The Best Home Remedies to Get Relief from Gum Disease
Natural Remedies

The Best Home Remedies to Get Relief from Gum Disease

Gum disease can cause immense pain in your teeth too. As medications for gum disease are expensive, it is better to look for treatment methods with some home remedies. With home remedies, you can treat your gum disease once and for all, and this is the reason many people prefer home remedies for gum disease. In this article, let’s find out some of the most effective home remedies for gum disease. Tea tree oil Tea tree oil has some powerful anti-inflammatory agents that could really help you get relief from the pain due to gum disease. A study conducted on tea tree oil’s effects on gum disease in 2008 revealed that the application of a gel made from tea tree oil can reduce the gingivitis and gum bleeding effectively. What you can do is buy toothpaste that has tea tree oil as an ingredient or add some drops of tea tree oil in the toothpaste you are already using. You need to brush with tea tree oil in your toothpaste for two to three times a day in order to get maximum results. Sea salt Sea salt has been known widely for its effectiveness in treating pain and reducing inflammation.
5 Popular Creams to Relieve Eczema Symptoms in Babies

5 Popular Creams to Relieve Eczema Symptoms in Babies

Eczema, which is a skin condition in which the skin becomes red, dry, rough, cracked, and particularly itchy, occurs one in every 5 children. It is otherwise also known as atopic dermatitis. It generally can begin from birth itself but is often prominent when the child is around 2–3 months. It has been noted that one out of every ten mothers has to deal with this condition in their babies. However, there is nothing to panic as it generally goes away with age and it is not a chronic or persistent condition. It can be treated easily and is not an unusual occurrence among infants. They tend to outgrow it eventually. However, certain kids tend to continue to have dry skin even in their adulthood. An infant can be treated with a suitable baby eczema cream that suits the baby’s skin and eventually soothes the itchiness and redness of the skin. Understanding which cream is suitable is essential as a cream for treating eczema may suit one while not the other. This would depend on the trigger of the condition, skin type, and a few other factors. Generally, the condition is visible on the legs and arms and mostly on the cheeks.
Rheumatoid Arthritis – Diagnosis and Treatment Options
Diagnosis & Prevention

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Rheumatoid arthritis is considered an inflammatory disease. It leads to swelling, pain, stiffness, and loss of movements in the joints of the body. One of the main causes of this condition is the malfunctioning of the immune system of the body, as it starts attacking the membrane linings of the joints instead of defending the body. One should always consult a doctor in the case they are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. This is essential as a proper and timely diagnosis will help with starting a treatment plan. Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis vary from person to person, and it can range from mild to severe. For most people, the condition turns out to be chronic and often lasts for a lifetime. For certain people the symptoms remain constant throughout; however, for others, the intensity of the symptoms varies from time to time. How is the treatment plan decided? Doctors use a variety of methods to treat rheumatoid arthritis. These treatment options are administered to the affected individual through various combinations and sessions depending on the condition. Most of the time, the treatment plans are curated on the basis of the individual’s condition. Communication is key and treatment is effective only if the patient is completely honest with their doctors.
Home Remedies for Treating an Asthma Attack

Home Remedies for Treating an Asthma Attack

Asthma is a health issue that leads to difficulties in breathing. If you are facing an asthma attack, there are emergency home remedies to treat asthma that can be used to provide relief from symptoms. Asthma is a health problem that affects the lungs. An asthma attack can be scary and sometimes even life-threatening. It leads to inflammation in the airways, causing the airways to tighten. An Asthma Attack The tightening of airways leads to difficulty in breathing, causing gasps and wheezing. As a lot of mucus is produced by the lungs, the person coughs continuously to expel the mucus. Continous cough can extreme discomfort. In severe cases, you may even need hospitalization in case of an asthma attack. Certain home remedies treat asthma very well. These can be tried to relieve symptoms immediately and also prevent them from worsening. Eliminate the Trigger Most asthma patients have a trigger factor that causes an asthma attack. It could be a scent, cigarette smoke, a food product, wool, or dust. It is important to understand what is causing the asthma attack to ensure further attacks don’t take place. You need to move the asthmatic person from the vicinity of the trigger or remove the trigger factor from their immediate environment.
Different Ways to Treat Dupuytren’s Contracture

