Effective Tips to Control Your Blood Sugar Level
Diets & Meal Plans

Effective Tips to Control Your Blood Sugar Level

Blood glucose levels are primarily controlled by the hormone insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas. After a meal, blood glucose rises due to the digestion of the food. This triggers the release of insulin from the pancreas, which promotes glucose absorption until it reaches the normal level. But, in individuals with defective functioning of insulin, the blood glucose level remains higher for a longer period. Chronic uncontrolled blood sugar or hyperglycemia damages various body organs, nerves, and eyes. As a diabetic, it is extremely important to keep your blood sugar level always in check. Blood sugar range : In a healthy person, the normal blood sugar levels are below 100 mg/dL after fasting, but can spike to 140 mg/dL 2 hours post meal. However, in a diabetic, the fasting blood sugar itself can reach to up to above 200 mg/dL. How to keep the blood sugar under check? A proper diet and exercise plan is a must to manage a diabetic’s blood sugar level . Moreover, a diabetic must monitor the blood sugar level on a regular basis for effective management of sugar levels. A few common tips to keep the blood sugar under check are as follows: Diet :
Best Foods for People with Kidney Disease
Diets & Meal Plans

Best Foods for People with Kidney Disease

Due to an extremely fast-paced lifestyle which encourages bad habits, more than 10% of the world’s population is facing severe kidney problems. In order to keep your kidneys safe and healthy, you need to keep a check on your diet at all times. There are the certain foods that can help your kidney to function well that you must be aware of. Let’s take a look at some those foods that help you to adopt healthy kidney diet plans. Olive oil Olive oil is an excellent source of fat, and as it is free from phosphorous, it becomes a wonderful option for those people who have kidney issues. Generally, patients diagnosed with kidney problems experience a rapid loss in weight. Including a high-calorie food element makes for healthy kidney diet plans and this helps you maintain a suitable body weight Most of the fats in olive oil are monounsaturated which bear anti-inflammatory properties. One ounce or 28 grams of olive oil will provide you with: Potassium: 0.3 mg Sodium: 0.6 mg Phosphorus: 0 mg Buckwheat Most of the whole grains that are available in the market tend to be very high on the phosphorous content. However, buckwheat is a wonderful and healthy alternative to these grains.
12 High-Fiber Foods to Add to Your Diet
Diets & Meal Plans

12 High-Fiber Foods to Add to Your Diet

Fiber refers to plant-based carbohydrates (not sugar or starch) that are digested uniquely in the large intestine. They are essential for people who consume more meat than vegetables. Fiber is an invaluable aid to the digestive system and helps in smooth bowel movements. Fiber is responsible for bulking up the stools, thereby making it softer and more pliable within the rectal cavity. Considering that constipation is the most common digestive problem in the country, eating a lot of fiber is not only a healthy option but also a necessary one, especially for people who suffer from chronic constipation. Given below is a list of high fiber foods that you can incorporate in your diet. Dark chocolate: Let’s start with something that everyone likes! Dark chocolates contain as much as 10.9% fiber. While chocolate is often called unhealthy, the trick is to go for dark chocolates with a cocoa content of over 90%. Make sure to pick the ones with very little sugar in them. Moreover, they are rich in nutrients and have a ton of antioxidants in them as well. Almonds: With around 12.5% fiber, almonds are full of many nutrients, healthy fats, vitamin E, manganese, and magnesium. These nuts are tasty as well as a healthy alternative to chips and other junk food.
Top 8 Garcinia Cambogia Supplements for Effective Weight Loss
Diets & Meal Plans

Top 8 Garcinia Cambogia Supplements for Effective Weight Loss

Staying healthy and fit is one of our biggest priorities that need regular efforts. Maintaining the ideal body weight is a stepping stone to a healthy and fit lifestyle. Weight loss or maintenance can be quite intimidating without the right support system. The good news is there is a popular weight loss supplement that decelerates fat production in your body and cuts down your appetite! Garcinia cambogia is the key to accelerated weight loss and prevention of weight gain, but, is it really the “wonder” weight loss supplement most people consider it to be? Read on to know more. Pure garcinia cambogia is essentially a tropical fruit, also known as brindleberry. It is usually available in its pure form in bottles or combined with other ingredients as a dietary supplement. This fruit has been used for many generations as a preservative and for holistic healing in many cultures. Let us now look at how garcinia cambogia functions as a weight-loss supplement. The active ingredient is the hydroxycitric acid (HCA) present in the rind of the fruit. Studies have shown that this acid accelerates burning of body fat and help in curbing one’s appetite. Citrate lyase is the enzyme responsible for generating body fat.
Healthy Diet Plan for Patients with Crohn’s Diesease
Diets & Meal Plans

