Ways to Identify Different Spider Bites
Diagnosis & Prevention

Ways to Identify Different Spider Bites

Spider bites are never considered as harmful and life-threatening but that is not true. It can be really painful and very dangerous in some cases and it is necessary that you identify the spider bite on time. There is a large number of species of spiders across the world and about thousands of species in the country itself among which a few of them can actually take your life. The truth is that all spiders are poisonous but most of them eject only a small amount of venom capable enough to only kill small insects but is not that dangerous to larger preys like humans. So most of the spider bites make a small fang and are too weak to puncture through the human skin. A small red wound can easily be healed within a week or so. The species of spiders which have the ability to eject their venom through the skin are the ones that can cause some serious health issues and can even threaten one’s life. What are the common symptoms? A person should stay well aware of how a spider bite looks and what the common symptoms are. Ignoring these small bites can make a person regret all his life thus, it is always recommended to consult a doctor in any of the following symptoms.
Infallible Methods to Get Flawless and Glowing Skin
Diagnosis & Prevention

Infallible Methods to Get Flawless and Glowing Skin

Technology has made our lives super easy owing to the availability of innumerous gizmos that make us more productive at the same time. The same technology is also having adverse effects on our health. Busy schedules do not let people have enough time to focus on their well-being. The problem is more serious with people dealing with tight working schedules and aging issues. Even among these people, women are more worried as they get to deal with skin issues which they do not want at all. Skin wrinkles and harmful effect of sun rays affect the skin and confidence of the person. The following information about anti-aging foods and the top 5 anti-wrinkle creams will help in getting rid of wrinkles and other skin related problems. Using beauty products is a secondary option. One should try to put in effect alternate methods as well as changing lifestyle, dietary habits, and shunning some bad habits such as smoking. We can add tremendously to our good health by adopting good and healthy eating habits. The following foods are quite significant to hinder aging effects on the skin such as wrinkles and lines: Fruits: Anti-oxidant contents of blueberries accompanied by the intrinsic vitamins are good for the skin.
All You Need to Know about Bulging Disc
Diagnosis & Prevention

All You Need to Know about Bulging Disc

Bulging disc is a condition where the discs between your vertebrae tend to bulge outwards. When the outer fibrous region of your disc weakens, it causes a bulging disc. If a bulging disc is left untreated for a long time, it can lead to the problem of disc tears, which is known as a herniated disc. Causes for a bulging disc The primary reason behind the problem of a bulging disc is that of disc degeneration. Degeneration refers to the gradual wear and tear of your body’s discs. With age, the water content in your spinal discs tends to go down. As a result, your spinal discs start to lose flexibility. At such times, even a minor strain or small twist can make you prone to ruptures or tears. Lifting heavy objects can lead to the problem of a bulging disc as well. It occurs when you are not using your leg and thigh muscles, but the muscles of your back while lifting heavy objects. Risk factors Age is one of the risk factors behind the problem of bulging discs. With age, the water content in your discs tends to go down, and because of this, your discs become inflexible and brittle.
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Diagnosis & Prevention

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Non-small cell lung cancer or non-small cell lung carcinoma is the most prevalent type of lung cancer. There are mainly two types of lung cancers, which are non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer. Lung carcinoma is a condition in which the lung cells become abnormal, as a result, grow out of control. These abnormal or cancer cells develop rapidly and spread to other parts of the body. Prevalence and causes of non-small cell lung cancer Among the lung cancer cases in the country, almost 80-85% are of non-small cell lung cancer type, and only about 10-15% is of the small lung cancer type. The symptoms and treatment for these two types of lung cancer vary. There are many subtypes of NSCLC, namely, adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, and sarcomatoid carcinoma. The NSCLC type is a serious condition that cannot be reversed but prevented from getting worse. Majority of those affected by this type of lung cancer are smokers or have been exposed to smoke. Exposure to radon, asbestos, air pollution, metal or mineral dust, or radiation is likely to cause this disease. Symptoms of non-small cell lung cancer It is difficult to detect this disease during the early stages because the symptoms are not easily detectable.
Medications for Prevention and Treatment of Migraines
Diagnosis & Prevention

