Adult ADHD – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
Signs & Symptoms

Adult ADHD – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

An adult who has ADHD may struggle with relationships at work, home, or school. Early diagnosis and treatment are vital for a person to lead a normal life. What is adult ADHD? Most people who have ADHD develop this disorder in their childhood. The symptoms of it may disappear in some children when they grow older, but studies show that it progresses into adulthood for about 60 percent of the patients. The severity of ADHD in an adult is often not taken seriously, but it can negatively impact many areas of a person’s life. Late diagnosis can also affect the recovery process. Some people may not receive a diagnosis in their childhood, and they only find out about it much later. Others may know about it but may find it difficult to deal with the symptoms. Adult ADHD affects both men and women. Adult ADHD – Causes and symptoms The exact cause of ADHD is not known, but researchers believe that it may be a combination of hereditary, environmental, and developmental factors. People whose family members have ADHD are more likely to develop this condition. Exposure to lead in the childhood and the improper functioning of the central nervous system during a child’s physical development are some other probable causes.
Hepatitis C – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods
Signs & Symptoms

Hepatitis C – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Hepatitis C is a viral liver disease which is also contagious. The disease spreads via blood contact and it is necessary to avoid any exposure to the hepatitis C virus. The infection can go on to be chronic and can be treated with medications. HCV can also cause liver cancer and in some worse conditions, it can also lead to death. The virus usually invades the liver which causes dysfunction and swelling. It is possible for a person to get re-infected with the virus that has a different strain. Symptoms of HCV Acute Hepatitis C Due to the lack of definitive symptoms, acute hepatitis C is very rarely diagnosed. People even refer to it as a silent epidemic. From exposure to symptoms, it takes up to 4 to 15 weeks. Symptoms of the same could be nausea, joint pain, abdominal discomfort, and jaundice. Chronic Hepatitis C When the virus remains in the blood for more than six months, hepatitis becomes chronic. During diagnosis, if the HCV virus is detected for more than two times then the chronic HCV is confirmed. The infection will continue unless it is treated with proper medication. It should be noted that after 25 to 30 years the infection might result in scarring or even fibrosis of the liver.
Effective Natural Remedies for Quick Pain Relief
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Effective Natural Remedies for Quick Pain Relief

A human body goes through a lot every day: a lot of work pressure at a workplace, household job, and many other things. Pain is part of everyone’s life and you cannot escape from it. Turning to pain killers is becoming another major issue these days as they can lead to other health issues. It is always safe to keep your pain killer intake as low as possible. In order to do this, you will have to choose some natural remedies that work on pain. There are a number of natural ingredients that can really help in getting relief from pain. In fact, these natural remedies act much faster than the painkillers and give you good relief. If you are looking for some natural remedies that work fast on pain, then here are some quick pain relief options that you can opt for: Ginger One of the best and most common natural remedies to get rid of body pains faster is ginger. This effective pain reliever contains Phytochemicals which stop inflammation. This further helps to control pain. Ginger is extremely effective in treating muscle and joint pains. You can cut ginger into small pieces and add water to it. Boil these two for five minutes and then strain the solution.
Symptoms and Treatment for Common Partial Seizures
Signs & Symptoms

Symptoms and Treatment for Common Partial Seizures

What is a seizure and what are the types? A seizure occurs when the electrical signals sent through the neurons in the brain start behaving abnormally. There is a sudden surge in the electrical activity that takes place in the brain. This sudden spike is what causes a seizure. There are two categories of seizures, the partial seizures and the generalized seizures. Generalized seizures take place when the entire brain is affected, and partial seizures take place when only a certain part of the brain is affected. A partial seizure is also known as a focal onset seizure. It may occur due to many reasons. The main causes of a partial seizure are a stroke, brain injury, high blood pressure, epilepsy, congenital brain defects, kidney failure, and liver failure. Additionally, a partial seizure may be caused by bites, stings, phenylketonuria, drugs, and infections. Partial seizures are more common in people who are 65 years old or above. What are the common symptoms of a partial seizure? A partial seizure affects an individual emotionally and physically. The symptoms can occur in anyone who is older than 1 year. There are times when the symptoms of partial seizure resemble the symptoms of mental or nerve disorders.
Methods to Use a Thermometer and a Fever Temperature Chart with Children
Diagnosis & Prevention

