptoms. Allergic reactions vary from mild ones to very serious type and at times, can even prove to be fatal. You need to take the necessary precautions and adopt preventive measures in order to avoid further complications. Allergy symptoms occur due to the instant activation of the white blood cells, generally called mast cells and basophils such as Immunoglobulin E, in response to exposure to even non-toxic and safe environmental elements. It is crucial to recognize the symptoms and the early signs of an allergy in order to prevent problems. Medical experts and allergists prescribe anti-histamines, steroids, and even immunotherapy so that the body’s response to the allergen can be desensitized. Some of the different kind of allergies are mentioned below: Food allergy Many people react to a large variety of foods including vinegar, soy, seafood, eggs, shellfish, cow’s milk, peanuts, wheat flour, etc., exhibiting mild to severe reactions. A reaction is generally triggered when the protein present in the food is erroneously identified by the body’s immune system as harmful. A food allergy will usually trigger some kind of reaction every time that typical food is consumed.