Medications for Prevention and Treatment of Migraines

A migraine is a condition where the person suffers from severe headaches along with a lot of other symptoms. Usually, migraine headaches are accompanied by nausea and photosensitivity. Some people have a sensitivity to sound. What are some medications for migraines? There are two kinds of medications for migraines. Acute medications are designed to control and provide relief from an existing migraine, while the other type is prescribed to prevent the onset of a migraine. Most people who are known to have frequent migraines are usually prescribed preventive medications by their doctors. Acute migraine relief medications There are a wide number of medications for migraines that are available. Some of the drugs used by migraine patients are painkillers and anti-nausea medicines. Ergotamines Ergotamines are generally prescribed to patients suffering from severe migraines. These work by constricting the flow of blood in the head, thereby relieving the person of a headache. These are generally prescription drugs and are not to be abused, as it could lead to serious side effects. These are known to cause serious issues in pregnant women and in people with heart problems. This group of medication has to be used with caution. Triptans Triptans, also known as serotonin agonists, work by blocking the nerve transmitters which transmit pain in the body.
Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention of Adult Type 2 Diabetes
Diagnosis & Prevention

Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention of Adult Type 2 Diabetes

Also known as diabetes mellitus type 2, adult type 2 diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that affects the body’s ability to metabolize sugar i.e. glucose which is the main source of energy in the human body. In such a condition the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin which is an important hormone responsible for maintaining the glucose level in the body. There are certain underlying causes responsible for developing type 2diabetes; however, the exact cause is still unknown. In this article, some of the important facts are discussed that would help in the proper diagnosis and prevention of adult type 2 diabetes. Causes The human body develops type 2 diabetes when it becomes resistant to insulin. More precisely, the pancreas at first produce more insulin to give energy to the cells but eventually it can’t cope up with the requirement and stops producing insulin when the body fails to utilize that insulin. This then gets deposited in the bloodstream as sugar. Lifestyle factors This is a contributing factor as to why the body develops adult type 2 diabetes. Being obese, not doing much physical activity and leading a sedentary lifestyle can be the contributing factors of type 2 diabetes. Eating unhealthy foods with artificial sweeteners, saturated and trans fat and too much junk food together with a poor diet may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.
All You Need to Know about Post Nasal Drip Cough
Diagnosis & Prevention

All You Need to Know about Post Nasal Drip Cough

Post nasal drip cough is a common condition among children and adults. This condition can affect the normal functioning of a person’s life by causing sleeplessness and severe exhaustion. With the right diagnosis and early treatment, this condition can be brought under control. What is post nasal drip cough? The glands that line the nose, airways, throat, and the stomach produce mucus every day. Mucus helps keep foreign objects away from the nose and throat by trapping and destroying any bacteria or viruses. It also greases and cleans the passages leading from the nose to the body. Usually, this mucus mixes with the saliva and trickles down the throat, and a person might barely notice it. However, when the body produces more mucus due to an allergy or infection, the mucus begins to thicken. The excess mucus comes out of the nose, and this condition is commonly referred to as a runny nose. Some of the mucus drains at the back of the throat, resulting in a condition known as post nasal drip. A post nasal drip cough occurs due to the thickened mucus blocking the throat. It can affect a person for eight weeks or more if not treated properly.
Best Probiotics and Their Advantages
Diagnosis & Prevention

Best Probiotics and Their Advantages

Your body consists of good bacteria and bad bacteria. When there is a balance between both, your body is capable of functioning at its optimum. But often due to the onset of an illness or other external factors, this balance gets disturbed. There are times when there may be a shortage of good bacteria in your body, also known as probiotics. These probiotics are important for one to stay healthy. For instance, when you take antibiotics, you may end up losing some good bacteria. Taking the best probiotics on a regular basis can help you to recover from the loss of good bacteria as it helps to replace them. What are the top rated probiotics? There are many different types of probiotics. Following are the top probiotics of 2017. Bifidobacterium There are four strains that come under this family. It is considered to be one of the best probiotics. B. Longum This strain can help in improving your memory power and are capable of increasing your retention power. These bacteria strains also help to relieve you from constipation. This strain can help you to decrease your stress levels as well. They can help with preventing the growth of any bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract that could harm you in any way.