Different Ways to Treat Dupuytren’s Contracture

Dupuytren’s contracture is a condition that leads to the curling of the fingers and may result in crippling hand deformities. It affects the facia, i.e. the fibrous tissue underneath the skin of the palm and fingers. People suffering from Dupuytren’s disease experience the fibers in the fascia tightening or contracting over time. This causes the fingers to be pulled inward. What are the symptoms of the disease? One of the prominent symptoms includes the development of small lumps and nodules in the palm. While these may feel tender and sore in the beginning, the discomfort goes away over time. The disease progresses slowly, and as the condition worsens, the nodules lead to the formation of tough bands of tissue under the skin. These bands then cause the fingers to bend and curl forward, making it difficult for one to perform daily activities. It is important to be aware of such symptoms and get them treated before they worsen and hinder one’s lifestyle. Some of the methods to treat Dupuytren’s contracture are mentioned below: Non-surgical methods These methods are usually recommended for early stages of Dupuytren’s disease. Some doctors recommend stretching the fingers and palms in mild stages of the condition.
Top 4 Methods to Help One Quit Smoking

Top 4 Methods to Help One Quit Smoking

It’s no news that tobacco use is harmful to our body, and that quitting this habit is no joy ride. In 2017, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated of 34.3 million adults were smokers in the country. The addiction is such that it becomes an involuntary habit and part of the lifestyle. While the health risks of smoking are well known, quitting this habit needs more determination and will than anticipated. Herein, we look at some ways to follow through the decision to quit this addiction. Nicotine replacement therapy The nicotine in tobacco is what keeps the addiction alive in consumers. It has the tendency to make one physically dependent; hence, a cut-off from it altogether can lead to serious withdrawal symptoms. Once you start on your journey to quit smoking, nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) acts as your crutch to keep you steady on this road. NRT gives you nicotine in the form of gum, patches, sprays, inhalers or lozenges that can take care of the body’s physical craving for it. One can start using NRT as soon as they quit smoking. Apart from this, there is a need to have some other psychological therapies that will help one fight the urge to pick up a cigarette.
4 Things to Avoid When You Quit Smoking

4 Things to Avoid When You Quit Smoking

You’ve finally decided to stop smoking. Great! Now comes the tricky part of sustaining this resolution. Kicking this habit takes a lot more than simply dumping that cigarette pack. While it can be challenging to practice abstinence, there are certain measures you can take to ensure that you succeed in this endeavor. In this article, we’ll discuss “what not to do” when you are trying to quit smoking: Don’t be pessimistic An intense craving for nicotine after you quit smoking is a very natural reaction. It can be accompanied by symptoms like sweating, tingling in hands and feet, constipation, headaches, insomnia, and anxiety. These symptoms provoke negative feelings that could eventually lead to a relapse. The only way to weather this period is by staying patient and focusing your energy on the present, which can include your work, partner, children, friends, and hobbies. Remember that thinking about your smoking history will not do you any good, so make a conscious effort of living in the moment. Don’t be negligent about your health Cessation is a time when you need to pay extra attention to your physical and mental needs. Doing so will help you deal with any withdrawal symptoms more effectively.
5 ways to get rid of under-eye wrinkles naturally

5 ways to get rid of under-eye wrinkles naturally

As we age, the body naturally begins to develop wrinkles on most parts of the body including the hands, face, and neck. The process is much likely to be noticed in areas that are exposed to the sun. Wrinkles are most seen post the age of 40 years as the skin loses its moisture and becomes thinner. Most people are highly concerned about wrinkles in the area around the eye. The most apparent cause of this development is sun exposure, however, several other factors such as smoking, and an unbalanced diet too can be contributors. There are several forms of medical treatments that can be employed to combat the development and reduce the appearance of under-eye wrinkles. However, you can also resort to several home remedies that have been found to be effective for this reason. Here are some effective natural ways that you must try before you arrive at which one works best for you: Consume probiotics Probiotics have been found to have the best effect on the reduction of wrinkles and boosting the health of the skin, overall. Probiotics are abundantly found in yogurt. However, they can also be consumed through formulated supplements. Some studies prove the good effects of probiotics when it is regularly applied to the skin as it reduces the level of sun damage.