Understanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Tips to Deal with It
Diets & Meal Plans

Understanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Tips to Deal with It

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a gastrointestinal disorder. The condition results in acute abdominal discomfort, gas, diarrhea, as well as changes in the patterns of one’s bowel movement. IBS with constipation is one of the most common scenarios that can greatly affect your quality of life. According to a study, the IBS affects more than 10% of the population in the country. The reason for the occurrence of IBS is unknown, which is why there is no specific cure for the condition. However, certain kinds of food items, stress, and hormonal changes are known to flare up the symptoms of this disease. Understanding these symptoms and following some basic steps that ease IBS can help to manage the condition in an effective way. Here are some ways to manage IBS. Making dietary changes Simple changes in the diet can help to relieve the troublesome symptoms of IBS. There is no specific diet for the same as some foods may cause IBS symptoms in one person whereas, on the other, they may not. Eliminating certain foods According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Disease, certain items have shown to trigger the IBS symptoms: Dairy products High-fat products Caffeine Alcoholic drinks Broccoli, beans, and cabbage Drinks containing artificial sweeteners Chocolate and nuts Increasing dietary fiber Increasing your fiber intake is especially helpful in alleviating the symptoms of IBS with constipation.
Top Diet Plans of 2018
Diets & Meal Plans

Top Diet Plans of 2018

Maintaining a healthy diet is necessary, to say the least. Processed and junk foods have become an integral part of our diet, and eating too much of it can lead to serious health issues in the long run. The number of people suffering from high sugar and salt levels in the blood has exponentially increased. To put it into perspective, over 100 million people in the country currently suffer from either diabetes or pre-diabetes. A large number of people are obese and hardly exercise. While this may not impact your health immediately, it will in the future. Nobody wants to live a life eating pills to control a disease. The best way out is to bring a radical change today to ensure that this never happens. This change is only possible if you follow an effective diet plan along with regular exercise. We have made the process of selecting effective diet plans much easier for you. Here are a few of the best diet plans of 2018 that actually work! DASH Diet Quite a fancy name for a diet right? The DASH diet is true to its name and it was designed to help people with high blood pressure. Needless to say, it is one of the best and most effective diet plans out there.
10 Healthy Foods that Naturally Lower Cholesterol Levels
Diets & Meal Plans

10 Healthy Foods that Naturally Lower Cholesterol Levels

Good cholesterol is extremely important to the human body and it is produced in the liver. It is helpful in creating different hormones in the body and also helps in keeping the cells flexible. But, just like anything else, too much of anything is not good for the human body. So, having too much cholesterol or having it in the wrong places can create a lot of health issues. Fat gets dissolved in the water and it gets flushed out of the body, but it is not the same with the cholesterol. Risk of heart problems, blood pressure, obesity, and many other problems can be seen due to high levels of cholesterol in the body. Many people take up gym membership or try to work out at home in order to reduce cholesterol. This is definitely a good start, but exercise alone cannot do the magic that you are looking for. You need to make some changes in your diet or add some naturally healthy food that lowers your cholesterol levels. Here is the list of 10 naturally healthy cholesterol-lowering foods. Avocados Are you wondering which foods that lower cholesterol naturally? Then simply add some avocados to your diet. This is a great source of monounsaturated fats, nutrients, and fiber.
Best Diet Options for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Diets & Meal Plans

Best Diet Options for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a disease which restricts your diet immensely. There are different types of the disease and irritable bowel syndrome varies from person to person. You need to keep track of the food items that may trigger the syndrome. This can help you prevent it and lead a better, healthier life. The food items which make your symptoms flare up are called triggers. The IBS diet plans mentioned below will help you avoid problems with diarrhea, belly pain, bloating and constipation. It is all about making the right plan and following it to your best ability. Irritable bowel syndrome constipation There are several food items that can make IBS constipation worse. You need to avoid eating these food items and stick to a healthy diet plan. Here are a few food items you need to avoid at any cost. Coffee Carbonated drinks Alcohol Dairy products (especially cheese) Breads and Cereals Made with Refined Grains Processed Food Items High-Protein Diets Minimize or nullify your intake of these food items and you will have a great IBS diet plan to go. This does not necessarily limit you to eating peanuts all the time. You can boost your fiber intake by 2-3 grams per day to increase the likelihood of you reacting better to IBS constipation.
8 of the Best HGH Supplements in the Country
Diets & Meal Plans

