Contributing factors for hepatitis in children
Causes & Risk Factors

Contributing factors for hepatitis in children

Contributing factors for hepatitis in children The liver is the body’s largest organ. It is a vital help in digesting food, storing energy, and eliminating toxins. Hepatitis is described as a condition where the liver experiences inflammation, which is, essentially, a tissue’s reaction to injury or irritation. Most cases of hepatitis are a result of being infected with viruses, and the types of hepatitis are named after the virus that is responsible for it. In some cases, the patient’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy liver cells, which leads to liver damage, among many other liver issues. Any of the types of hepatitis can affect people of all ages. Here are some contributing factors that lead to hepatitis in children. Understanding these can help in preventing the transmission and in maintaining hygiene: Hepatitis A The virus that causes hepatitis A is usually present in fecal matter. It can infect children in the following ways: Eating food cooked by an infected person who failed to properly wash their hands after going to the bathroom Drinking water that has been contaminated by infected feces Coming into direct or indirect contact with an infected person’s feces Traveling to areas with a common occurrence of hepatitis A Infections during blood transfusions Hepatitis B Hepatitis B is usually transmitted through blood and the most common way in which people contract this type is when an infected person’s blood is introduced into another person’s bloodstream.
Hepatitis – types and contributing factors
Causes & Risk Factors

Hepatitis – types and contributing factors

Hepatitis – types and contributing factors Hepatitis is described as an inflammation in the liver. Inflammation is essentially any tissue’s natural response to injury or irritation, and the general effects of inflammation are swelling, redness, and pain. There is a wide range of causes of the condition, but they differ based on the type of hepatitis that one is affected with. For example, various types of viral hepatitis involve viral infections rather than any other disorder in the body. Hepatitis can be acute or chronic depending on the severity, and there are various types: Types Hepatitis A This type of hepatitis does not result in chronic infections and typically involves no complications. It is one of the most common food-borne infections, and the liver takes approximately two months to properly heal from hepatitis A. In rare cases, hepatitis A can lead to liver failure, which can be fatal. The most common prevention method for hepatitis A is vaccination. Hepatitis B Above 70% of all diagnosed occurrences of hepatitis B have been found in young people from the age of 15 to 39. It usually takes people 6 months to completely recover from the illness, but some may suffer from a life-long, chronic infection, which leads to ongoing liver damage.
5 effective home remedies for amyloidosis
Diseases & Conditions

5 effective home remedies for amyloidosis

5 effective home remedies for amyloidosis Amyloidosis is a condition in which the body is unable to process the protein amyloid correctly. Excess amyloid gets distributed through the body and can often impair organ health and functioning. Amyloidosis affects people in different ways depending on which organ is impacted. The different types of amyloidosis are renal, cardiac, and gastrointestinal amyloidosis. There is no known cure for this condition, but it can be managed with a balance of home remedies and medicines. Here are five effective home remedies to help control the symptoms of amyloidosis. Heart-healthy foods The heart is one of the main organs that gets impacted by improper protein processes in the body. Thus, it is essential to follow a low-fat and low-cholesterol diet for heart health. Foods that are good for your heart include green leafy vegetables, avocados, walnuts, tomatoes, beans, nuts and seeds, garlic, onions, and dark chocolate. Also, make sure to get sufficient potassium in your diet through bananas, oranges, prunes, and dried fruit. Omega-3 diet Including these healthy fatty acids in your diet prevent complications from amyloidosis from reaching the heart and affecting the circulatory system. Omega-3 can be found in walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, and linseed oil.
An overview of the symptoms and causes of dyskinesia
Diseases & Conditions

An overview of the symptoms and causes of dyskinesia

An overview of the symptoms and causes of dyskinesia Dyskinesia is a movement disorder that is characterized by involuntary muscle movement. It usually affects the head, or the arms and sometimes the entire body. It could also be painful. While suffering from dyskinesia, a person can experience mild to debilitating discomfort. Based on the type and severity of the condition, it could affect your daily activities as well. The frequency and the intensity of the condition cannot be predicted. Dyskinesia is often observed in people suffering from Parkinson’s disease. It could be caused due to levodopa treatment, which continues for a long time. It may also occur in people with movement disorders and is not restricted to Parkinson’s patients alone. People with brain injuries or others who take antipsychotic medications could also experience the condition. These uncontrollable movements could be as mild as minor body twitches to complete movement of the body. Facts about dyskinesia Dyskinesia starts out as minor fidgets or movements that are abnormal and uncontrollable in the dominant hand or foot. It could be a minor shake or tremor. The causes of dyskinesia may vary depending on the type of the condition. People who suffer from dyskinesia due to autism could benefit from behavioral therapy.
5 breast cancer medications approved by the FDA
Diseases & Conditions

