Dietary Tips to Manage Diabetes
Diets & Meal Plans

Dietary Tips to Manage Diabetes

The key to managing diabetes is to follow a healthy diet that can keep your blood sugar levels in control. What you eat in your meal has a direct effect on how much sugar your blood contains. So, making the right food choices is going to help you manage blood glucose levels better. At the same time, keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all diet for patients diagnosed with diabetes and you must consult your doctor before making major dietary changes. Your doctor will come up with a meal plan to tell you what you can eat for your main meals and snacks in between meals. The plan also contains details on how much of these foods you should have. A healthy diet for those with diabetes should typically have 40%-60% calories from carbs, 30% or less from fats, and 20% from proteins. How to make a diet plan to manage diabetes? The idea is to follow a diet plan which is low in sodium, cholesterol, and added sugar. You need to identify which foods cause your blood sugar levels to spike. It is not always the type of food that you consume, but the combination of foods that you eat, which can be harmful when you have diabetes.
Foods to Avoid When You Have Diabetes
Diets & Meal Plans

Foods to Avoid When You Have Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic medical condition which can lead to very serious consequences if not kept under control. Unchecked diabetes may result in cardiovascular problems, blindness, kidney diseases, and various other complications. Aside from medication, there are certain lifestyle and dietary changes which can help an individual manage diabetes. Eating a well-balanced diet helps patients diagnosed with this condition maintain their health more easily. Given below are foods that you should avoid when you have diabetes. Sugary drinks Sugary drinks should be completely avoided when you have diabetes. Not only are these very high in carbohydrate content, but they are also rich in fructose, which causes insulin resistance. Studies show that when you drink sweetened beverages, risks of a diabetes-associated condition such as fatty liver become very high. High fructose content triggers metabolic changes and leads to belly fat, high triglyceride, and blood cholesterol levels. Trans fats Trans fats are very unhealthy and are found in peanut butter, margarine, creamers, spreads, and frozen meals. Food manufacturers often add this to muffins, crackers, and baked products so that they last longer. Trans fats do not spike blood sugar levels directly, but they can cause inflammation, belly fat, and insulin resistance. They also lower good cholesterol levels and impair the function of arteries.
Prevent Constipation by Avoiding These Foods
Diets & Meal Plans

Prevent Constipation by Avoiding These Foods

Constipation is essentially a digestion-related problem. The food you consume can affect the digestive system. Constipation leads to difficulty in having bowel movements, bloating, irritability, and a host of other problems. Those who have constipation should ensure to avoid consuming the food listed below. These foods can worsen digestive problems and make it difficult to pass stool and cause other problems. Processed foods Processed foods are one of the items to avoid if you have constipation. Processed meat found in bacon, hot dogs, and sausages can increase constipation. Processed foods made from white flour, like cakes, cookies, doughnuts, pizza, and sandwiches made from white bread, should be avoided. Even processed grains can cause constipation in some people. White rice, pasta, and white bread can cause constipation as it does not have bran needed for a smooth bowel movement. Fried foods like French fries, potato chips, hamburgers, and fried chicken are also a problem for people suffering from constipation. Gluten Gluten is a protein that is found in wheat, rye, barley, and other such grains. Food having gluten can cause constipation in some people, while others are allergic to gluten. Consuming foods with gluten can aggravate constipation symptoms. Dairy products Milk and products made from milk can cause constipation in many people.
Best Foods to Eat to Relieve Constipation
Diets & Meal Plans

Best Foods to Eat to Relieve Constipation

A proper diet can be very helpful for someone suffering from constipation. It is a condition that involves difficulty in having bowel movement. Delay in bowel movements can cause a series of problems like abdominal bloating, hemorrhoids, fecal impaction, irritability, etc. Those with constipation should ensure that the foods listed here are a part of their everyday diet. Prunes Prunes are one of the best foods to have if you are suffering from constipation. It is often advised if you are having difficulty passing stools. Prunes contain a compound called sorbitol that stimulates the movement of water into the intestine. This compound is very helpful in treating constipation. Prunes also contain fibers that are good for digestion. High-fiber fruits Fruits rich in fiber are very helpful for digestion and can help in smooth bowel movement. Fruits like apricot, plums, peaches, berries, and raisins should be eaten with the peel to get the best benefits. Whole grains While processed grains are bad for constipation, whole grains are very useful. Oats, brown rice, quinoa, and barley are very good for digestion. While white bread and products made from flour should be avoided, those having constipation can safely consume brown bread. Seeds Seeds have a good amount of fiber and are good for digestion.
Top Foods to be Avoided by Asthma Patients
Diets & Meal Plans

Top Foods to be Avoided by Asthma Patients

Consuming certain food items increase symptoms of asthma, and sometimes it could lead to a severe attack. Asthma patients do not suffer from breathing problems at all times. Some triggers or factors can suddenly cause an asthma attack. These triggers can also worsen symptoms the asthma patient is suffering from. Therefore, it is necessary to know what you can and can’t eat. Asthma Triggers There are many triggers for asthma attacks, such as pollen, dust, scent, and smoke. Food can also be a trigger causes an asthma attack. Asthma patients need to figure out which food items trigger an attack and avoid them. Some of these items include Sulfites Sulfites are preservatives used in some food products. In some asthma patients, they can act as a trigger for an attack; hence, they have to be avoided. Sulfites are found in food items like pickles, shrimp, wine, dried fruits, bottled lemon juice, and beer. You should avoid any of these food items if they cause a reaction. Eggs Egg allergy is common in children. It can cause skin disorders and breathing problems. Egg and egg products need to be avoided by those who are allergic. However, most children outgrow an egg allergy.
Top Foods for Asthma Patients
Diets & Meal Plans

Top Foods for Asthma Patients

Diet plays an important role in asthma treatment. The food to have listed here are those that are good for those suffering from asthma. These items do not cause any allergic reaction and can help provide relief from asthma symptoms. Diet has an important role to play in the management of asthma. Certain foods can trigger an asthma attack and need to be avoided. While there are foods that can be safely consumed by asthma patients which even might help improve their condition, foods triggering an attack must be avoided. A balanced diet ensures the body gets sufficient nutrients. It helps to improve immunity and overall health. Herein, we duscuss the best foods that can be consumed for dealing with asthma. Vitamin D Vitamin D is helpful, especially in children and can help reduce asthma attack incidents. Salmon, milk, eggs, and citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin D. However, those allergic to milk and eggs should avoid them. Basking in the sunlight also helps get Vitamin D. Vitamin A Vitamin A has a role to play in improving the function of the lungs. Foods that are rich in Vitamin A include carrots, broccoli, all leafy green vegetables, sweet potatoes, papayas, and mangoes.
5 Foods to Aid Lung Cancer Treatment at Home
Diets & Meal Plans

5 Foods to Aid Lung Cancer Treatment at Home

Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of deaths that occur due to cancer. It is estimated that lung cancer causes more deaths than breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers combined. Based on the statistical data by the American Cancer Society, there are about 220,000 new cases of lung cancer every year. Several types of treatments are being developed and researched on to stop or at least slow down the disease progression in lung cancer patients. Apart from this, several oncologists and nutritionists also suggest that maintaining a proper diet can help in fighting the symptoms of lung cancer. There are some foods that can keep lung cancer symptoms at bay and can also be used as home remedies along with mainstream treatments. Some of the foods that can aid a lung cancer patient are mentioned below: Green tea According to several oncologists, green tea not only helps in preventing lung cancer but can also benefit to those who are living with the disease. Green tea contains theaflavin and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) which can potentiate the effect of chemotherapy medications. It is important to know that bottled green tea may have very little or no EGCG as the compound doesn’t last long when bottled.
5 Foods to Manage Diabetes
Diets & Meal Plans

5 Foods to Manage Diabetes

Glucose in the body helps in maintaining optimum energy levels and is also the brain’s main source of fuel, but it all comes down to how the glucose in the body is utilized. Diabetes mellitus refers to a group of diseases affecting how the blood sugar (glucose) is used by the body. Based on a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 100 million people in our country are suffering from diabetes or prediabetes. Irrespective of the cause of diabetes, it can cause excess sugar in the blood, leading to several other complications. Apart from medical treatment, dietary changes also play a crucial role in controlling blood sugar levels. Here are some foods that can help in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels in the body: Leafy greens Green vegetables like kale, collard greens, spinach, cabbage, beet greens, and watercress are high in nutrients and low in calories. Leafy greens are low in digestible carbohydrates, which helps in maintaining low blood sugar levels. Other antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin in greens also help in maintaining a healthy immune system. These antioxidants also protect the eyes from cataract and macular degeneration, which may be complications of diabetes.