Methods to Use a Thermometer and a Fever Temperature Chart with Children

The fever temperature chart indicates the range of normal temperature measured in different ways for different age groups of children. When the temperature exceeds the upper limit, it is an indication of fever. Measuring fever in a child The mode of measurement depends on the extent of discomfort the child is facing as well as the target temperature indicated by the fever temperature chart. The fever temperature chart varies according to the age group of the child. For children between 0 and 3 months, normal temperature is between 97℉ or 36℃ to 100.4℉ or 38℃ or and temperatures above 100.4℉ or 38℃ indicate fever. The temperature range is the same for children between 3 and 6 months and temperature above 101℉ or 38℃ indicates fever. For children over 6 months, a temperature of 102℉ or 39℃ and above indicates fever. Situations when medical consultation is required Medical consultation is necessary when the temperature as per the fever temperature chart indicates fever and if there are certain accompanying symptoms. Babies below 3 months with fever require immediate medical attention. Children : When the child is fussy or not behaving in a normal way even after medications to reduce fever have been administered, or if he/she is refusing fluids and is dehydrated with dryness of the mouth, stiffness of the neck or a headache, pain in the abdomen, difficulty breathing, rashes or pain in the joints, fever persisting continuously for 5 days—these are the signs that a doctor needs to be consulted.
Causes and Symptoms of Allergy Cough
Signs & Symptoms

Causes and Symptoms of Allergy Cough

An allergic cough involves bronchi inflammation. This inflammation is mainly caused either by any allergen or by something you are allergic to. Most of the times, airway irritants like dust, mold, and pollen can trigger the allergy cough symptoms. This coughing caused by the allergy can not only last for quite a long time but also keep recurring. When allergic bronchitis lasts longer than almost three months, it is often known as chronic bronchitis. Along with the emphysema, this chronic bronchitis is also a part of the COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). However, patients may sometimes confuse this allergic reaction with the common cold. Without diagnosing the proper reasons behind the coughing, the right treatment is not possible. Hence, whenever you are experiencing a recurring cough that lasts for a long time, get an appointment with a healthcare professional for the best results. Here is a list of some of the causes behind this allergic cough along with some common allergy cough symptoms. Causes for coughing from allergies Usually, the coughing from allergies is caused by the overactive immune system that responds excessively to some specific substances to which the body becomes exposed! When your body mistakes the harmless substances for the harmful ones, it initiates the defense system of the body to ward off those substances resulting in the release of histamine, a chemical that is responsible for coughing, runny nose, nasal passage swelling, and sneezing.
4 Reasons for Shoulder Pain
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4 Reasons for Shoulder Pain

Are you unable to lift your hand above your head without feeling any discomfort? Well, this can be a symptom of a frozen shoulder or a rotator cuff injury or a dislocated shoulder. As per an estimate, about 67% of people in the country suffer from shoulder pain at some point over the course of their lives. The shoulder is made up of bones secured in place by muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It is one of the most mobile joints. The well-combined joints and muscles help you perform all activities like allowing the shoulder to move freely in different directions, raising your arms over your head, throwing a baseball, or scratching your back. Joints are used in almost every day-to-day activity, and their regular wear and tear can create a lot of problems and pain. Here are a few reasons for shoulder pain symptoms. Rotator cuff tendonitis There are several reasons for shoulder pain, and the most common of these is the rotator cuff. A recent study showcased two-thirds of people having shoulder pain had a rotator cuff problem. The rotator cuff is a tough sheath of tendons and ligaments that support the arm at the shoulder joint, keeping the ball of your upper arm bone centered in your shoulder socket, making it easy to raise and rotate your arm.
All You Need to Know about Signs of Pollen Allergies
Signs & Symptoms

All You Need to Know about Signs of Pollen Allergies

All You Need To Know About Signs Of Pollen Allergies Pollens are a yellow, powdery substance emitted by plants. These get transported from one plant to another by birds or by wind or by insects and/or animals. About 10 million Americans get pollen allergies as a result of exposure to this powdery yellow substance. Signs of pollen allergies start appearing when you are exposed to grass pollens, tree pollens, and weed pollens. Common Causes Behind Pollen Allergies Pollen allergies are primarily caused by the exposure to pollen grains in the air. Certain plants and trees like oak trees, ragweed and grasses produce a fine yellow powder, pollens, as a part of the reproductive process of the plants. When these travel through the air, you may come in contact with these pollen grains leading to signs of pollen allergies. Your body has a tendency to produce antibodies to protect your immune system from harmful substances. Chemicals are released in the process in your bloodstream. These chemicals may cause your body to show reactions in the form of pollen allergy signs. Typically, signs of pollen allergies would develop or aggravate during only certain times of the year. Such allergies may be triggered by tree pollens in spring.