5 breast cancer medications approved by the FDA

Among women, breast cancer is known to be the most diagnosed cancer after skin cancer. It develops in the cells of the breasts. Although it can occur in both men and women, breast cancer is known to be more common among women. There are no known exact causes of this type of cancer; most often it is genetic. In some cases, environmental factors can also cause breast cancer. Regular mammography and physical examination by a physician can help in early detection of breast cancer. Certain symptoms and signs include formation of a breast lump or thickening that feels different from the surrounding tissue, change in the size, shape, or appearance of a breast, changes to the skin over the breast, a newly inverted nipple, and peeling, scaling, crusting, or flaking of the areola or breast skin. There can be redness or pitting of the skin over the breast. Depending on the stage at which it is detected, it is possible to completely recover from breast cancer. Make sure you consult your doctor regarding the same. Treatments often include the use of certain medications including the following: Afinitor® Also known as Afinitor Disperz ® , this breast cancer medication works by interfering with the growth of cancerous cells.
6 FDA-approved asthma medications to know about
Diseases & Conditions

6 FDA-approved asthma medications to know about

6 FDA-approved asthma medications to know about There is no known cause of asthma; usually, a combination of genetic and environmental factors lead to the condition. Exposure to allergic substances and irritants can trigger asthma symptoms. The triggers and symptoms vary from person to person. Everything from airborne substances like pet dander, mold spores, the common cold, cold air, smoke, GERD, and stress can trigger asthma symptoms. These triggers can induce asthma symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest tightness, chest pain, wheezing or whistling sound when exhaling, coughing attack, or wheezing attack. These symptoms can be alleviated and controlled using asthma medications. There are no complete treatments for asthma, but therapies and medications are used to prevent flare-ups and keeping the symptoms under control. For flare-ups, quick-relief inhalers are recommended. Long-term control of asthma symptoms can be done with certain FDA-approved asthma medications. Fasenra It is a medication used for the treatment of a type of severe asthma called eosinophilic phenotype asthma. This medication is usually prescribed to patients who are 12 years or older. Younger patients whose asthma condition is not under control with current medications have found relieve with the use of Fasenra. It is prescribed along with asthma maintenance medications.
Managing type 2 diabetes with medication
Diseases & Conditions

Managing type 2 diabetes with medication

Managing type 2 diabetes with medication Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the way the body produces insulin. It is the most common type of diabetes and there are about 27 million people in the country that suffer from this disease. In this condition, the body’s cells are unable to respond to the insulin produced. While this is a lifelong disease, it is possible to manage this condition with the help of the right diet, exercise, and prescriptions by your doctor. Ensure that you are aware of the symptoms and take immediate help if they last for too long. Symptoms to be aware of: Frequent urination Tingling or numbness in your hands and feet Non-healing wounds Yeast infections Blurry vision What causes type 2 diabetes? Not just one, but usually a combination of things causes this condition. Genes Your DNA determines how your body will make insulin, and hence some people would genetically be at the risk of developing this condition. Obesity Being overweight can cause insulin resistance, and hence it is important for everyone to keep a check on their diet and exercise. Glucose production The liver makes and sends out glucose when there is not enough in the body.
Treatment plans and medications for depression
Diseases & Conditions

Treatment plans and medications for depression

Treatment plans and medications for depression According to the World Health Organization, the estimated number of people around the world affected by depression are around 350 million. It is the most common illness worldwide and is a leading cause of disability. WHO states that it is a common mental disorder that is characterized by persistent sadness and a loss of interest in activities that a person usually enjoys, accompanied by an inability to carry out daily activities for at least two full weeks. What causes depression? While the cause of depression is not fully understood, it is likely to be a complex combination of genetic, environmental, and biological and psychosocial factors. Also, while depression can affect people of all ages from all walks of life, poverty, unemployment, life events like the death of a loved one or a relationship break-up, physical illness, and problems caused by alcohol and drug use are likely to increase the risk. The symptoms involve losing interest in doing things that one would usually enjoy, change in appetite and sleep patterns, and feeling sad for at least 2 weeks. Approaches to treat depression If the symptoms persist for more than two weeks, patients are advised to get professional help from a therapist who can evaluate the symptoms and recommend the right approach for treatment.