8 of the Best HGH Supplements in the Country

Do you dream of developing strong muscles, getting rid of excess fat, and acquiring strength at the same time? Do you want to feel healthier and more energetic? You are not an exception. Most of us want a fit body, but we are afraid of the hard work required for it. If your desire is a perfectly sculpted body, you will need to work out for at least two hours every day, swallow protein shakes, and eat healthy meals such as stew or cereals. Despite this, getting a ripped body is a slow procedure that takes a lot of time. If you have the required time and energy for this routine, then nothing can come in your way. However, if you lack these components, you can take some of the best HGH supplements available in the market. These supplements can help you to achieve the desired results with minimal efforts. Benefits of the best HGH supplements: Releases growth hormones that are unused in your body Enhances muscle mass by up to three times Increases strength Gets rid of excess fat Fights fatigue Top rated HGH supplements in the country Some of the best HGH supplements currently available in the market are legal, and thus, you can use them without worrying about it.
15 Metabolism Boosting Foods to Include in Your Diet
Diets & Meal Plans

15 Metabolism Boosting Foods to Include in Your Diet

Metabolism is the speed at which your body burns down the calories acquired from food. Slow metabolism rate leads to weight gain and fatigue. And no matter how much you exercise or consume a balanced diet, you won’t be able to get rid of that unwanted fat. Adding metabolism boosting foods in your diet can be a head start in solving this problem. There are several factors that affect metabolism, such as: Age Hormones Stress Gender In addition, metabolism is also affected by the foods we consume. Here are 15 metabolism boosting foods that improve body’s capacity to burn more calories: Chili peppers Chili peppers greatly accelerate metabolic rate by increasing thermogenesis, a process of heat generation in the body to melt the fat. Capsaicin, a chemical found in hot pepper, is known to raise the body temperature and boost metabolism. Coffee The caffeine in coffee is known to improve your metabolism. The dark and aromatic drink helps in quick fat oxidization by increasing the metabolic rate by up to 11%. Also, coffee is a great solution for improving your workout performance as it helps the body to burn fat for energy. Herbs Herbs such as oregano, cilantro, dill, fennel, thyme, and rosemary are packed with antioxidants.
4 Probiotic Food Products for a Healthy Gut
Diets & Meal Plans

4 Probiotic Food Products for a Healthy Gut

While bacteria are generally associated with disease and infections, there are a plethora of ‘good’ bacteria thriving in your body. Among the many bacteria beneficial for your health, probiotics are good for the gut. Probiotics are beneficial and essential bacteria that help to control the growth of bacteria that harm the gut. They help to replenish the body’s microbiome with the help of health cultures. While several people take probiotic supplements, food items like kefir, kombucha, cheese, and yogurt fit the bill perfectly! Incorporating these food items in your diet can go a long way in ensuring that your gut remains healthy. Place emphasis on your health by eating food products rich in probiotics. If you are not able to incorporate enough of these food items in your diet, you can add probiotic supplements to your list as well. We have made the process of choosing the best probiotic products much easier for you. Here are a few of the best probiotic products you must add to your diet today! Best probiotic products Here are a few of the best probiotic products you must incorporate in your diet today! Yogurt: Yogurt is one of the best sources of probiotics. Not only is it healthy, but tastes good as well.
Effective Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
Diets & Meal Plans

Effective Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

For thousands of years, apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been used by many people throughout the world as a health tonic. Studies have shown that ACV has many benefits like lowering the levels of blood sugar. This post will explore research behind the apple cider vinegar weight loss abilities and also offer tips on how to include ACV in your diet. What’s ACV? Apple cider vinegar is created via a two-step fermentation procedure. To start with, apples are crushed or chopped then combined with yeast in order to convert the sugar in them into alcohol. Then, bacteria are added; this ferments the alcohol into acetic acid. Initially, the production of ACV took about 30 days, but now manufacturers have accelerated the process. ACV can now be manufactured in a day. Acetic acid, also called ethanoic acid, is the active component of ACV. This organic compound has a strong odor and a sour taste. About 6% of ACV consists of acetic acid, though it also contains traces of other acids like malic acid and water. A tablespoon (15ml) of ACV has about 3 calories and no carbs. Benefits of acetic acid for fat loss: This fatty acid dissolves into hydrogen and acetate in your body.