6 things that trigger eczema

6 things that trigger eczema

Eczema is a condition that results in skin inflammation and dry, itchy skin. Rashes typically appear on the arms and behind the knees but can also develop on other parts of the body. Although eczema is a chronic condition, its symptoms can be largely controlled through timely treatment and lifestyle changes. While the exact cause of eczema is unknown, here are a few common triggers contributing to and aggravating the disease:

Food allergies
Food allergies are common eczema triggers that can also worsen the condition. A few common food allergens are gluten, soy, dairy, citrus fruits, and certain fish varieties, such as shellfish. Here, eliminating possible allergens from one’s meals and adding them back one by one can help identify the precise eczema trigger.

Genetic predisposition
Studies have shown that people with a family history of the condition are more likely to develop eczema. Further, mutations in the FLG gene that is responsible for the generation of profilaggrin—a protein found in the epidermis or outermost skin layer—have been found to trigger eczema.

Dry weather conditions
Dry weather can result in a lack of moisture in the skin, triggering itching and eczema. Indoor heating systems used in such weather conditions can aggravate the disease. So, one should invest in a good moisturizer to help the skin retain moisture when experiencing dry weather.

Weak immunity
The immune system enables the body to fight external agents like viruses and bacteria, protecting it against diseases. However, a compromised immune system cannot defend the body, paving the way for inflammation and, consequently, the onset of diseases like eczema.

Dust mites
Exposure to dust mites can trigger an allergic reaction, causing damage to certain skin cells. Individuals with a weak immune system are particularly susceptible to allergies brought on by dust mites.

Pet allergies
Studies have found that about 30% of people in the country experience an allergic response to cats and dogs. In such cases, eczema may be triggered by allergens like pet fur, dander, saliva, and dead skin cells. However, pets alone are unlikely to cause eczema; a combination of risk factors like genetic predisposition, a weak immune system, and a pet allergy can trigger the disease.