Healthy Diet Plan for Patients with Crohn’s Diesease

You can use bacteria for fighting bacteria! Confused? Some health disorders that are caused by bad bacteria can be directly treated or the symptoms can be eased to a large extent by consuming good bacteria, commonly referred to as probiotics. Before you know how they can help manage Crohn’s disease, you must know what it is all about. Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the functioning of the intestines. The immune system of those affected by this disease starts attacking the good bacteria present in the gut, resulting in a steep depletion of good bacteria. The term probiotics can be split into “pro” meaning for, and “biota” meaning life. Probiotics play a key role in the replenishment of good bacteria in the gut, which in turn improves digestion and overall health. Hence, consuming probiotics for Crohn’s disease may be considered as an effective treatment method. The role of good bacteria The bacteria present in our digestive system play a key role in digestion and immunity. A healthy gut maintains a delicate balance of good bacteria. This balance is essential for proper digestion and assimilation of food. Digestive disorders like Crohn’s or intake of antibiotics tend to upset this balance, resulting in inflammation of the intestines and poor digestion.
Top 10 Supplements That Can Help Boost the Brain
Diets & Meal Plans

Top 10 Supplements That Can Help Boost the Brain

Everyone goes through an average level of stress and hardships every single day. After the day’s work is done, everyone needs an average sleep time of 7-8 hours in order to prepare the brain and body for the next day. Our brain has a massive influence on our day-to-day activities and hence training our brain to tolerate the high pressure and stress level is a must in order to succeed in what we do. But how do we train our brain? That must be the question for you right? Well, there are both natural and artificial products available in the market known as Nootropics that not only benefit our body but these supplements also enhance our thinking capability, focus and energy, and also have a positive effect on our mental performance. They help by restoring the support for memory and recalling pieces of information. So, take a look at the products that feature on the list of top 10 brain supplements that can boost our brain power. Resveratrol It is an antioxidant that is a rich source of red and purple fruits like grapes, raspberries, and blueberries and is considered to be one of the top 10 brain supplements. Consuming Resveratrol on a daily basis can slow down the deterioration of the ‘hippocampus’ of our brain which is related to memory functions.
Vitamins Harmful and Useful to Kidney Health
Diets & Meal Plans

Vitamins Harmful and Useful to Kidney Health

Kidneys are bean-shaped organs present behind the abdominal cavity in the human body. These play a vital role in the filtration and excretory functions of the body. In humans, the left kidney lies at vertebral level T12 and L3 and the right kidney sits below the diaphragm, slightly lower than the left due to asymmetry caused by the position of the liver. Kidneys are complex waste removal systems which sort waste from the body while purifying the blood. Every day, kidneys process around 200 liters of blood and make urine from surplus fluid and unwanted chemicals in the blood. This urine passes out of the body through a narrow tube called urethra. How to maintain healthy kidneys Kidneys are important organs that filter blood and keep the body chemically balanced. Hence, taking good care and eating a balanced diet to keep kidneys healthy is of utmost importance. The human body requires various vitamins for kidneys to help them perform their functions. Vitamin D helps in the renal reabsorption, which is the removal of water and solutes from pre-urine, and returning them to circulating blood. Another one of the important vitamins for kidneys is B complex, which are water-soluble vitamins and good for renal health.
10 High-Protein Foods that are Effective for Weight Loss
Diets & Meal Plans

10 High-Protein Foods that are Effective for Weight Loss

Protein is the most essential nutrient when it comes to weight loss. Consuming a high-protein diet boosts the body’s overall metabolism and helps in controlling hunger pangs. Also, it helps prevent muscle loss and makes you burn more calories. Increasing your daily protein intake is simple. You do not have to restrict anything but just add some natural high-protein foods to your diet. Couple it with a healthy workout regimen and witness the amazing transformation in your body. To get the best results, here is a list of high-protein foods that can be added to your everyday diet to lose weight. Almonds when it comes to high-protein foods, almonds undoubtedly top the list. This delicious nut is a storehouse of protein. One almond contains 0.3 grams of protein and a substantial amount of fiber. Munching on this protein-rich snack can provide a feeling of satiety, which in turn improves appetite control and leads to a reduced calorie intake. Broccoli Usually a nightmare for every kid, broccoli secures the second top spot on our list of high-protein foods. One cup (91grams) of raw and chopped broccoli contains 2.6 grams of protein. Besides, it is also rich in vitamin C and K, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium.