Diet for Gout – Best and Worst Foods
Diets & Meal Plans

Diet for Gout – Best and Worst Foods

Gout is a form of arthritis which involves swelling, pain, and inflammation of joints. Most gout cases tend to affect knees, heels, fingers, wrists as well as the big toes. It is estimated that about 8.3 million citizens in the country face the problem of gout. Usually, the symptoms of gout occur when a person’s blood has excess uric acid in their body. This acid is a waste product the body makes while digesting certain foods. So, when the levels of uric acid are high, some crystals of it accumulate in the joints, triggering intense pain, swelling, and inflammation. Luckily, one can control this health problem with some lifestyle changes, effective gout diet plans, and medications. This article will review the best foods for gout including the foods you should exclude from your diet. Understanding how diet affects gout When you have gout, some food can trigger an attack by increasing the levels of uric acid in your body. Trigger foods are often high in purines, and when digested, the waste product formed is uric acid. Healthy people don’t have to worry about excess uric acid because their bodies can efficiently get rid of it. However, a person with gout cannot effectively remove excess uric acid, and this leads to a gout attack.
An Overview of Essential Vitamins and Their Purpose
Diets & Meal Plans

An Overview of Essential Vitamins and Their Purpose

The path to a healthy and energetic life is known to all but very few can follow all the “rules” of consuming a balanced diet, regular physical exercise and sleeping properly. If you are worried about feeling a lack of energy throughout the day and feel drowsy even after a good night’s sleep, chances are that you have vitamin deficiency in your body, which can be fulfilled by none other than the vitamins for energy. Ensure that your diet also contains magnesium, folic acid, omega 3 fatty acid, amino acid etc to make it a truly healthy meal. Vitamin A (Retinol) As the name suggests, Vitamin A enhances the activity of retina or eye health. Animal liver, fish oil, eggs, milk, orange or yellow vegetables like carrot, papaya, tomato and pumpkin and fruits like apple and citrus are rich in Vitamin A. It keeps the central nervous system and immune system working properly so that your energy levels are boosted up. Being a powerful antioxidant, it fights radical damage to stop premature aging and keeps you young. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Legumes like beans and peas, yeast, beef, pork, fish, liver, seeds, eggs, milk, asparagus, oats, nuts, and oranges are rich in Vitamin B1.
Essential Vitamins for Preventing Hair Loss
Diets & Meal Plans

Essential Vitamins for Preventing Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common condition that affects thousands of men and women across the country. A person can experience it on the scalp or other parts of the body. Frequent hair loss can affect a person’s self-esteem and can be an indicator of underlying health conditions. It is vital to know about the essential vitamins for preventing hair loss that can help in controlling the condition. Why does hair loss happen? First, let’s take a quick look at the causes and symptoms of hair loss. This condition is often a result of medication, hormonal imbalances, lifestyle or hereditary factors. Male pattern baldness or excessive loss of hair from the scalp, commonly known as alopecia, is mostly a result of genetic factors. Different people may experience different types of hair loss. Men and women lose their hair in different ways. Some people may experience symptoms such as thinning of hair or bald patches while others may find clumps of hair fall after brushing or washing their hair. People who have gone through radiation or chemotherapy experience hair loss all over the body, although this hair grows back once the treatment is complete. Other factors such as age, traumatic experiences or nutritional deficiency can also result in hair loss.
The Best Diet for Women as They Age
Diets & Meal Plans

The Best Diet for Women as They Age

Aging is a stressful process. While it does bring about a change in your environment as your children move out, get married, and start a family of their own, you start experiencing changes in your health as well. You do not look the same when you see yourself in the mirror and your skin may lose its glow as well. The skin also loses the ability to make vitamin D from sunlight and it is essential to bring about a change in your diet. Changes in your diet can go a long way in helping you fight the aging process and appear to be younger than your age. While there are several medications available in the market for the same, the best remedies always start at home. For your body to run the way it has over the years, you need to maintain a healthy diet. The best diet for women? Look no further. We have made the process of choosing the best plan for you much easier. The best diet for women as they age Here are a few of the best diet plans you should follow: Mediterranean diet: The Mediterranean diet derives its origin from Mediterranean countries. The people living in these countries commonly follow this diet plan as it is generally associated with better health and longevity.
All You Need to Know about Chron’s disease
Diets & Meal Plans

All You Need to Know about Chron’s disease

Crohn’s disease has been known since 1932 when Dr. Burrill B. Crohn and his colleagues described this inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It is estimated that over 750,000 citizens are living with this condition. Crohn’s disease information continues to be uncovered, though gastroenterologists are yet to pinpoint what exactly causes this disease or come up with a cure. For people living with Crohn’s disease knowing as much as possible about the disease and its management is the best option for relief. What is Crohn’s disease? This is a type of IBD that usually affects the small intestines and the colon, but can occur in any part of the digestive system. Common symptoms include fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and blood in the stool. This is why some people mistakenly referred to it as the ‘bathroom disease. There are several types of Crohn’s disease: Crohn’s colitis This occurs in the large intestines and is the lesser common type, occurring in about 30% of people with Crohn’s disease. Ileocolonic Crohn’s This occurs in the small intestines and the top of the large intestines. It is observed in about 70% of Crohn’s sufferers. What causes it? Researchers are yet to discover the exact causes of the Crohn’s disease.
Things You Need to Know about Omega 3 Supplements
Diets & Meal Plans

Things You Need to Know about Omega 3 Supplements

When it comes to supplements—the dose makes all the difference. There are some supplements that are more needed than others. Omega 3 is one such supplement. However, choosing the right kind of supplement for the right kind of nutritional requirement is important. If you’re reading this, then you have probably might have been prescribed with supplements by your doctor—in which case this isn’t an issue for you. Your doctor would probably recommend a prescription that includes one of the best omega 3 supplements. However, if you’ve simply been notified of a deficiency and if you are on the lookout for supplements—knowing how to pick the best one can make a world of a difference. What is Omega 3 and why do I need it? This is a crucial question that needs answering before you choose a supplement for you. Omega 3 fatty acids are crucial for your health. What makes them special is that your body cannot simply synthesize it when needed—it needs to be taken through one’s diet. A typical western diet will undoubtedly leave you with an Omega 3 deficiency. Omega 3 is found in fish, nuts, and very few plants. On the other hand, a strictly vegetarian diet can also likely leave you deficient of Omega 3.
Food to Eat and Avoid If You Have Arthritis
Diets & Meal Plans

Food to Eat and Avoid If You Have Arthritis

Arthritis is not one disease, but a set of diseases that share inflammation of the joints and mild to severe pain. Of the main types of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common. It is a disease characterized by a rather peculiar inefficiency of the immune system. The immune system starts to attack the inner lining of the joints. This has a telling impact on the body as it suffers from damage to synovial tissues, swelling of the joints, bone damage, cartilage damage, inflammation and permanent damage as a whole on its progression. The disease is incurable and the joints become stiff or cease to function if left untreated. Other forms of arthritis include psoriatic arthritis and osteoarthritis. The treatment for the disease includes medication that helps to reduce pain and inflammation. There are several anti-inflammatory foods that you can include in your diet as well. There are several foods to avoid with arthritis problem, as they may trigger joint pain. Here are a few of the best foods you should eat and a few food items you should avoid. Foods to avoid with arthritis Fried and processed food: To put it in simple terms, avoid eating junk food as far as possible.
10 Popular Prostate Supplements Available in the Country
Diets & Meal Plans

10 Popular Prostate Supplements Available in the Country

Most men experience problems with their prostate gland, as they age. Although the prostate is one of the smallest glands in the body, it can be a problem creator! Almost all men are at risk of developing prostate gland issues at later stages of their lives. Most common issues with the prostate gland are benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostate cancer and prostatitis. The prostate gland is of the size of a walnut and is located just below the bladder in men. This gland grows as men age. When the prostate is enlarged beyond normal, it starts creating problems. Common issues due to enlarged prostate are frequent urination, difficulty in urination, and feeling of incomplete urination. When the prostate gland is infected (prostatitis), symptoms like fever, pelvic pain, and cloudy urine may be experienced. Taking prostate supplements is one of the ways of preventing prostate problems. However, clear evidence of the effectiveness of supplements is yet to be established. Read on to know the top 5 prostate supplements that can help men with prostate issues. Role of prostate supplements Prostate supplements are useful in shrinking the size of the prostate. Some physicians recommend prostate supplements for maintaining optimal health. The top 5 prostate supplements nourish the prostate with the nutrients necessary for proper functioning and healing.